All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
93 chapters
A collective gasp rippled through the room, leaving everyone, especially Oliver, in stunned disbelief.“Invalid? It can’t be!” Oliver shouted, his voice tinged with panic.Emily’s eyes gleamed with a mix of triumph and disdain. “Well, it seems that card is as worthless as your clothes and your standing in this school,” she snapped.Oliver’s desperation grew as he tried to salvage the situation. “Try it again. Maybe it was just a network issue,” he pleaded, his voice cracking with urgency.He was baffled. His mother had assured him the card was loaded with $10 billion—how could it be invalid? The exclusive card had been his last hope. “How could this happen?” Oliver stammered.But when Emily tried the card once more, the same message flashed on the screen: Invalid.Her anger flared. She glared at Oliver, her patience finally snapped. "Do you think this is some kind of joke?" she snapped, her voice shaking with rage. "You've wasted my time and everyone else’s! First, you bring outdated
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Oliver let out a sigh of relief and quickly said to the bouncer who had him in a tight grip, “Even if you want to kill me, let me answer this call first.” with a sorry expression. The bouncer, clearly annoyed, grumbled, “Hurry up, or you’re going to regret it even more.”Reluctantly, the bouncer released his grip, after a nod from Emily. Oliver answered the call without hesitation. “Sorry, young master,” Simon’s voice came through the phone. “I had to attend to something quickly.”Oliver nodded in understanding and replied, “No problem. Quick one, Simon, I’m facing some issues right now and I’m in a big mess.”Simon’s concern was evident in his voice. “Young master, are you safe?”“Yeah, I’m good,” Oliver said, trying to stay calm but his voice shaking. “ it's just my card. "what about it young Master?" Simon asked quickly. Oliver's voice was filled with confusion. "I’m not sure. I was just about to use it here, and it’s not working. I tried to make a purchase, and the card is tel
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Oliver, now having the time of his life, sat inside the cinema, basking in the glory of his victory. "What a beautiful thing!" he muttered to himself, unable to contain his satisfaction. He replayed the scenes of the recent events in his mind, savoring the memory of how he had humiliated Harry, the so-called "untouchable Harry."With a smile creeping onto his face, Oliver whispered to himself, "Harry, the battle line has been drawn. I'll make sure I deal with you ten times more than you've done to me."He felt a thrilling rush of victory and excitement. The tables had turned, and Oliver was happy he had made sure Harry never forgot this day.As he relaxed in his newfound power, Oliver knew this was just the start of his comeback story. He was ready to reclaim his dignity and show everyone who had tried to bring him down that he was back and stronger than ever.Meanwhile, his friends, Ben and Jacob, stood in utter shock at the scenes that had just unfolded. They could hardly believe th
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Oliver and his friends were momentarily stunned by the security guard’s comment. They exchanged glances, then erupted into laughter.“We’re here to eat with my friends, not apply for a job,” Oliver said, chuckling. They laughed as they walk past the guard. But the guard stepped in their path, giving them a derisive look. “Well, we don’t allow people like you into our premises,” he said dismissively, looking them up and down through the gate.Oliver frowned at the guard’s response. “Why not?” he asked, puzzled.The guard replied curtly, “Due to our policy and for security purposes, we don’t allow in people who can’t afford our services.”Oliver’s irritation flared. “And who told you we can’t afford your services?” he demanded, now visibly annoyed.The guard eyed Oliver and his friends skeptically. “If you can’t come here in a car, how can you possibly afford our services?” He then raised his voice, “This is the Luxor hotels and not some roadside shops. We don’t allow people who come b
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Oliver returned from the restroom, he was met with chaos. The scene at their table had spiraled out of control. His friends, Jacob and Ben, were being manhandled by the security guards, who had arrived in force. Jacob’s face was flushed with frustration, while Ben looked both anxious and bewildered. The rude waiter who had been cocky all the while stood nearby, her smugness now replaced with a look of vindication. She pointed at Oliver, accusing him of planning to skip out on the bill.Oliver’s surprise quickly turned to anger. The sight of his friends being roughly handled while he had been absent was more than he could bear. His friends were being forcibly restrained by the security guards, and the waiter’s smug expression only fueled his growing anger."What the hell is happening here?” Oliver’s voice cut through the commotion, filled with a mixture of disbelief and fury. But the waiter flared up.“I’ve been observing them ever since they arrived. They’re acting suspiciously and
