All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
180 chapters
Chapter 151: An Uncertainty
Isolde, Darius, Hugo, and Aria navigated through the dark and secretive corridors until they reached the front of the mysterious door. "What is that smell?" Aria asked, immediately covering her nose. Not much different, Hugo, Darius, and Isolde did the same. "You’ll see soon enough," Isolde said, opening the door. As the door creaked open, what they found beyond it was both shocking and horrifying. In the large room surrounded by stone walls etched with scratches and magical symbols, there was a pile of lifeless corpses. The skeletal remains, mostly in horrific conditions, lay scattered on the floor with final expressions of suffering. The sharp stench quickly filled the air, making the team feel nauseous and shocked. What stood out even more was a large pool in the center of the room. The pool was filled with a thick red liquid that seemed to recede from the surface. The liquid looked like blood but thicker and darker, as if it contained a terrifying magical energy. Ari
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Chapter 152: The Aftermath and New Beginnings
In the city of Baigor, the post-battle atmosphere was somber yet filled with activity. Debris from the conflict was scattered across the streets, and the damaged, dust-covered buildings bore witness to the intensity of the recent clashes. The citizens of Baigor, along with the guardians and members of the Ironfist Hunters, worked tirelessly to clean up and rebuild the shattered city.Despite their determined efforts, a deep sense of unease hung over everyone. The uncertainty about Victor's next move and the potential threat from the missing artifact only added to the tension in the city.Zeke Ironfist and his group, having just finished their duties in the training arena, took the lead in the recovery efforts. They coordinated with local residents and city forces to restore the damaged infrastructure. Even as they worked hard to repair collapsed buildings and clear the rubble, the worry etched on their faces was unmistakable."The situation is critical," Zeke said to his group, while
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Chapter 153: The Beginning of Victor’s Dark Journey
Amid the battles and chaos engulfing the world, Evan, who is within the seventh-level dimension, finds himself sitting with Galathiel, a wise guardian from Lunaris.Having traversed numerous trials and challenges in other dimensions, Evan listens intently to Galathiel’s explanation. Galathiel, with a calm aura, begins to reveal some invaluable information.“The dimensions you see, Evan, are part of a larger interconnected network of realities,” Galathiel says in a voice that is gentle yet full of power. “Each dimension has its own balance and strength, and each is guarded by individuals known as guardians.”Evan nods, trying to grasp the new information. He had heard this from Dragomir before, but never in full detail.Galathiel continues, “The guardians wield immense power, and their duty is to maintain the balance between worlds. They ensure that no dimension invades or influences another. Their powers serve to control the energy that flows between dimensions, preventing any major d
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Chapter 154: The Birth of a Guardian
In the midst of Admor's beauty and tranquility, a darkness lurks behind the grand facade of the world. Admor, although appearing as a harmonious realm, harbors power and ambition that could potentially threaten the balance between dimensions.In Admor, there is a guardian known as Ron Draven who holds great power. Ron, with his own goals and ambitions, is not satisfied with merely safeguarding Admor. He sees an opportunity to expand his influence and resources by invading other worlds, particularly Earth. Ron believes that by conquering Earth, he can access more resources and power to strengthen Admor's dominance.Ron’s involvement in this invasion plan goes against the principles of balance and harmony between dimensions upheld by many guardians. To counter his ambitions, some guardians from other dimensions begin to take notice and take preventive action. They condemn Ron's plan and prepare themselves to thwart the invasion.Amid this tension, a guardian from Earth, named Caleb Walk
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Chapter 155: The Alliance of Strength
After crossing the mysterious dimensional gate, Victor Draven found himself in a world both unfamiliar and filled with unimaginable power. This harsh and unforgiving world was inhabited by massive, muscular creatures with bull-like heads—the Minotaurs.Victor stood atop a rocky plateau that stretched as far as the eye could see. The air here was thick with the scent of blood and sweat, suggesting that violence was an integral part of life in this place. Surrounding him, towering mountains loomed with peaks capped in snow, seemingly unreachable, while deep valleys below echoed with the constant roar of never-ending battles.The Minotaurs were stubborn creatures who lived for combat. Their bodies were covered in muscle, with massive hands capable of shattering stone with a single strike. Their heads resembled bulls, complete with sharp, deadly horns. Their skin ranged from dark brown to gray, with coarse fur covering their backs and legs. Every step they took resonated like a drumbeat a
