All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
180 chapters
Chapter 91: Reunions and Farewells
That night, after years of disappearance, Evan stood before a mirror, gazing at his reflection that had changed so much. The large mirror in the room reflected a figure who had undergone numerous transformations. His once black hair had turned white, a transformation possibly caused by age or the effects of years spent in Tenebros. His formerly robust physique now exuded more authority. He had left behind a past filled with hardships and now stood as a new person, shaped by his journeys and experiences. Evan carefully tidied himself up. He shaved the mustache and beard that had grown over the years in that foreign place. Now, his clean-shaven face radiated an aura of tranquility and strength. His long, flowing white hair gave an elegant yet powerful impression, reflecting all the experiences and sufferings he had endured. His sharp gaze, now filled with wisdom and calmness, stared back from the mirror, as if challenging himself to keep moving forward. He felt as though there was a pa
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Chapter 92: Bonds of Resilience
The next day, Evan walked slowly toward the medical room, each step weighed down by the burden he carried. The atmosphere around the room was calm yet filled with tension. Doctors and nurses were busy tending to the wounded, and the smell of antiseptic filled the air.Evan opened the door to the medical room and stepped inside. Inside, Liam lay on the bed, his face pale and tired. A large bandage covered one of Liam's arms, and though he tried to appear strong, the pain was evident on his face. Liam looked at Evan with eyes full of gratitude, though he couldn’t fully express how much Evan's presence meant at that moment.Evan approached and stood beside Liam's bed. "Liam," he greeted softly, "how are you feeling?""Better than yesterday," Liam replied. "Thank you for coming, Evan. I'm grateful to see you again."Evan glanced at Liam’s left arm, which had to be sacrificed in the fight against the falling dragon. "I'm sorry I was late. If I had come sooner, maybe this wouldn't have happ
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Chapter 93: Return to the Training Grounds
Evan left Riley's room with a lighter heart, his steps carrying him toward the training grounds. As he entered the area, he was greeted by a scene vastly different from what he remembered. Intense training, the clash of weapons, and enthusiastic cheers filled the air. This was where the Ironfist family members trained hard, and Evan could sense the strong atmosphere of determination and dedication.He stepped to the edge of the field and observed the martial artists practicing under the guidance of an instructor. Zeke, the leader of the elite squad who had once gone to fetch Evan during the battle against Darius, was seen leading the training. Though Zeke appeared older and more authoritative than Evan remembered, his movements were still full of agility and confidence.Evan approached Zeke with a smile. "Zeke, it's good to see you again. I can see you all have made impressive progress."Zeke turned and smiled. "Evan, you're back at last! We were all so happy to hear you were safe and
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Chapter 94: A New Resolve
After an exhausting day, Evan finally sat with his parents in the warm and cozy living room. Maria, sitting beside him, held his hand lovingly, unable to believe that her son had truly returned. Daniel sat in the chair next to her, watching Evan with a look of pride and relief."So, tell us about what you've experienced all this time," Daniel said, his voice full of curiosity. "We're all eager to hear about your journey."Evan began recounting his story with enthusiasm, sharing the various experiences and challenges he had faced over the years. He talked about the new world he had entered, encounters with various creatures, and the lessons he learned throughout his journey. Maria and Daniel listened intently, occasionally asking questions or expressing their amazement.In the middle of their warm conversation, Aria approached them. Her presence brightened the atmosphere even more. Aria, who had become part of the Ironfist family during Evan's absence, seemed very close to the family.
