All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
180 chapters
Chapter 111 - The Guardian's Journey: Crossing into the Inferno
City of Baigor, renowned for its grand architecture and bustling streets, was filled with an overwhelming excitement that echoed through every corner. Today, the entire city had gathered to witness the departure of Amon Black and his team of guardians. Cheers reverberated in the air as flags fluttered atop buildings, adding to the festive atmosphere.Amon Black, now hailed as the strongest guardian in the world, walked confidently amidst the crowd. His tall frame and unwavering gaze spoke of an indomitable resolve. He wore a long, black cloak that shimmered under the sun, while his iconic weapon, a massive sword rumored to tame beasts from other dimensions, hung on his back. Behind him, 20 chosen guardians from the city of Baigor followed in firm steps, forming a solid line.As they marched through the streets, the city's inhabitants cheered, calling Amon's name with fervor. They tossed flowers onto the path, creating a beautiful carpet of colors beneath the guardians' feet. Children
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Chapter 112: The Test of Unity
After several days in the fifth dimension, the mission of the Ironfist Hunter finally reached its climax. They successfully mined the essential metals and gathered enough resources to proceed to the next stage. The atmosphere in their camp was filled with a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion, yet the spirit to continue the mission burned brightly.With all preparations made, the Ironfist Hunter group began moving towards the dimensional gate. The cold air and snow around them added to the challenges of the journey, but they remained focused on their goal. Isolde, who had now been more accepted by the team members after Evan's promise to protect her, walked among them.Some still displayed a defensive attitude towards Isolde. They remained skeptical of her presence, given her status as one of Victor's executives. However, their attitudes began to soften thanks to Evan's pledge to ensure Isolde's safety and due to her valuable contributions in previous difficult situations.Evan led
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Chapter 113: Facing the Wyvern
Under the flickering light of the campfire, the night felt calm, a stark contrast to the tension that lingered after the battle. Evan, sitting close to Isolde, broke the silence with a question about the boss they faced in the 5th level dimension. Everyone around him, including Aria, Celeste, and Hugo, listened intently, curious about the story Isolde was about to reveal.Isolde, her face still showing signs of exhaustion, began her tale. “Our journey through the 5th level dimension started off quite smoothly,” Isolde said, her voice softening as she recalled those moments. “We encountered various monsters, and though it was tough, we managed to overcome them with good coordination.”Everyone remained silent, focused on the story that was unfolding. Isolde continued, “However, when we reached the dimensional gate, we were met with an unexpected threat. We encountered a very powerful ice elf. This ice elf was not only skilled in combat but also wielded deadly ice magic.”Evan and his t
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Chapter 114: The Wyvern’s Fury and Amon’s Despair
The wyvern flapped its mighty wings, unleashing a fierce and freezing blizzard that swept through the entire temple chamber. The sound of howling wind and the roar of snow filled the air, creating a chaos that threatened to destroy everything around them. Some members of the team were thrown back by the force of the storm, struggling to stay on their feet amidst the turmoil.Zeke, quickly realizing the dangerous situation they were in, began issuing orders with a firm and commanding voice. “Don’t be swayed by the storm! We must stay focused and attack from different angles!”Aria and Celeste immediately followed his lead, launching their attacks on the wyvern with well-trained precision. Aria used wind magic to create sharp slashes that could cut through the wyvern, while Celeste hurled her daggers with deadly accuracy. Jena, the ice mage, unleashed powerful ice attacks in an attempt to counter the wyvern’s blizzard.Isolde, though still dazed, joined the battle. With all her strength
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Chapter 115: The Guardian's Wisdom
In the Fifth Dimension, Evan sensed that their situation was deteriorating. Having observed from afar until now, he finally decided to intervene. Isolde, who was in the midst of the battle, felt confused. Why had Evan, who previously seemed so powerful, not directly engaged in the fight? Was the power he displayed in the tent just an illusion? As the battle intensified and the Ironfist Hunter team began to falter, Evan realized that the time had come to reveal his true abilities.Evan began to prepare an ancient spell that Dragomir had taught him. This spell, an essential part of Dragomir's teachings, was designed specifically to deal with wyverns and dragons. Dragomir had once told Evan that if he ever encountered a wyvern or dragon, he should try not to kill them at first. As a descendant of the dragon race, Dragomir believed it was important to attempt to subdue these creatures in a more enlightened way. However, for the cursed falling dragon race, Evan was permitted to kill them i