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The restaurant buzzed with tension. The waiter, now feeling emboldened and almost triumphant, strutted around with a sense of vindication. “It’s about time we caught these criminals! They’re probably regulars trying to steal from us. Glad we got them today!”The security guard, still bristling with anger, proclaimed loudly, “Thieves aren’t allowed here! We don’t tolerate this kind of behavior!”The man searching for his wallet, clearly rattled by the commotion, added his own accusations to the mix.“Look at these guys!” he shouted, his voice filled with frustration. “They’ve been acting all shifty from the moment they walked in. Poor-looking guys like them are always up to something!”He continued, this thieves are going to pay for what they’ve done. I’ll make sure they spend the rest of their lives behind bars. I hate thieves with a passion, and they’re going to get what’s coming to them!"Lila seized the moment with glee. She was already live on Instagram, her phone propped up to ca
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The manager’s words sent a shockwave through the room, and everyone’s attention shifted to Oliver and his friends.The man whose wallet was missing was still fuming, he pointed at Oliver. “He must have stolen that card just like he stole my wallet! This is ridiculous, thieves like him always think they can get away with everything!”Oliver stayed calm and cool, responding, “I didn’t steal anything. Check your facts before you make baseless accusations.”The man was relentless, his voice growing louder. “I’m not letting this go. You’re going to face the consequences, and I’ll make sure you get the full force of the law."Just then, the police officers the wallet owner had called arrived. The man’s face lit up with satisfaction as he saw them. He greeted the officers with a proud smile, clearly relishing the chance to see Oliver in trouble.The man, clearly relishing the moment, pointed at Oliver and his friends with a dramatic flair. “These are the thieves! They ate without paying and t
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As soon as the police officers left, an immense wave of relief washed over the room. It was as if time had stood still, and despite the efficiently working AC, everyone was drenched in sweat. The suffocating tension that had gripped the air finally began to dissipate, leaving everyone catching their breath.The manager, usually composed, wiped his forehead with a trembling hand. The waiter leaned against the wall, his legs barely holding him up, while the security guard exhaled shakily, realizing how close he had come to disasterBen and Jacob, still reeling from the whirlwind of events, stood in stunned silence. Ben's hands were trembling slightly, his eyes wide with disbelief. "I can't believe what just happened," Ben whispered, shaking his head. "Did you see that? A helicopter, the head of police... all for Oliver."Jacob, equally shaken, let out a shaky laugh. "Man, I never knew Oliver had such connections, this is next level. We were about to be taken away, and now look at them,
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The room was filled with a mix of stunned silence and nervous shuffling. The staff exchanged bewildered glances, still grappling with the day's events.Mr. Damon turned to Oliver with a smile. "Mr. Oliver, before I go, I'd like to invite you to my birthday celebration this weekend. It's a good chance to celebrate our successful deal."He reached into his briefcase and handed Oliver an elegant invitation card.With that, Mr. Damon concluded, “I think my business here is done.” He gave a satisfied nod and a final smile before leaving the room.As Mr. Damon left, the room became thick with tension. The staffs stood in uneasy silence, their eyes shifting nervously toward Oliver.The waiter’s face was a mask of disbelief, her eyes wide and mouth slightly open. The security guard's face turned pale, and his hands fidgeted nervously. They never imagined such a sudden and dramatic power shift.The waiter, who had been so confident moments ago, was now a picture of panic. Pale and trembling,
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As Oliver exited the hotel, his friends immediately swarmed him, their faces filled with excitement and bewilderment. "What happened back there?" one of them asked. "How did you pull off getting the head of the police involved?"Oliver, visibly drained from the day’s chaos, barely managed to smile. “Look, I need to get you all back to the dorm. I have to handle something and it’s been a long day,” he said, gesturing for them to follow. He quickly ordered an Uber for his friends, giving them a hurried but genuine apology.The questions kept coming, and the more they looked at him, the more they couldn’t believe how Oliver was handling everything so easily.They couldn't match the struggling student they remembered with this confident person now. “How did you manage all this? Is this really the same Oliver we know?” they whispered, clearly shocked.Oliver’s tiredness got the better of his patience. “I’m too tired to explain everything now, but I'll do that later” he said, stepping into
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