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Chapter 156: The Return Home and the Missing Comrade
After the city of Baigor began to stabilize and repairs progressed rapidly, the Ironfist Hunter decided that it was time for them to return to the Ironfist family estate. Baigor may have survived the greatest threat it had ever faced, but the members of Ironfist Hunter knew that their struggle was far from over.Zeke Ironfist, the team leader, gathered all the members of Ironfist Hunter in the center of Baigor. The city's guardians, as well as the remaining inhabitants, stood around them with mixed feelings—pride, gratitude, but also a tinge of sadness as they prepared to part ways with the heroes who had protected them."My brothers and sisters, we've been through a very tough battle," Zeke said with a firm yet empathetic voice. "But we made it through together. Baigor has been saved, and now it is time for us to return home, where we can strategize and prepare ourselves for the next challenge."Amon Black, one of Baigor's strongest guardians, stepped forward to offer his thanks on b
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Chapter 157: The Wise Elder
In the seventh dimension, Evan felt as if time moved differently, almost as though the world around him slowed down or even stopped when he was inside the temple. The temple itself felt like a place detached from reality, filled with magical energy that was both foreign and soothing. Every step he took within the temple seemed to draw him deeper into the mysteries of the dimension, and each test he faced appeared designed not just to measure his physical abilities but to challenge him mentally and emotionally as well. Galathiel, the wise and knowledgeable elder elf, stood before him. His calm face and deep gaze made Evan feel as though he was facing a force far greater than he had ever imagined. Galathiel spoke a few words in the elven language, a beautiful yet mysterious tongue that Evan could only partially understand. However, the words carried real power, an energy that penetrated Evan’s soul. Suddenly, the system within Evan’s body began to hum, signaling clearly that his miss
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Chapter 158: The Spirits
In the village of the elves, Evan was invited by Elder Aelar to take a tour. Evan was personally curious about the lives of the elves, creatures he had only heard about in myths.As they walked along the path made of smooth stones, Evan took a closer look at the lives of the elves. Some elves, both men and women, sat around small campfires, speaking in an ancient language that Evan couldn't understand. In another corner, a group of elf children played cheerfully around a stream, running and laughing with voices so light, it was as if they were part of the gentle breeze."Look over there," said Aelar, pointing to a large tree with branches spreading out like protective arms. "That is the Rukhas Tree, one of the oldest trees in this world. Its age may be thousands of years old, and we believe it is a symbol of strength and wisdom. We often hold ceremonies there, seeking guidance from our ancestors."Evan gazed at the large tree in awe. The Rukhas Tree seemed alive, its leaves shimmering
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Chapter 159: Into the Seventh Dimension
At the Ironfist family residence, tension filled the large meeting room. Zeke Ironfist, the leader of the Ironfist Hunters, was leading a serious discussion about their preparations to enter the seventh-dimensional gate. Each team member was in their position, preparing their equipment and strategies for this highly dangerous mission.Zeke stood in the center of the room, surveying his team. "We're entering the seventh-dimensional gate. Our mission is to find Evan and ensure his safety. We don't know what kind of enemies we'll face in there, so we'll avoid combat whenever possible."The team members, including the newly joined Mousa and Violet, were checking their gear seriously. Mousa, a hand-to-hand fighter with newly acquired earth-controlling abilities, and Violet, who could cast curses on enemies, looked ready to face any challenge.As they were about to depart, the meeting room door opened, and Aria entered. "I’ve received word from Delfina. They want the Ironfist family to join
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Chapter 160: The Path of Resonance
After a full day of deep meditation, Aelar led Evan to practice more concrete skills in connecting with nature. Evan's body felt exhausted, yet there was a new determination within him, driving him to continue learning. Aelar explained that to truly harmonize with the elements of nature, Evan needed to feel and understand the direct interaction with his surroundings. First, Aelar asked Evan to water the plants in the village's elf garden. Evan took a bucket filled with fresh water from the spring near the village. Each drop of water he poured into the soil brought new life to the thriving plants there. Although it seemed simple, Aelar explained, "Caring for plants is about understanding their needs, just as you must understand the needs of nature's energy. This connection helps you learn more about the different elements." Next, Aelar took Evan to bathe in the clear river that flowed at the edge of the village. The water was cold and refreshing. As Evan immersed his body, Aelar sai
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