All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
180 chapters
Chapter 131: The Tide of Battle
A Guardian with an A-rank who had been stationed at the defensive line approached the tent where Amon and the squad leaders were discussing their strategy. His breath was labored, and his face was filled with concern. Upon reaching the tent, he gave a quick salute before delivering shocking news."Commander Amon, all the Undead... they’ve suddenly stopped moving. It’s like they’ve frozen in place," the Guardian said, his voice tinged with disbelief and amazement.The squad leaders gathered in the tent, including Amon, fell silent for a moment. They exchanged glances, trying to process the information they had just received. The news was completely unexpected, given the immense pressure they had been under from the relentless Undead assault just moments before.Amon furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation. "Are there any signs of another attack? Or could this be a trap?" he asked, his eyes sharply focused on the Guardian who had delivered the news.The Guardian shook h
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Chapter 132: Gideon's Retreat and Amon's Vigil
Gideon's decision to retreat came at a crucial time, even though it was difficult to accept. The battle had reached its peak, and his once formidable and unbeatable group now stood on the brink of destruction. Orion, who had fought valiantly on the front lines with strength and resilience, could no longer withstand the relentless onslaught from the Undead and Evan's team. The severe injuries he had sustained slowed his movements, and he eventually collapsed to the ground with a final roar that echoed across the battlefield.Losing Orion was a devastating blow to the morale of Gideon's team. He had been their shield, the last fortress protecting his comrades from annihilation. Now, with the loss of that powerful figure, the other members of the team began to feel fear creeping into their hearts. They realized that their defenses had been breached, and there was no longer anyone they could rely on to hold back the tide of attacks.Gideon clenched his teeth, trying to suppress the anger
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Chapter 133: A Glimpse of Defeat
Evan stood still, his gaze fixed on the direction where Gideon and his group had just fled. The grass that had been trampled during the battle was now quiet, with only the wind’s cool breeze disturbing the air."Are you not going to chase them?" Isolde asked, her voice calm yet carrying a hint of curiosity.Evan simply shook his head. "There's no need," he replied. "What matters most right now is completing our mission in this sixth-level dimension. Chasing them now would only waste time and energy."Aria, who had just approached after securing her weapons, looked at Evan with a hint of confusion. "Then what are you going to do with these Undead?" she asked, her eyes shifting to the horde of Undead that now stood motionless.The Undead were always a threat. They were dangerous not only because of their physical strength but also because of the deathly aura they spread, which could harm the environment and endanger anyone who came near. Leaving them alive was not a wise option.Evan un
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Chapter 134: The Hidden Realm
Victor walked with heavy steps toward a hidden chamber within his headquarters. This room was one of the most secretive and heavily guarded places in all of Arcadia City. Few people knew of its existence, and even fewer were allowed to approach it. Inside this chamber was an ancient artifact that had unlocked the dimensional gate—key to Victor’s grand plan.As the door creaked open, Victor stepped inside, his normally composed and controlled demeanor now marred by visible tension and suppressed rage. In the center of the room stood a grand altar adorned with ancient symbols that faintly glowed in the dim light. On the altar rested the artifact, ancient and thousands of years old, surrounded by swirling dark energy as if awaiting commands from its master.Victor gazed at the artifact with a complex expression—a mix of ambition, disappointment, and frustration. For years, he had meticulously planned each step, employing every possible means to open the dimensional gate and harness the a
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Chapter 135: The Triumph and the Shadows
After the unexpected wave of Undead in Dimension Level 6, Evan and his group finally managed to exit without further impediments. The sun was setting as they stepped through the fading dimensional gate, returning to Arcadia with victory in hand. Long shadows stretched beneath them as they made their way to the Ironfist Family's stronghold, their most loyal allies.Upon arrival, they were met with overwhelming enthusiasm and relief. The soldiers and members of the Ironfist family, who had anxiously awaited their return, erupted into jubilant cheers upon seeing Evan and his team back safely. The atmosphere quickly shifted from tension to celebration. Children ran around happily, women held back tears of joy, and the soldiers slapped each other on the back with spirited exuberance.Among all this, a man with one arm and a face lined with joyous wrinkles stepped forward. Liam Ironfist, the elder of the family, friend, and mentor to Evan, led the welcome. Despite his advanced age, the stre