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Chapter 116: The Fall of Baigor
In Baigor, a heavy atmosphere of grief and anger enveloped the city following the catastrophic disaster that had befallen them. With 19 of the city's finest guardians perishing in battle, only Amon Black remained, gravely injured. This loss was not only a devastating blow to the great city but also sparked a wave of chaos and panic among the citizens and the warriors.Delfina Fox, the leader of Baigor's safe zone, known for her wisdom and deep concern for her people, was now consumed by confusion and rage. She sat in the darkened meeting room, her face serious and full of anxiety. Before her, a map of Baigor and critical notes were scattered across the table. In her heart, Delfina wondered how Victor Draven, their archrival, could conquer the sixth-dimensional gate—something many considered nearly impossible.Delfina knew that Victor's success required not just extraordinary strength but also an incredibly clever strategy. Victor, with his cunning and power, always managed to surprise
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Chapter 117: The Ironfist Family’s Celebration and New Allies
At the Ironfist family residence, the atmosphere of victory and success permeated every corner of the room. After facing and conquering the Level 5 Dimension and acquiring high-quality metals from the mines, the Ironfist family and their members felt satisfied and full of enthusiasm.The large hall in the Ironfist family residence was filled with soft, glowing lights, and a long table was laden with delicious dishes. The aroma of tantalizing food filled the air, while cheerful music played softly, creating a festive ambiance. Family members, including Aria, Celeste, and Hugo, sat together with wide smiles on their faces, enjoying the evening celebration, which was well-deserved.Aria, usually known for her calm and wise demeanor, appeared lively and full of energy. “This is an extraordinary achievement for all of us,” she said with a voice full of joy. “We’ve managed to overcome difficult challenges, and this metal is a great reward for our hard work and efforts.”Celeste, with a broa
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Chapter 118: A Test of Loyalty
In the grand hall of the Ironfist family, the atmosphere was heavy with seriousness. The walls were adorned with various trophies and family crests, symbolizing their glory and power. In the center of the vast room, the elders of the Ironfist family sat around a large table, while Liam Ironfist stood by their side. They were discussing the fate of Isolde, who had recently joined them.Meanwhile, Evan stood by the door, carefully listening to every word spoken by the elders. The decision regarding Isolde was not an easy one, given her background and the situation surrounding her.The first elder, Alden, an old man with a long white beard and sharp eyes, opened the discussion. "Isolde and Darius certainly possess extraordinary potential in terms of power. However, we cannot ignore the fact that she previously worked for Victor Draven, who is clearly our enemy."The second elder, Maris, an elderly woman with neatly tied silver hair, added, "That is true, but we must also consider the pot
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Chapter 119: The Pursuit of the Artifact
In a strange and mysterious world, Gideon and the executives moved cautiously, fully aware that every step they took could invite unforeseen danger. The surroundings were filled with intimidating and bizarre sights—rocky terrain with wild crystal formations, dark forests with massive trees whose branches formed ominous webs, and a slow-flowing purple river emitting a faint, shimmering mist.Gideon signaled the others to remain calm and maintain their formation. They had decided to avoid confrontation with the creatures inhabiting this world, knowing that their energy needed to be focused on finding the artifact that was their primary objective. The other executives obediently followed, their eyes constantly vigilant for any threats that could emerge at any moment.They moved slowly through the thick forest, filled with strange sounds. Occasionally, they heard the heavy footsteps of large creatures moving in the distance or the faint hissing from an unknown direction. Each time they he
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Chapter 120: The Unseen Threat
Delfina couldn’t suppress her curiosity. “What… happened next?” she asked in a whisper, almost afraid of hearing the answer.Amon took a deep breath before continuing, "The dragon attacked us. There was no mercy in its movements. It was like a creature controlled by a malevolent force, a power we couldn't comprehend. The dragon's assault was lethal, and despite our best efforts, one by one, my comrades fell. The dragon was unstoppable, and we soon realized we couldn't win."Amon closed his eyes, reliving the fear and helplessness he had experienced. "We had no choice but to flee. But the dragon continued to hunt us, spreading destruction everywhere. My comrades… they all perished there, on that desolate plain. I only survived because I ran to the dimensional gate, leaving everything behind."Delfina remained silent, staring at Amon with a mix of horror and disbelief. "So, you left them? All your comrades?" she asked, her voice laced with barely concealed anger.Amon nodded slowly, his
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