All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
180 chapters
Chapter 101: Victor's Ambition
As the night grew late and the cold air outside became increasingly piercing, some members of the Ironfist Hunter, exhausted from a long and tiring day, had fallen asleep inside the carefully set-up tent. The sound of wind gusts and snowflakes cascading from the sky served as the backdrop to the tranquil night. While some chose to sleep, others remained vigilant or whispered in hushed tones.Evan, having finished checking the preparations and ensuring everyone was well, stepped out of the tent to get some fresh air. His steps disrupted the warmth and noise of the tent as he entered the cold night world. Outside, beneath a sky full of stars, Evan saw Aria sitting alone on the edge of a snowbank, staring blankly into the night.Evan approached Aria softly, trying not to disturb her mood. When he stood beside her, he realized how cold the night was, seeing Aria's breath forming a thin mist in the air."Aria," Evan said gently, trying not to startle her. "I saw you sitting here alone. Is
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Chapter 102: Isolde's Decision
After the night passed, the team resumed their exploration of the fifth-tier dimension. As they traversed snowy plains and terrain filled with obstacles, more Ice Golems blocked their path. Their presence became increasingly challenging, but thanks to Jena's enhanced powers, utilizing the ice crystals from the previous battle, they were able to deal with the golems more effectively.However, the battles against the Ice Golems remained exhausting. The team's bravery and endurance were tested to the limit. Despite their well-planned strategies and intense training, each fight left physical and mental scars. Jena's strength and solid coordination with the other members highlighted the importance of their preparations. This mission drained their energy and threatened their lives, but having Evan by their side provided them with much-needed confidence and morale.For five days, they continuously battled various threats, exploring tunnels and hidden chambers within the dimension. Their succ
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Chapter 103: The Discovery in the Fifth Dimension
As the night grew colder, Evan and his Ironfist team decided to rest in a cave they had found. Around the warm campfire, some members slept soundly, while others kept watch or engaged in quiet conversation to stave off sleepiness.Evan, unable to sleep due to his restless thoughts, decided to have a discussion with a few trusted allies—Zeke, Aria, and Celeste. They sat together, the firelight casting shadows on their weary but determined faces."We might have found an exceptionally strong metal here," Evan began, looking across at Zeke. "But the problem is, we don't know how to process it, let alone transport it back to the dimensional gate."Zeke, the experienced leader of the elite squad, nodded in agreement. "This metal seems to have great potential, but we can't just dig it up and hope to take it out easily. We need more advanced equipment and possibly the help of metallurgical experts."Aria, sitting beside Evan, listened intently. "Maybe we can find a way to process some of the
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Chapter 104: The Betrayal of Isolde
After the meeting held to discuss plans to re-enter the sixth dimension, Gideon quickly sought out Victor in his office. The room was dark, illuminated only by a few dim lights that cast long shadows on the walls, reflecting Victor’s ever-dark and ambitious mood.Gideon, who had been loyal to Victor for a long time, reported with calm yet palpable tension. "Master Victor, there’s a problem."Victor turned his gaze towards Gideon. "What happened?"Gideon then explained, "Isolde refused our plan to return to the sixth dimension. She didn’t just refuse, but also brazenly left the meeting, disregarding the threat I issued."Hearing this report, Victor’s cold, sharp eyes narrowed. He stood from his chair with slow yet deliberately controlled movements, filled with suppressed anger. "Isolde," he said, his voice flat yet laced with danger, "has been a thorn in my side for too long. Her loyalty has always been half-hearted, and now she dares to openly challenge my plan."Victor paused for a m
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Chapter 105: The Frost Queen's Descent
After escaping from her destroyed home, Isolde rushed towards the dimensional gate, her body battered and exhausted. As soon as she entered the gate, she was met with a fierce snowstorm, making the already ominous and terrifying atmosphere even worse. The biting cold wind and relentless snow reduced visibility to almost nothing, but Isolde kept moving forward, relying on her extraordinary resistance to the cold.Isolde struggled against the extreme cold and overwhelming fatigue. Each step felt heavy, and the frigid air made it difficult to breathe. The ice magic within her body helped to stave off the cold, but the wounds she had sustained only worsened her condition. Memories of her mother, Isya, being killed by Aisling, haunted her thoughts as she pushed forward.As Isolde trudged on, her thoughts drifted back to the intense battle with Aisling and Romano. Aisling's shockwave had destroyed everything around her, while Romano's unmatched physical strength made it nearly impossible fo
