All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
180 chapters
Chapter 81: Steps Toward Freedom
The idea made Evan's heart beat faster. The hope that had almost died suddenly reignited, even if just a flicker. If there were other humans in this world, perhaps they could help him find a way out, or at least provide answers to the questions that had plagued him all this time. Without hesitation, Evan stepped closer to the building, scrutinizing every detail. But as he drew nearer, a sense of caution crept back into him. Tenebros was not a welcoming place, and anything here could be a deadly trap. Evan felt a strange coldness enveloping the area, making his skin crawl. Yet, his curiosity outweighed his fear, and he continued forward until he finally stood before the large door made of thick wood that had decayed with time. Evan touched the door's surface, feeling its rough texture under his hand. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage, and slowly pushed the door. It opened with a deafening creak, as if its hinges hadn't been moved for centuries. Inside, darkness filled th
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Chapter 82: The Guardian's Challenge
After pressing Evan, Dragomir, with a calm and dignified demeanor, walked towards the altar and sat upon the ancient, intricately carved stone altar. A faint smile on his face gave the impression of great wisdom and knowledge, yet remained haughty. Dragomir’s deep, resonant voice filled the cavern as he began to speak.“So, Evan, tell me about the world you come from. What is your home like, and what do you do in your world?” Dragomir asked with genuine curiosity.Despite kneeling and feeling weakened by Dragomir’s pressure, Evan lifted his head and gazed at Dragomir with a wary expression. “What do you want from me? Why do you want to know about my world and my story?”Dragomir smiled gently, appearing relaxed and without malice. “I simply wish to converse. I have guarded this world for a long time, and rarely do I interact with beings from outside like you. I want to better understand the world you come from and the journey you have undertaken.”Evan remained suspicious but felt com
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Chapter 83: The Endless Struggle
The cycle of battle between Evan and Dragomir continued unabated. Evan tried various strategies and techniques, from the strongest attacks to the most complex magic combinations, yet Dragomir remained unshaken. Each day, Evan launched more intense assaults, but Dragomir simply stood calmly, enduring every blow with unwavering patience.Between their fighting sessions, Dragomir would sit on the altar and invite Evan to converse. They discussed various topics—from the philosophy of power to Evan's past experiences. Although Dragomir showed no signs of fatigue, Evan grew increasingly frustrated. These dialogues became a routine outside of the fights, giving Evan a chance to reflect and learn more about himself and his surroundings.Time passed slowly. Months and years went by, and Evan felt the burden growing heavier. He struggled to distinguish between days of relentless combat and days of conversing with Dragomir. When Evan felt on the verge of giving up, Dragomir would pose questions
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Chapter 84: The First Wound
Inside the temple where Dragomir resided, the battle between Evan and Dragomir became increasingly intense and deadly. Each time Evan's sword struck Dragomir's defenses, the energy vibrations shook the entire temple. Large stones fell from the ceiling, and the temple walls trembled violently, creating long cracks.Lightning bolts generated by their clashing energies flashed through the air, as if the sky above the temple were alight with lightning. The force released with every attack created shockwaves that reverberated, shaking the ground around the temple until the whole world felt it. The sound of their powers colliding echoed like thunder, creating explosions that drowned out all other sounds."Good, Evan," Dragomir said with a resonating voice. "I didn’t expect you to make me move a little."Evan, still in his attacking stance, responded with determination, "This is just the beginning. I won’t stop until I can fully penetrate your defenses."Dragomir simply smiled, enjoying the
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Chapter 85: The Return and the New Challenge
Evan walked slowly through the darkness of the forest, but to him, the darkness was not an obstacle. His sharp vision allowed him to capture every detail, even in low light. Every tree, every whisper of the wind, and every shadow around him hinted that this place was different from the forests of Tenebros he had known. Yet, there was something strangely familiar—like pieces of a memory slowly surfacing.The air he breathed felt fresher, filled with the scent of damp earth and leaves blown by the night wind. The stars twinkling above, the low-hanging moon, the towering trees, and the occasional sounds of nocturnal animals—all of it seemed to awaken something long buried in his memory. A memory of a past nearly forgotten.Evan suddenly stopped walking. His eyes fixed on an owl perched on the branch of a large tree. The owl stared back at him with sharp, meaningful eyes, as if it knew something Evan himself had not fully realized. Evan's heart beat faster. He tried to contain the hope sl
