All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
180 chapters
Chapter 51: The Assault on the Goblin Stronghold
That night, under a sky unfamiliar to them, filled with stars they did not recognize, Evan, Aria, and Liam gathered around a small campfire they had made. The quiet of the forest heightened their tension, while the shadow of the large Goblin tent loomed ominously in the distance.Aria broke the silence, "We need to move quickly. We can't stay here for too long. Who knows what's happening in our world right now."Evan nodded, fully aware that every second they spent here could be fatal for those they left behind in Arcadia. "I agree. But we can't be reckless. We need a solid plan before we enter that village. The tent in the middle of the village is clearly the center, and where the large magical power is coming from."Liam, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "If we can reach that tent without being detected, we might be able to get information or even find a way to close the dimensional rift."Aria stared at the campfire seriously. "Tonight we need to assign tasks. Who w
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Chapter 52: The Battle in the Goblin Village
Aria and Liam hurried toward their rendezvous point, but their steps faltered when they saw thick smoke and flames rising from within the Goblin village. Panic and dread spread between them as they stared at the fire beginning to spread around the large tent.Aria looked at Liam anxiously. "Did Evan really start the attack without coordinating with us?"Liam frowned, also looking concerned. "Most likely. But we can't just stand here. We need to find out what's happening and make sure Evan is safe."Aria nodded, and quickly they both decided to turn back toward the Goblin village, but their path to reach Evan was not easily accessible.The route they took was filled with goblins running in fear, trapped in the spreading fire. The closer they got to the large tent, the more goblins they encountered.They had no choice but to confront a group of goblins that had just emerged from the burning tent. Aria and Liam had to fight. Aria drew her magic staff and moved quickly, chanting a wind sp
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Chapter 53: The Fierce Clash and Victory
The battle between Evan and the Goblin Chief entered a new, more intense, and thrilling phase. Inside the destroyed tent, the atmosphere was tense and chaotic, enveloping the space.Evan stood in the middle of the battlefield, now filled with debris and dust, while the large and muscular Goblin Chief moved with surprising strength. The Goblin Chief let out a terrifying roar, and with one swing of his staff surrounded by dark energy, he created a shockwave that swept through the entire area, shaking the ground and forcing Evan to struggle to stay on his feet.Evan dodged the attack with impressive speed, moving across the scattered debris. With quick, trained movements, he swung his sword that emitted a bright blue light, slashing toward the Goblin Chief. However, the Goblin Chief used his staff to parry the attack with immense force, causing magical sparks to fly.Evan realized that his physical attacks were not effective enough against the dark power possessed by the Goblin Chief. He
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Chapter 54: The Beginning of the End
On the television screen, the face of a news anchor appeared pale, his eyes full of concern as he reported the latest news. "We have just received reports that the alien invasion has spread across the globe. Major cities in various countries are now in a state of emergency."In a destroyed home, a small family gathered in front of a still-working television, though its screen was cracked. The father, his face filled with sorrow and despair, clenched his hands, his voice trembling. "We have to leave. We can't stay in this place that's no longer safe. But where? There's no safe place left in this world."His wife, holding their young child in her lap, shook her head gently. "There’s nothing we can do. All we can do is hope... hope that someone comes to save us."In another part of the city, a group of people gathered outside the large building that served as Victor’s headquarters. One man, with eyes full of respect and hope, spoke loudly to the others. "Victor will protect us. He saved
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Chapter 55: Shadows of Ambition
In the heart of Arcadia, the safe zone established by Victor Draven grew increasingly crowded with people seeking refuge. His towering skyscraper stood as a beacon of hope amidst the surrounding devastation. But for Victor, this was more than just a heroic act—it was an opportunity to build a loyal army, bound only to him.The recruitment process within the safe zone was meticulously organized. Victor didn’t want just anyone in his ranks. In the skyscraper’s grand lobby, a long table was set up specifically for registration and selection. Young men eager to join had to undergo rigorous screening.First, they faced intense physical tests under the supervision of seasoned fighters who had long served Victor. These tests were designed to measure strength, endurance, and basic combat skills. Only those who passed with satisfactory results could proceed to the next stage.Next, they underwent psychological evaluation. Victor wanted to ensure that only those with high loyalty and strong men