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Chapter 95: Preparations for the Unseen Battle
In the safe zone of Arcadia City, the atmosphere was tense and filled with exhaustion after an important executive meeting. Ten key executives, each leading large groups within their organization, gathered in a luxurious conference room. Despite sitting in comfortable chairs, their expressions showed deep fatigue and anxiety.The forces they sent to the Level 6 Dimensional Gate numbered 50, the largest deployment they had ever undertaken. However, only 15 returned, many of them severely injured. The decision to attack and seize control of the Level 6 Dimensional Gate had left a significant impact, not only on the physical condition of their troops but also on their morale and reputation.The executives were well aware of the grim reality of the operation's outcome, but they chose to hide the truth. In front of the public and the entire world, they claimed that they had successfully conquered the Level 6 Dimensional Gate. They framed this victory as a great achievement that demonstrate
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Chapter 96: The Weight of Guilt and a New Order
In a small house located on the outskirts of Arcadia City, Isolde sat in the warm living room with her mother. The cold air outside seemed incapable of penetrating the warmth within their home. Yet, despite the cozy atmosphere, Isolde's heart was filled with deep anxiety and guilt.Isya, a woman with graying hair but still radiating gentleness and strength, watched her daughter attentively. Isolde rarely appeared so lost in thought, and it made her mother worry."Mother," Isolde's voice was soft, almost a whisper. "I feel like a coward."Isya frowned. "Why do you say that, dear? You just returned from a very difficult battle. Everyone knows how brave you are."Isolde shook her head slowly, her gaze fixed on the wooden floor beneath her feet. "Mother, I did come back, but I returned with a tremendous fear. I saw my friends fighting, some of them sacrificing their lives. While I... I was too scared to stay there. I wanted to fight, to help them, but my body wouldn't move. I chose to sav
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Chapter 97: The Ironfist Family's Resolve
The Ironfist family remained steadfast in their mission, undeterred by the plans announced by Blue Sky. To them, rankings were just numbers, and they refused to be measured by a system created by someone they didn’t trust. Their focus was on preparing for a far more important mission: entering the level 5 dimensional gate, one of the greatest challenges the family had ever faced. After a week of intense training and preparation, the long-awaited day finally arrived.At the Ironfist family’s headquarters, the atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation. All the family members and practitioners gathered in the main courtyard, eyes fixed on the dimensional gate that stood tall, emanating an aura of mystery and menace. The gate seemed to challenge anyone daring enough to enter.Evan stood at the front, his posture firm and his expression calm. Inside, he felt a mix of emotions—excitement, caution, and a burning desire to face this challenge. Though he had faced life-and-death situa
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Chapter 98: The Frost-Bound Battlefield
As the Ironfist family team stepped out of the portal from the Level 5 dimensional gate, they found themselves on a vast plain covered in thick snow. The bone-chilling air immediately gripped them, their breaths visible in the icy mist that hung around them. The white snow reflected the dim light from the gray sky, giving the place a sense of not just physical coldness, but also a darkness and danger lurking beneath its surface.Zeke, leading the group, quickly took control of the situation. He donned his helmet, equipped with communication and temperature sensors, and issued instructions through the internal communication system. "Activate your body heaters. Make sure you turn on the thermal shields to reduce the effects of this extreme cold," he ordered firmly.They all promptly followed his command, activating the equipment they had prepared. The sound of thermal shields powering up echoed amidst the howling wind that blew snow across their faces, providing some warmth and protecti
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Chapter 99: The Icy Trial
The first Ice Golem attacked, swinging its massive arm with enough force to shatter a mountain. Yet Evan calmly dodged, his movements so fast that he seemed like a shadow, impossible to grasp. Every blow from the golem missed, crashing into the ground and shattering the surrounding ice, but Evan remained untouched.With astonishing speed, Evan leaped into the air, his sword—Blade of Eternity—glowing with a cold blue light. With a single slash, he struck the Ice Golem's arm, shattering it into tiny fragments. The golem roared in pain, its voice reverberating through the air. But Evan didn't stop there; he continued his assault with incredible speed and precision, striking at the weak points of each golem that approached.The battle was an epic spectacle, a dance between brutal strength and deadly precision. Evan moved with almost inhuman grace, evading every golem's attack and retaliating with devastating strikes. When two golems tried to attack him simultaneously, Evan spun swiftly, s
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Chapter 100: The Awakening of Strength
After hours of traversing the cold and silent snow plains, the Ironfist group began to feel the biting chill growing ever stronger. Every step was heavy, but their spirits remained high after their recent great victory. They all stayed alert, watching every corner for signs of danger that might emerge.Zeke, who was leading the group, suddenly raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop. In the distance, two large figures, well known to them all, started to become visible. Two Ice Golems stood tall on a ridge of ice, staring menacingly at the Ironfist group.“This will be another tough fight,” Zeke muttered as he gazed seriously at the two monsters. But before he could give an order, Evan, standing beside him, patted his shoulder.“I won’t interfere this time, Zeke,” Evan said calmly. “This is your chance to show how much you’ve all grown.”Zeke looked at Evan for a moment, trying to gauge the meaning behind his words. He knew well that Evan could easily defeat those monsters, but it
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