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Chapter 86: The Return of the Lost Warrior
Evan walked slowly among the trees, his steps cautious yet resolute. With each passing second, each leaf rustling in the night wind, the strange yet familiar feeling enveloping him grew stronger. This forest, though different from the dark and dangerous woods of Tenebros, had a soothing atmosphere, like a home he once left behind. The night air in Arcadia felt so familiar, as if whispering old memories long buried deep in his heart.Evan took a deep breath, feeling the cold air that reminded him of the past. "How long has it been since I left this world?" he murmured softly, his voice almost lost among the breeze. "Nothing seems to have changed. Did I spend a long time in Tenebros?" He pondered the thought, wondering how long he had been trapped in that cruel and dark world. "My body may look young, but that's all thanks to the regeneration ability I possess."Evan's face and body, despite showing signs of exhaustion and the harsh life he had endured, still appeared as someone in thei
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Chapter 87: The Dimensional Gates and the Falling Dragon
Evan walked with determined steps, but suddenly stopped in the middle of his journey. Something important struck him—he had forgotten the way back to the Ironfist family residence. Evan felt a moment of confusion. The city of Arcadia had changed so much during his time trapped in Tenebros, and the streets that were once familiar now seemed foreign to him. He considered whether he should fly and get a bird's-eye view, but quickly realized that would attract unwanted attention. Flying over the city with his strange clothes and suspicious appearance was not a wise idea.While contemplating, Evan felt hungry and finally decided to sit down and enjoy the food he brought with him. He prepared a piece of venison he had hunted earlier. The meat was simply roasted, yet its aroma and taste brought a certain nostalgia. It was the best venison he had ever eaten, perhaps not because of its flavor, but because of how much he had missed such food after years trapped in a foreign world. After finishi
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Chapter 88: Battle at the Edge of Fate
The battle against the Falling Dragon raged on, with the Ironfist Hunters giving their all. Yet, the colossal dragon seemed invincible. Its tough scales and extraordinary magical resistance rendered every attack they launched ineffective.Sergio, Pablo, and John, usually the group’s main protectors, struggled in vain. Their shields were shattered in an instant by the dragon's acidic breath. “We can't hold it back!” Sergio shouted, despair etched on his face.Aria and Celeste, who had been fighting tirelessly, began to feel frustration. “Our attacks aren't leaving any real wounds!” Aria exclaimed as she hurled her weapon with all her strength, but it still had no effect on the Falling Dragon.Jena, still attempting to use her ice magic, alongside Hugo with his fire aura, had no success. “All our efforts are in vain!” Jena cried, her voice echoing through the cave in frustration.Alaric, a highly skilled archer, continued trying to target the dragon's eyes. “We need an attack that can p
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Chapter 89: The Return of a Legend
Evan approached the Ironfist family’s group outside the dimensional gate with quick steps. His disheveled appearance, clad in rough, dirty animal skins, made several members of the Ironfist family prepare to attack. They assumed this figure might be a new threat. However, Evan quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and shouted with a voice full of conviction."Who are you?! Stop right there!!" one of the guards yelled, raising a sword towards Evan."I am Evan Walker, an ally of the Ironfist family from the past!" he shouted, trying to ensure that everyone could hear.The name Evan Walker, long remembered, sparked doubt and astonishment among them. The Ironfist family, especially those who had been with the family for a long time, knew that Evan was dead. His strange and filthy appearance added to their confusion. They exchanged glances, finding it hard to believe that the figure standing before them was truly the Evan they knew."Impossible!" one of the guards exclaimed. "
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Chapter 90: The Return of Hope
Aria and Celeste struggled to stand, leaning on each other in their weakened state. They stared in disbelief at the battle unfolding before them. The dragon that had nearly killed them all was now under immense pressure. Evan, with his extraordinary agility and strength, was overwhelming the beast, forcing it to lose control.Celeste pinched her arm, trying to confirm that this wasn’t a dream. “Aria, is this real? Are we really seeing Evan fight that dragon?”Celeste could only nod, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. “I never imagined I’d see this day. He… he’s really back.”The battle within the cave was a breathtaking spectacle. Evan moved with a speed and precision that the massive dragon could hardly match. Wielding the Blade of Eternity, every slash and thrust from Evan was perfectly coordinated and lethal. The dragon, once an impressive force with its power and resilient scales, now seemed like a mere plaything against Evan's incredible abilities.Evan deftly dodged ever
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