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Chapter 56: Conquest Team
In the high-ceilinged meeting room at the Ironfist family stronghold, Liam gathered Evan, Aria, and several of the family elders. The room was dimly lit by oil lamps, casting a serious atmosphere that reflected the gravity of the situation.Liam stood at the head of a large table, with a map of Arcadia spread out before him. The map highlighted various locations, including the dimensional gate still open in the city. After a moment, Liam looked at those assembled, his expression conveying determination and resolve."Thank you for coming," Liam began, his voice authoritative. "The situation in Arcadia is worsening. We know that the dimensional gate open in the city could bring new threats. We must act swiftly to close this gate before things spiral out of control."Evan and Aria stood by Liam’s side, ready to listen to their next instructions. The elders of the Ironfist family also paid close attention, fully aware of the seriousness of the matter.Liam continued, "After considering al
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Chapter 57: Shadows of Doubt and Dark Ambitions
Isolde Vesper walked slowly along the main road of the safe zone, her silver eyes sweeping over the disheartening sights around her. Starving and exhausted refugees lay on the sidewalks, some curled up under tattered blankets, trying to survive the cold night air. The ruined buildings and makeshift tents bore silent witness to the destruction and suffering that had befallen the city.Isolde moved gracefully, her long white hair cascading down her back, a stark contrast to the darkness and despair surrounding her. She was a striking figure, not just for her beauty but for the calm and determination evident in every movement. Yet, beneath that serene exterior, her heart was in turmoil.As she walked, a few refugees looked at her with desperate hope, wishing she brought good news or at least some aid. But Isolde could only bow her head slightly, feeling powerless despite being an executive with authority.As she passed a nearly collapsed tent, Isolde heard a faint voice from behind her,
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Chapter 58: The Diverging Paths
Under the bright morning sky, ten members of the scouting team stood tall in front of the main gate of the Ironfist family's residence. A cold wind blew, carrying with it the whispered prayers of the families standing behind them, sending the scouts off with a mixture of hope and worry. The ten members consisted of seven men and three women, each standing with their heads held high, ready to face the dangers that awaited them in the otherworld.Among them, a young woman stood calmly, though her heart pounded with nervousness. She was Celeste Ironfist, the granddaughter of the Ironfist family leader and a direct cousin of Liam Ironfist. She was of the same age as Evan and Aria, but the determination in her eyes showed that she was ready to face whatever awaited beyond the dimensional gate. Despite mastering all the martial arts of the Ironfist family, Celeste knew she still lacked field combat experience. However, the courage and confidence inherited from her family made her undaunted.
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Chapter 59: The Ambush in the Mists
When Isolde arrived at the scene of the attack, the sight that greeted her was far from ordinary. Victor’s usually confident forces were now cowering in fear behind the ruins of buildings, their weapons clutched tightly but lacking the courage to advance. The atmosphere was tense, the air heavy with the faint smell of gunpowder and blood.“What’s happening here?” Isolde asked firmly, her gaze sweeping the area in search of any hidden threats.Before anyone could answer, a high-pitched sound broke the silence. An arrow shot swiftly from the shadows, aimed directly at Isolde. But with remarkable reflexes, Isolde quickly raised her hand and caught the arrow in mid-air, as if catching a small ball.However, as her fingers gripped the arrow’s shaft, Isolde sensed something unusual. A sharp, foreign odor—like burning gunpowder—emitted from the arrowhead. Instantly, realization dawned on her. This was not just an ordinary arrow; it was an explosive arrow designed to obliterate its target wit
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Chapter 60: The Unseen Siege
Under Liam’s strong leadership, the team formed a defensive circle. Aria, Celeste, and Merlin, who served as the medic, were positioned at the center of this protective formation.The seven men with shields carefully positioned themselves, raising their shields to deflect the relentless rain of arrows. Each shield clanged loudly as arrows struck, the sound echoing through the dense fog.Liam, standing resolute outside the circle, shouted loudly to keep everyone focused and vigilant. “Stay alert! Maintain your positions!”Meanwhile, Aria used wind magic to help deflect arrows that slipped past the shields. The powerful wind she generated blew some arrows off course, reducing their speed and accuracy.Celeste, despite her fear, remained focused on her role. She prayed that the shields would hold against the continuous barrage. Beside her, Merlin tried to calm Celeste and provide medical support if needed.The ongoing onslaught of arrows kept them all on edge, but thanks to Liam’s strate
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