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Chapter 136: The Gathering Storm
After the great victory in conquering Dimension Level 6, world leaders gathered for a crucial meeting hosted by the international organization Blue Sky. This organization, the main entity overseeing the guardians and coordinating international efforts against global threats, convened to celebrate their achievement and discuss the next steps for ensuring global security.The meeting took place in a grand building in Baigor City, with delegates from major nations and important faction leaders in attendance. They had come together to celebrate their success and to outline future strategies. However, amidst the festive atmosphere and high spirits, the main focus was the absence of Victor Draven, the head of Blue Sky, who was supposed to lead the meeting.Victor Draven, as the leader of Blue Sky, had not provided any reason for his absence from this critical meeting. His missing presence caused surprise and speculation among the attendees. He was expected to be the central figure in celebr
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Chapter 137: Forging Strength in the Face of Uncertainty
At the Ironfist family residence, the atmosphere was calm after the grand victory. Evan, always serious about his training, was practicing in the expansive backyard. He moved with impressive speed and agility, each movement filled with power and precision.Isolde, who typically appeared cold and reserved, approached Evan with cautious steps. She stood at the edge of the training area, watching Evan's movements intently. After a while, Evan stopped and looked at Isolde with a questioning gaze."Is there something I can help you with?" Evan asked, his voice firm yet gentle.Isolde appeared hesitant, her eyes drifting to the ground for a moment before she lifted her head and met Evan's gaze. "Actually, I want to ask for your help," she said with a tone full of uncertainty. "I want to become stronger."Evan regarded Isolde seriously, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. "Why do you feel the need to become stronger?" Evan inquired.Isolde took a deep breath before continuing, "I feel
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Chapter 138: The Rise of Darkness and the Emergence of the Guardian Academy
After a crucial meeting held by Blue Sky, a significant decision was made to strengthen the network of cooperation between cities and countries. Leaders from various nations and organizations gathered to formulate strategic steps to address the potential threats emerging from higher dimensions.One of the major outcomes of this meeting was the decision to establish the first academy for guardians. This school would become a center for training and education for aspiring guardians from around the world. Its primary goal was to create a new generation that not only possessed power but also the knowledge and skills needed to confront increasingly complex threats.The academy would be a place where guardians could learn various disciplines, ranging from combat techniques to magic, as well as strategies and tactics for facing enemies. Additionally, the academy would focus on character development and leadership, ensuring that guardians could work effectively together and lead their teams i
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Chapter 139: A Dual Crisis
The towering gate in Baigor’s sky caused global alarm. The entire world, which had just celebrated a major achievement with the establishment of the first guardian academy, was now shocked by the emergence of the Level 8 dimensional gate—something previously unimaginable.Delfina Fox, the mayor of Baigor, felt a deep panic and despair. Once viewed as a symbol of progress and hope, Baigor was now in the spotlight due to an immense threat. Although no one had dared to enter the Level 7 gate, this new gate opened the possibility of an even greater catastrophe.Amid the chaos, Delfina struggled to remain calm. She ordered a mass evacuation to protect civilians and established defensive perimeters around the city. All available city security forces, including nearby guardians, were mobilized to prepare for the impending threat.However, each passing moment increased the tension. The residents of Baigor, once filled with hope, now faced anxiety and uncertainty. News of the gate spread world
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Chapter 140: The Unseen Allies
In Arcadia, tension gripped the city following the shocking announcement from Victor Draven. During a press conference attended by many world leaders and members of Blue Sky, Victor declared that he would be stepping down from his position as chairman of Blue Sky.Victor stood at the microphone with a serious expression. “I have decided to resign from my position as chairman of Blue Sky,” he said, his voice laden with tension. “This decision comes after considering various factors and challenges we are currently facing.”The audience's reactions were mixed. Some appeared shocked and confused, while others began to suspect that Victor’s decision might be related to the ongoing crisis. Many world leaders were anxious about what would happen next and how this decision would impact the international organization they relied on for global protection.In the Blue Sky conference room, discussions were heated. Some members questioned the reasoning behind Victor’s decision. “Why is he resignin
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