All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
180 chapters
Chapter 61: The Vanishing Foes
Liam and the rest of the team were finally able to take a slight breath of relief as the rain of arrows ceased. Though still cautious, the team felt a bit more at ease after surviving the wave of attacks.However, their relief was short-lived. A loud explosion echoed from the distance, reverberating through the fog. Aria, who had been trying to regain some strength after protecting the team with her wind magic, was immediately alarmed. Her expression turned to one of worry as she realized the source of the explosion.“It must be Evan!” Aria shouted, panic-stricken, her voice breaking through the chaos. “He’s fighting out there!”Liam responded quickly, his eyes filled with concern. “We can’t just stay here. If Evan needs help, we must move fast!”He ordered the team to prepare, despite some members still being injured from the previous attack. “Everyone, get ready to move. We need to catch up with Evan and make sure he’s safe!”Aria, still anxious, helped tend to some of the injured t
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Chapter 62: Shadows of the Mountain
In the city of Arcadia, Isolde Vesper stood amidst the ruins, scanning her surroundings with vigilance. She had managed to fend off the alien creatures using her ice powers, but the battle had not yielded satisfactory results. Although she had repelled many of them and protected the refugees, the creatures had managed to escape and spread to other areas.Isolde felt frustrated as she realized that this time, the enemies seemed more intelligent and skilled compared to previous attacks. "They're not only more numerous and stronger," Isolde muttered to herself, "they also seem to know how to avoid attacks and employ strategies."Looking around at the debris and scattered areas, Isolde reflected on the situation she faced. "They know how to move and hide amidst the chaos. It's not just about physical strength anymore; they seem to have more refined plans and tactics."Isolde attempted to contact Victor via communication devices, hoping for further instructions or perhaps additional assist
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Chapter 63: The Ritual and the Vigil
In a dark room filled with the stench of blood and sulfur, Victor’s minions moved swiftly, carefully arranging the corpses within a magical circle. Their murmured movements were faint amidst the ongoing ritual. Victor stood at the center of the circle, flanked by five artifacts glowing with magical power.“Quickly! Ensure all the bodies are placed in the correct positions!” Victor commanded sharply. His voice echoed in the silence of the room. “Every detail must be perfect if we want this ritual to succeed.”One of the executives, a sorcerer in a black robe, asked with a trembling voice, “Master Victor, this ritual is extremely dangerous. We could open a gateway to a dimension we cannot control.”Victor eyed him sharply. “Do not worry. We have the power to handle any threats from other dimensions.”Another executive standing next to Victor looked on with concern. “I hope this doesn’t spiral out of control.”Victor turned to him with a cold gaze. “Everything is for a greater purpose. W
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Chapter 64: The Unseen Threat
As morning came, the soft sunlight began to touch the surface of the cave. Aria woke up with a sense of drowsiness and confusion. She found herself asleep in front of a campfire, with Evan's jacket covering her. Her feet felt warm from the fire, while the cool morning air touched her face.Aria sat up startled, quickly realizing her situation. She saw Evan sitting by the campfire, smiling gently at her. Aria immediately noticed the jacket draped over her and felt somewhat awkward.“Oh, sorry,” Aria said, her voice tinged with embarrassment as she removed the jacket and stood up. “I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep here.”Evan chuckled softly, remaining seated. “You don’t need to apologize. I saw you were exhausted, so I decided to let you rest.”Aria looked at Evan with a mixed expression of embarrassment and gratitude. “Thank you. I really was very tired. I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble.”Evan shook his head, maintaining his gentle smile. “No need to worry about that. We all
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Chapter 65: The Silent Valley's Shadow
After they successfully overcame the traps in the valley path, the atmosphere became quiet and tense. The rocks that had been falling from above were now still, as if the entire dimension had taken a deep breath, waiting for something bigger to happen. Liam signaled the team to keep moving, even though they all felt the same tension.Evan walked at the front, his eyes sharp, scanning every corner of the valley they passed through. He could sense that this calm was a bad omen. A sudden silence like this rarely meant anything good. As someone who had fought various enemies, Evan knew all too well that a clever foe always reserved their best attack for the most unexpected moments.“This is too quiet,” Evan muttered softly, just loud enough for Aria, who was walking beside him, to hear.Aria nodded in agreement, her face reflecting the same anxiety. “Yes, it’s as if they’re waiting for something... or maybe they’re preparing something bigger.”Evan nodded but said nothing more. In his min
