All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
180 chapters
Chapter 71: Shadows of Grief
At the Ironfist residence, a place usually filled with joy and laughter, now only sorrow and deep sadness could be felt. As Liam, Aria, Celeste, Merlin, and Sergio entered through the front gate, they were greeted by faces full of grief and concern. Maria, Evan's mother, stood in the middle of the crowd, her expression reflecting the weight of the news they had received.Liam, usually accustomed to pressure, felt an overwhelming emotional burden as he took in the scene. He stepped forward, trying to deliver the news carefully, though his voice was heavy with sorrow. "We have returned, but... not all of us made it back."Liam's words touched the hearts of everyone in the crowd. Maria immediately covered her mouth, struggling to hold back the sobs that were already threatening to escape. Beside her, the Ironfist family and close friends of those who had embarked on the journey felt a deep sense of loss.In the midst of the thick sorrow, Aria, who was usually strong and resilient, could
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Chapter 72: Shadows of Mourning
The next day, the vast field in front of the Ironfist residence was filled with many people. They gathered to hold a somber funeral ceremony for the heroes who had fought until the end in another dimension. White tents were set up around the field, and half-mast flags hung along the edges as a sign of respect.In the midst of the ceremony, families and friends dressed in black delivered speeches and laid flowers on the altar that had been prepared. Tears were visible on many faces, and the atmosphere was filled with deep sorrow and sincere respect. Liam stood at the front, his body still injured but standing tall as a representation of the courage and leadership the heroes had shown. Beside him, Celeste was also present, though she looked utterly heartbroken. Her mother, Elena, stood behind her, offering moral support with a compassionate gaze.However, amidst the atmosphere of honor, one figure was conspicuously absent from the crowd. Aria, who should have been standing with them, ch
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Chapter 73: The Weight of New Beginnings
Evan emerged from the shattered cave, surrounded by debris and darkness. His steps were slow, each movement filled with exhaustion and confusion. As he advanced further, a new system message suddenly broke the oppressive silence.New Quest Received: Conquer Tenebros, the World You Now Inhabit.The message echoed in his ears, bringing with it a new burden to bear. Evan paused, surveying the grim and unfamiliar environment around him. Tenebros, the world he now found himself in, was the next challenge he had to face. A mix of alertness, fatigue, and determination enveloped him.Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Evan resolved to tackle this daunting quest. It was his only option now to survive and uncover the secrets of this world. The battle with the Kobolds had made him realize how far he still had to go in terms of strength. He needed to become much stronger.Unaware of what was happening in Arcadia City, Evan hoped that his friends there would return safely. With renewed determ
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Chapter 74: The Rise of Blue Sky and the Ironfist's Resolve
After Victor's takeover of Arcadia, his focus shifted entirely away from the remaining artifacts or even from Evan and Aria. With them now out of the public eye and his mother no longer keeping him on guard, Victor no longer thought about them. His primary focus was now on consolidating his power and pursuing new sources of strength.Several months after the chaos, the outside world began to notice Victor's dominance over Arcadia. Surrounding cities and other nations, struggling with the ongoing crisis, started reaching out to Victor to form a grand alliance. They hoped that with Victor's assistance, they could quell the crisis and save the world from further devastation.In a grand meeting held within Arcadia’s safe zone, nearly every nation was represented, each bringing their delegates to discuss the next steps. This meeting became a pivotal moment where the fate of the world was to be decided. Victor, with his political acumen and the power he had built, seized this opportunity to
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Chapter 75: Descent into Desperation
Evan trudged forward with heavy steps, each one feeling more meaningless in the vast emptiness of the barren plains. Exhaustion seeped into his bones, and the gnawing hunger clawed at his insides, making his thoughts spiral between despair and the faint hope of some stroke of luck. Around him, the rocky hills loomed high, presenting a monotonous and bleak landscape. Occasionally, his eyes would catch sight of some mushrooms growing on the cliff walls, but he hesitated. The color and shape of the mushrooms were too unfamiliar, and his instincts warned that they might be nature’s traps—more dangerous than life-saving.In his doubt, Evan tried to recall the survival lessons from his childhood. "When in doubt, don't consume," he muttered softly, almost like a mantra. With an empty stomach and a wandering mind, he knew that one small mistake could be fatal. He averted his gaze from the mushrooms and continued his journey, hoping for something safer ahead. Meanwhile, the shadows of the ston
