All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
180 chapters
Chapter 121: The Weight of Silence
Amid the uproar and anxiety that swept the world following the news about the terrifying creature in the Sixth Dimension, the pressure began to mount on Victor Draven. As a figure with significant influence and a strong reputation, many assumed that Victor must have valuable information about the Sixth Dimension. The public, city leaders, and international organizations like Blue Sky were all demanding Victor to speak up and share his knowledge about the dangerous world.However, Victor remained silent.Public unrest grew as Victor offered no statements or hints. People began to wonder why Victor wasn't responding to this emergency with guidance or information that could assist the guardians planning to enter the Sixth Dimension. Suspicion began to arise, whispers that maybe Victor was hiding something, that perhaps there was a dark secret behind his unassailable power.Behind his cold exterior, Victor was facing a significant dilemma. The fact that only he knew was that he had never
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Chapter 122: Whispers of the Heart and Shadows of the Unknown
That night, the garden at the Ironfist family estate appeared tranquil, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight that reflected its beauty on the damp leaves. A gentle night breeze whispered through, carrying the fresh scent of trees and flowers that surrounded the area. Amidst the calm, Aria approached Evan, who sat alone on a garden bench, deep in thought.Evan gazed ahead, his eyes fixed on a small pond that mirrored the starlight. His mind was filled with the news that had shaken them all that day—Isolde's confession about the sixth dimension. Although Evan tried to maintain his composure in front of others, he couldn’t shake the growing unease within him.Aria walked closer with soft steps, careful not to disturb Evan in his contemplation. Yet, Evan noticed her presence and turned his gaze towards her. Their eyes met briefly before Aria took a seat beside him.“Can’t sleep?” Evan asked in a low voice, followed by a faint smile.Aria sighed softly, looking up at the clear night sk
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Chapter 123: The Alliance of Guardians
After the shocking revelation about the 6th dimension spread across the world, and with Victor remaining silent, chaos ensued. Anxiety ran rampant among the Guardians and the leaders of various major organizations. The failure of Baigor and Isolde's startling confession shook their faith in individual power, even in someone as formidable as Victor. With the situation growing increasingly uncertain, leaders and prominent Guardians worldwide began contemplating radical measures.Amidst all the turmoil, the Blue Sky organization, known as one of the most influential forces among the Guardians, took the initiative. They realized that the threat in the 6th dimension was not something that could be faced by one or two groups alone. It required a combined force, an unprecedented alliance of strength.After a series of secret meetings involving leaders from various organizations, a historic decision was made. For the first time in history, Guardians who typically operated independently or in
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Chapter 124: The Battle for Humanity's Last Hope
Gideon and the executives stood outside the temple, their breaths heavy after discovering the long-hidden ancient artifact. In Elara's hands, a staff with a shimmering red crystal pulsed with an unnatural power. Though Gideon felt uneasy with the staff's response, he brushed aside the feeling and remained focused on their mission—to bring the artifact to Victor Draven.However, the path out was not as easy as they had thought. Surrounding them, thousands of skeletons from various dead monsters began to rise, their empty eye sockets glowing with a blue light that radiated lethal intent. With every step they took, the piles of dry bones moved, encircling them like waves of the ocean, filling the air with the pungent scent of death."Prepare for battle! We have to get out of here alive!" Gideon commanded in a firm voice. Under the flash of their drawn weapons, the skeletons approached with terrifying movements, as if they had one goal: to stop anyone from taking the artifact out.Elara c
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Chapter 125: The Battle for Survival
Evan and his team marched forward with confidence, fully backed by the power of the Ironfist family, long renowned throughout Arcadia. As the squad leader, Evan led from the front lines alongside Sergio, ensuring every team member remained vigilant as they entered the Gate of Dimension Level 6. Behind them, Hugo and Darius guarded the rear against any unexpected attacks. Hugo, with his martial arts expertise, served as an impenetrable last line of defense, while Darius, the metal manipulator, was ready to create shields from the surrounding debris.In the center of the formation, Aria, Celeste, Isolde, Jena, and Merlin moved with unmatched discipline. Aria, as a magic swordsman, possessed exceptional abilities to fight at both close and long range, using her magic-infused sword to deliver energy-infused slashes or deadly ranged attacks. Celeste, with her shadow movement skills, could swiftly dart from one spot to another, striking vital points of the enemy with her dagger before they