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Chapter 66: Shadows of the Kobold Lair
Days passed slowly, as if time itself was against them. It had been a week since Evan and his group entered a dimension full of strangeness and unseen dangers. Throughout this time, they kept moving forward, with no certainty of what awaited them ahead. However, their mental state began to show signs of collapse. The constant silence and pressure they faced, coupled with the lack of adequate rest, began to take a toll on the psychological state of some group members. Celeste, who was usually calm and attentive, began to show signs of severe mental exhaustion. Her voice, usually gentle and caring, now often sounded sharp and filled with frustration. Every small mistake made by other group members, which she would have previously ignored, now became a reason for her to explode in sudden anger. "You’re all too slow! We’ll never get out of here if you keep this up!" she shouted one night as they set up camp after a full day of walking. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were filled with
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Chapter 67: The Silent Reaper
Inside the cave, the cold, damp air greeted them. Every step they took echoed, as if calling something from within the darkness. Evan pressed forward, holding the torch. He tried to sense the presence of kobolds with his abilities, but everything felt silent—too silent. This only strengthened the feeling that they were truly in enemy territory.The deeper they ventured, the stronger Evan felt that something was wrong. Occasionally, he felt vibrations beneath his feet, as if something was moving far below the ground. He didn’t know whether it was just his imagination or if there was really something waiting for them in the depths.Nevertheless, he remained calm and focused, ensuring that his group moved cautiously. They didn’t know what they would find inside, but they all knew they had to be ready for anything.As they continued their journey within the cave, Evan became increasingly convinced that they were getting closer to their goal. In his heart, he hoped that this decision would
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Chapter 68: The Arena of Shadows
In the grand hall of the Ironfist family, the atmosphere was thick with tension and worry. Ten hours had passed in the outside world, which meant ten days had gone by for Evan, Celeste, and their team in that mysterious dimension. The light from the magnificent chandelier, usually warm and inviting, now felt dim under the shadow of anxiety that filled the room.Maria Walker sat in one of the chairs, tightly gripping her husband Daniel's hand. Her face was pale, and her eyes stared blankly ahead, as if searching for hope in the midst of darkness. Beside them, Elena Ironfist stood tall, though her face betrayed the same tension. Elena's eyes occasionally glanced at the door, as if hoping someone would come with good news.One of the Ironfist elders present in the hall tried to offer some comfort. “They are trained individuals. Evan and Aria are strong children. We must believe they will return safely.”Maria nodded slightly, though her heart could not fully accept the words of reassuran
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Chapter 69: The Final Stand in the Underground Hall
The battle in the underground hall reached an unparalleled intensity. Thousands of kobolds, though individually weak, attacked simultaneously with all manner of weapons and traps. Exhaustion began to weigh heavily on Evan and his team, but they had to hold their ground.Aria stood at the frontline, wielding her wind magic. She conjured protective walls of wind that shielded against arrows and other projectiles. Additionally, shadows she summoned with her magic served as counterattacks, sweeping away kobolds that dared approach with deadly force. In the chaos, Aria appeared as an unshakeable guardian, maintaining the team's formation and minimizing the onslaught from all directions.On the other side, Liam fought with an aggressive and destructive style. Every movement he made unleashed waves of energy that obliterated the kobolds' ranks in a single strike. His actions were filled with skill and power, clearing out any enemies that dared to come near.Celeste Ironfist, who had remained
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Title: Chapter 70 - The Last Stand
Evan stood in the middle of the grand Colosseum, panting heavily, sweat pouring down his face. He had to find a solution before they were defeated.Evan’s eyes scanned the surroundings. He was looking for the dimensional gate, similar to the one they had seen in the Goblin tent, but as far as he could see, there was no gate around. While attacking and defending, Evan gave the command."Liam?! Do you remember the dimensional gate we encountered in the Goblin dimension?!" Evan shouted amidst the battle."Yes, I remember!!" Liam replied briefly."The dimensional gate isn't visible around here! Liam, lead the others to find that gate! I'll hold them off here!"Aria, who was catching her breath, looked at Evan with a worried expression. "What do you mean?! You can't face them alone!""This is not the time to argue!" Evan replied firmly. "If we don't find that gate, we'll be trapped here! I can hold them off, so you guys have to go now!!"Liam, who was usually full of energy, hesitated for
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