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Chapter 106: Frost and Thunder: A Shift in Power
Hugo, who had been observing from behind, stepped forward. "Are you sure this is the right decision, Evan?" he asked, his voice filled with doubt. Evan gazed deeply into Hugo's eyes before responding. "No one can say for sure what's right or wrong here, Hugo. But I know one thing—leaving someone to die without trying to help them isn't a path I want to take." Hugo nodded, though he remained cautious. "Alright, we'll bring her along. But we must stay vigilant." They continued their journey at a quick pace, searching for a safe place to rest and tend to Isolde. Their minds were filled with questions—why was Isolde here, in such a dire state? What exactly had happened to her? And how would this affect their mission going forward? Meanwhile, on Evan's back, Isolde remained unconscious, but within her weakened mind, the shadows of battle and betrayal continued to haunt her. The brutal fight against Aisling and Romano, her mother's death, and her painful escape... all swirled in the dar
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Chapter 107: The Battle for Supremacy
After the formation of the Guardian Association, the process of registering and organizing the Guardians according to their ranks began. Guardians who had received their official ranks were now grouped and prepared for dangerous missions, including the exploration and conquest of dimensions that matched their power levels.High-ranking Guardians like Amon Black and Gideon Vance quickly became the center of attention. They, along with other Guardians in the SS and S rank categories, were tasked with facing the most dangerous dimensions. Meanwhile, Guardians with ranks from A to D were given more targeted missions aligned with their capabilities, ensuring that every level of strength was maximized in operations across various dimensions.In Victor’s office, a tense atmosphere lingered as Gideon, filled with a sense of duty, came to apologize. Gideon was disappointed for not achieving the first rank in the global ranking. Although he had earned an SS rank and was classified as a legendar
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Chapter 108: The Trap Unfolds
After several days of travel through harsh and dangerous terrain, Evan and his team finally arrived at the Ironfist family camp. They were greeted by the sight of large tents set up at the edge of a mine, with bustling activity all around. The miners, who appeared to have been working hard for some time, looked exhausted but remained determined.Evan carefully surveyed the camp, noticing how efficiently it was organized. Some members of the Ironfist team were processing the metals they had mined, while others kept a watchful eye on the surrounding area, clearly alert for any threats from the fifth-dimension."Welcome back," greeted Zeke, who had been tasked with guarding the camp while Evan and his team ventured further. "I'm glad to see you all in one piece." Zeke then noticed someone on Evan's back. He remembered that only Aria, Celeste, and Hugo had left with Evan. "Who is that?" Zeke asked, curious."She's Isolde, one of Victor's executives."Evan's response took Zeke by surprise.
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Chapter 109: A Queen's Resolve
Isolde woke up drenched in sweat, her heart pounding in her chest. The nightmare about her mother's death, Isya, still felt all too real. In her dream, she saw her mother lying lifeless before her, with Aisling Queen standing nearby with a wicked smile. Darkness and despair wrapped around her, as if there was no hope left.As Isolde opened her eyes, she found herself in a warm and cozy, unfamiliar tent. The soft light from a lantern illuminated the tent's interior, and the sound of wind blowing outside added to the peaceful atmosphere. She lay on a comfortable mattress, wrapped in several warm blankets. Yet, the discomfort and worry still lingered in her mind.Isolde slowly sat up, trying to calm her breath. She felt confused, wondering how she ended up here and who had brought her to this place. Gradually, she began to recall the last events before she fainted—a fierce battle against Aisling and Romano, and how she escaped into the dimensional gate, barely alive.When Isolde tried to
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Chapter 110: The Frost Queen's Vow
In a cave hidden from the dimensional storm raging outside, a heavy silence filled the air. Isolde Vesper, once known as “The Frost Queen,” now appeared weak and fragile. Her long white hair, which once radiated power, had been cut short, mirroring the shattered state of her spirit. Horrific wounds marred her body, remnants of a battle that had nearly claimed her life. The Ironfist Hunters, led by Evan Walker, had managed to save her from the brink of death, but they now faced a difficult moral dilemma. Isolde had once been the right hand of Victor Draven, their most feared enemy. Her presence among them stirred boiling tensions, with some members demanding her immediate elimination. However, Evan, with his strong leadership instincts, decided to give Isolde a chance to explain herself. That night, after the situation had somewhat calmed, Evan approached Isolde. He found her leaning against the cave wall, her breathing heavy and irregular. Despite her dire physical state, Isolde’s
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