All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
180 chapters
Chapter 141: The Decision to Depart
After resigning from his position as the leader of Blue Sky, Victor Draven faced the fury and loud protests of the citizens of Arcadia City. Yet, Victor remained resolute in his decision. He paid no heed to the public’s dissatisfaction and pressed on with his plan with unwavering determination.Victor gathered his remaining executives—Gideon, Aisling, and Romano Kostov—to discuss the next steps in his ambitious plan. "Prepare yourselves. We’re leaving this city," he declared.Romano and Aisling exchanged puzzled looks. "Where are we going, Mr. Victor?" Aisling asked, her voice tinged with apprehension."We're entering the 8th-level dimensional gate," Victor replied, his words leaving the three executives stunned. "Entering the 8th-level gate? Are you sure about this, Mr. Victor?"Victor finished his preparations and nodded firmly. "How long do you think we can keep this hidden?"Gideon frowned. "What do you mean, Mr. Victor?"Victor explained further. "You were caught triggering the
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Chapter 142: Respect Earned
The battle between Celeste and Mathilda unfolded with breathtaking intensity. The arena was filled with spectators, captivated by the duel between two guardians possessing extraordinary abilities.Mathilda, a telekinesis expert, initiated the fight by lifting several objects around her. She directed her telekinetic power to rain down sharp attacks on Celeste, creating waves of dangerous energy. Celeste, with her impressive speed, dodged every attack with agile and coordinated movements, seemingly ignoring physical limitations.With each step, Celeste moved so swiftly that she was difficult to see with the naked eye. Mathilda, relying on telekinesis, quickly realized she needed to heighten her awareness. She converged her telekinetic energy to try and lock onto Celeste's movements, sending waves of energy aiming to crush Celeste's body from all directions.However, before Mathilda could fully trap Celeste, Celeste employed her shadow technique. In an instant, her body vanished into the
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Chapter 143: The Boundless Expanse
Meanwhile, within the 7th-level dimension, Evan found himself standing amidst a vast, seemingly endless meadow. The grass glistened under the bright sunlight, and a gentle breeze caused the blades to sway like waves in the ocean. The sky above was a clear blue, dotted with a few serene white clouds, creating an atmosphere that was both peaceful and mysterious.Evan lifted his head, taking in the scenery around him. There were no signs of life or man-made structures anywhere in sight—only the endless expanse of grass and the sky embracing it. He felt as though he was at the beginning of a new journey, one filled with unimaginable possibilities and challenges.He began to walk forward, feeling the soft grass beneath his feet. Each step deepened his connection to this new world, as if he were stepping into a dream he had longed to realize. There was something captivating about the silence here, an impression that this place was more than just a beautiful landscape.After walking for a wh
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Chapter 144: Beyond the Dense Forest
After crossing the grassland, Evan found himself standing before a dense forest. Just as he was about to take his first step into the forest, an arrow suddenly shot towards him.Thanks to his maxed-out stats, Evan was able to catch the arrow with his bare hand. He then scanned the surroundings, searching for the hidden enemy.The forest was silent, but the tension in the air was palpable, almost suffocating. The towering shadows of the giant trees loomed around him, obscuring the sky from view. Dim light filtered through the leaves, creating an atmosphere filled with mystery and unseen threats."Do not set foot here, human!" a deep, resonant voice echoed through the trees, seeming to come from all directions.Evan looked around cautiously. This was the first time he had heard a creature in this dimension speak. Until now, all he had encountered were feral monsters driven by instinct and a thirst for blood. But this was different. There was something more to this voice than just a thre
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Chapter 145: The Guardian of Lunaris
Evan followed the elves deeper into the heart of the forest. Upon arriving at a large, sturdy tree, Aelar spoke words in a language that Evan did not understand. As Aelar finished speaking, roots suddenly emerged from the ground, forming a gate.Aelar then looked at Evan. "Enter, human. Remember, only a pure heart can find the way home."Evan hesitated for a moment, but he had no other choice. He slowly stepped through the gate made of tree roots. As Evan crossed, the elves and Elder Aelar who had been behind him suddenly vanished. The gate that had formed also disappeared. Evan paused for a moment to gather himself. The 7th dimension was truly full of mysteries, but Evan had no time to ponder all of that.Evan began to walk further. His feet touched the soft ground covered in thick leaves. The trees towered above, their dense canopy blocking out most of the sky, allowing only slivers of light to filter through. The air around him was cool, filled with the refreshing scent of damp ear