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Chapter 76: The Will to Survive
When Evan thought all hope was lost, he suddenly sensed something moving in the marsh. His weakened body tensed up, and his survival instincts kicked in. He sharpened his senses, making sure what he felt wasn’t just an illusion born from his faltering mind. After a few moments, he was certain it wasn’t a mere figment of his imagination. Something real was moving in the murky water.Quickly, Evan stood and drew the Blade of Eternity, the weapon that had accompanied him through many battles. The sword gleamed faintly in the dim light that surrounded the marshes. Cautiously, he stepped further into the water, ready to face whatever might appear. Every step was slow and deliberate, despite his heart pounding in his chest.Suddenly, a creature leaped out of the water before him. Time seemed to freeze as Evan watched it—a fish darting through the air. His body moved faster than his mind; with a swift motion, he swung his sword. The Blade of Eternity sliced through the fish in mid-air with p
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Chapter 77: Shadows of War
In a world teeming with Lizardmen, Aria moved like an untouchable shadow, radiating an aura of undeniable power. Beneath a blood-red sky above a dense forest with towering trees, she and her team were locked in a fierce battle. Her body moved with mesmerizing agility, blending magic and swordsmanship in a deadly harmony.With a swift motion, Aria drew her sword, a slender blade that gleamed with a soft blue light. As a group of Lizardmen emerged from the shadows of the trees, she remained undaunted. Her blue eyes burned with determination, her focus unbroken.Aria began with a simple gesture, raising her left hand and uttering an incantation. The air around her trembled, and in an instant, a glowing magical circle appeared on the ground, emanating a dark aura. In a flash, from the circle, shadowy spears shot out with lightning speed, piercing the body of one Lizardman, causing green blood to spurt out.But that was just the beginning of the deadly dance Aria was about to perform. Grac
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Chapter 78: Endless Struggles in Tenebros
Evan wandered through Tenebros without rest, his steps weighed down by the growing fatigue that seemed to intensify with each passing day. Since being trapped in this world, his hope of finding a dimensional gate that could bring him home had dwindled. At first, he encountered only ferocious kobolds, but the further he ventured, the more types of monsters he encountered—creatures that were stronger, more dangerous, and possessed extraordinary abilities that made each battle a matter of life and death.Every day in Tenebros was an endless struggle. One gloomy morning, Evan was startled by a pack of wolves with jet-black fur and glowing red eyes, emerging from the shadows of dead trees. They attacked with terrifying speed, biting and clawing ferociously. Evan responded with incredible reflexes, swinging his Blade of Eternity and cutting the creatures in half. Though his body was bloodied and bruised, Evan kept fighting, cornered but not giving up. With the fire magic he conjured, Evan i
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Chapter 79: Whispers in the Darkness
That night, the rain poured heavily, shrouding all of Tenebros in darkness and the heart-pounding sound of raindrops. The cold wind bit into the skin, as if forcing anyone still outside to seek shelter. Evan, who had been fighting all day, found a cave deep enough to shield him from the bad weather. With heavy steps, he entered it, ignoring the exhaustion gnawing at his body. Inside the cave, there was only the sound of water droplets echoing from the ceiling to the stones below, creating a monotonous rhythm that, strangely, brought him a sense of peace.After ensuring the cave was safe, Evan sat in its darkest corner, where the wind couldn’t reach. He took a deep breath, trying to warm his cold body. On the cave wall, his strong fingers began etching words in a nearly forgotten language. Each letter he carved into the stone was an effort to maintain his sanity, a way to remember who he truly was. The language he used was from his world—a world he had long left behind, but one that st
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Chapter 80: Endless Trials
The days continued to pass in Tenebros, with Evan living his life in an unending cycle of battles, despair, and loneliness. Amidst these hardships, he found himself growing stronger—not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. In a world filled with cruelty and uncertainty, Evan was forged into a resilient and fearless individual. Every step he took was a test of his resolve, and each test brought him closer to a version of himself that even he no longer recognized.His battles were not just a matter of physical strength but also extraordinary magic. Before him, monsters with magical powers from various elements—fire, water, wind, earth—emerged one after another, each more dangerous than the last. There were monsters that could incinerate everything in an instant, others that could freeze anything they touched, and some that could manipulate thoughts and emotions. Evan faced them all with unwavering courage, even though every battle could be his last.The battlefield als
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