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Chapter 126: The Storm of Undead
In the grand room at the top of a towering spire, Victor Draven gazed out the window with a satisfied smile. From his vantage point, he could see the chaos engulfing the world, watching as undead monsters crawled out of dimensional gates and spread terror everywhere. The thunderous sounds of battle and the cries of fear reached his ears like a dark symphony he savored with all his heart.The emergence of these undead monsters was an unmistakable sign—the Lich King's staff had been successfully retrieved from its deepest hiding place. Only with that ancient artifact could the long-dead be summoned back to the world, becoming an endless army subject to the will of its possessor. And now, that staff was on its way to be delivered to him.Victor's smile widened, his face glowing with anticipation of the power soon to be his. Gideon and his executives had succeeded, though they might have to face greater threats on their journey back. But Victor didn't care. To him, they were merely tools
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Chapter 127: The Unyielding Resistance
In the midst of the brutal battlefield in the 6th-tier dimension, Evan’s team demonstrated exceptional effectiveness despite their number being only nine. Sergio, Darius, Hugo, and Evan acted as the primary fighters, holding their barricade with remarkable toughness and strength.Meanwhile, Isolde and Jena utilized their ice magic to strike at the enemies from a distance with immense power and wide area attacks, overcoming the relentless waves of undead. Aria, with her magic swordsman abilities, provided precise magical support, while Celeste covered any gaps in their formation, moving swiftly in the shadows to handle any monsters attempting to approach the mages in the middle of the line. Merlin continuously offered support with healing magic and body enhancement spells, keeping the team's stamina and strength at optimal levels.Their formation moved with perfect rhythm, each team member knowing their role and executing their tasks with skilled coordination. Even though they faced en
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Chapter 128: The Clash for the Staff
Evan and his team arrived at an ancient temple, which appeared to be severely damaged. Signs of a recent battle were clearly visible around the temple. Evan cautiously surveyed the ruins, sensing that the battle had occurred not long ago.Darius, known for his tracking abilities, immediately began examining the surrounding area. He noticed footprints left in the soil and scorch marks on the trees around the temple. “There are clear tracks here,” Darius said, pointing out the marks he had found. “It looks like more than three people passed through here, and they seem to possess considerable power, possibly fire manipulators.”Evan nodded, understanding the significance of this discovery. “Alright, Darius. You’ll lead us in following these tracks. We need to find out who was here and what they were doing. They might have information or could bring us closer to the source of the undead power.”Darius carefully led the team, following the trail left behind. They moved through the dark, ru
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Chapter 129: Unyielding Fury
The battle raged with intense ferocity, showcasing the strength and skills of each individual involved. Amid the chaos, Evan stood still, observing every move and strategy employed by both his team and their opponents. Meanwhile, the warriors on the battlefield fought with every ounce of their ability.On one side, Hugo, with his deadly martial arts and fire magic, faced off against Romano Kostov. Hugo unleashed devastating fire attacks, creating fiery blasts that scorched everything in their path. Romano, with his superhuman durability and destructive power, blocked each assault with his immense physical strength. He countered the fiery onslaught with powerful punches and kicks, each strike carrying enough force to penetrate Hugo’s defenses, though the heat from Hugo’s fire magic remained a constant threat.Elsewhere on the battlefield, Aria, the magic swordsman who mastered wind and shadow magic, teamed up with Celeste. Aria combined her swordsmanship with wind magic, creating swift
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Chapter 130: The Shattered Staff and the Crimson Crystal
Amidst the chaos of the ongoing battle, Evan realized how crucial it was to seize Elara, who wielded the staff. If no immediate action was taken, the fight seemed endless, with enemies continuously pouring in. Determined to bring the battle to an end, Evan decided to act.Giving a brief instruction to Merlin to stay in position and be ready to provide support if needed, Evan shifted his entire focus onto Elara. At that moment, Elara was busy evading Jena's relentless ice attacks. Each time Jena launched an assault, Elara swiftly teleported from one spot to another, using her spatial shifting ability to dodge the onslaught.In the high-pressure situation, Evan chose to move. Without making a sound, he vanished from his spot, seemingly blending into the mist that shrouded the battlefield. In the blink of an eye, Evan reappeared right in front of Elara. His movement was so swift and smooth that even Merlin, who was standing beside Evan, hadn’t noticed when Evan moved.“When did he…” Merl
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