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Chapter 146: The Battle of Baigor's Fate
The battle in Baigor City reached an intense and horrifying climax. Victor Draven, filled with confidence, led the assault with only his three trusted executives—Gideon, Romano Kostov, and Aisling Quinn. They were not just ordinary fighters; each one possessed powers capable of matching the guardians of Baigor.Amon Black, the leader of the guardians, found himself facing Gideon, a muscular man known as "The Thunder Beast." Gideon's lightning powers were formidable; each time he struck, lightning bolts scorched everything within his reach."I've longed to test you, Amon," Gideon grinned, electricity crackling between his palms. "You won't survive without your beasts."Amon narrowed his eyes, assessing Gideon's power. He knew this was no opponent to underestimate. Yet, without the assistance of the beasts he usually tamed, Amon felt the pressure mounting."With or without them, I'll stop you here, Gideon! You've made a grave mistake attacking Baigor!" Amon replied with determination, a
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Chapter 147: The Flames of Vengeance
The battle in Baigor City intensifies with the arrival of the Ironfist family. They bring not just additional firepower but also a deep-seated grudge against Victor Draven, the leader of Blue Sky. Aria Sterling, whose family was mercilessly slaughtered by Victor's forces, feels her fury surge as she spots Victor in the midst of the battlefield. Without hesitation, she charges directly at him, her sword poised to pierce the heart of her enemy.However, Victor merely lifts a hand, and with a casual wave, Aria is flung back as if her strength meant nothing against his overwhelming power. Aria staggers, shocked and in pain, but her eyes still blaze with deep hatred. "Victor!" she cries out, her voice filled with fury and desperation. "You will pay for everything you've done!"Victor only smirks, his eyes glinting with cold indifference. "You are too weak to even touch me, Aria Sterling. Your hatred will get you nowhere."Beside Aria, Isolde struggles to focus, distracted by the presence o
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Chapter 148: The Thunderous Clash
The battle reached an unprecedented level of destruction, fueled by Gideon's transformation into the Thunder Beast. Every strike he unleashed shook the earth, demolishing nearby buildings and creating shockwaves that reverberated throughout the entire area. The sky appeared to be ablaze with lightning flashes, and the thunderous roar echoed across the city.Meanwhile, elsewhere on the battlefield, Isolde and Celeste faced Aisling in an increasingly intense duel. With matched strength and skill, they launched relentless attacks, forcing Aisling to constantly move and defend herself. Pressured by the combination of strikes from her two enemies, Aisling began to lose her stamina and position.When Aisling finally showed a gap in her defense, Celeste seized the opportunity. With a swift and skillful movement, Celeste vanished into the shadows and reappeared in front of Aisling with startling speed. "This will be your end," Celeste said with a cold and determined voice before plunging her
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Chapter 149: The Unyielding Destruction
With Gideon’s defeat, the brutal and decisive battle finally reached its climax. The overwhelming power of an SS rank warrior, once terrifying, was now shattered. On a battlefield strewn with debris and devastation, the fighters from the Ironfist Hunters and the guardians of Baigor City gathered around Victor, who stood alone with unshakable calm. While the remnants of Gideon’s lightning still crackled in the air, Victor remained standing, radiating certainty amidst the grim atmosphere. The fighters, though wounded and exhausted, surrounded Victor with unwavering determination. They demanded clear answers about Victor’s motives and the purpose of his assault, which had shaken Baigor to its core. Delfina, driven by curiosity and a need to understand the reason behind the chaos, stepped forward. With a firm and confident voice, she demanded, “Surrender is your best option, Victor. We don’t need to continue this fight. You’ve lost, and there’s no chance of winning against all of us.”
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Chapter 150: The Hidden Room and the Unseen Dread
Above the skies of Baigor City, only silence remained. There were no more roars or mysterious lights—just the dark, star-filled night sky. An eerie quiet enveloped the city, as if welcoming the return of peace after such great chaos.The remaining fighters and guardians, exhausted and wounded, stood with vacant stares.“What just happened?” Amon asked in disbelief, gazing at the spot where the dimensional gate had been.Celeste, her face still smeared with sweat and dust from the battle, furrowed her brow. “The gate… it vanished just like that. As if it was never there.”Isolde turned her gaze to the night sky. “I’m sure this is part of Victor’s plan. He wouldn’t give up until his wishes are fulfilled.”Delfina, having listened to Victor’s words carefully, approached them with a serious expression. “There’s nothing we can do for now. Victor is gone, but I still can’t forget his words.”Mathilda, standing beside Hugo, added, “We don’t know what happened after Victor entered the gate. B
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