All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
180 chapters
Chapter 161: Rumors of Affinity and the Vigilant Archer
In the village of the elves, the usually serene and peaceful atmosphere began to feel different. A hum of whispers filled the air as the elves exchanged stories and glances. Rumors about Evan, the human who had recently arrived in their village, spread like wildfire, vibrating through every hidden corner of the ancient forest."Evan, that human… they say he has an affinity with all the elements," one young elf said, his eyes wide with awe as he spoke to his friends."Really? That’s impossible!" his friend replied, somewhat skeptical but still captivated by the possibility. "No being, not even among us, is born with such abilities."The village, usually so reclusive and rarely interacting with outsiders, was now filled with deep curiosity. The elves, who had lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years, seldom saw something truly new and astonishing. Evan’s presence had shaken their balance, but in a way that was full of hope."Evan is indeed a unique human," said Elder Aelar wi
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Chapter 162: The Spirit Summoner's Ultimate Test
After several days of rigorous and challenging training, Evan finally arrived at the final stage he had been eagerly anticipating—the spirit summoning stage. Under the strict supervision of Elder Aelar, Evan had to master the art of summoning, a skill only mastered by select elves. This was his final test, where he had to prove that he had understood and become one with the nature around him. That morning, the air in the elf village was fresh and cold. A thin mist still enveloped the trees, and the sunlight trying to pierce through the clouds created a magical atmosphere. In an open field surrounded by ancient trees hundreds of years old, Evan stood in the middle of a carefully arranged stone circle. This circle, according to Aelar, was the most sacred place to summon a spirit. Elder Aelar, in his green robe that blended with the surrounding nature, stood beside Evan. His old but wise face looked at Evan with hope and a hint of worry. "Evan, this is the final stage of your training,
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Chapter 163: The Perfect Summoning
Next, Evan attempted to summon the spirit of the earth element. This time, a massive rhinoceros with horns made of solid rock appeared. Each of its steps shook the ground beneath them, as if reminding everyone of the unshakable strength and stability of nature. Evan felt the rhinoceros spirit vibrating with solid power, and he knew that the earth element had also become a part of him. Fire, wind, water, and earth spirits had all been summoned by Evan. The elves who witnessed this became even more impressed and excited. Never before had they seen a human with such abilities. Whispers of admiration grew louder among them, and more of them began to regard Evan as a legendary figure. However, Evan was not finished yet. There were still other elements he had not summoned, and he felt a strong urge to do so. With high concentration, he returned to the center of the magic circle and began summoning the spirit of the lightning element. This time, a large eagle with wings sparkling with ligh
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Chapter 164: The Elders' Decision and the Challenge
That night, in the elders' hall located at the heart of the elf village, a tense atmosphere filled every corner of the room. This hall was a sacred place, adorned with ancient carvings that told the long history of the elves. The light from the torches hanging on the walls cast shadows of the elders, creating a mysterious and weighty impression.The elders sat around a large table made from the wood of an ancient tree, said to have existed before their village was founded. Each elder played a crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony of the village, and tonight they gathered to discuss something extraordinarily important: the presence of Evan, a human capable of summoning all spirits, and what should be done next.A female elder named Elowen, with long silver hair and sharp blue eyes, spoke first. "Evan's ability to summon all spirits is a sign. A sign that we have a chance we've never had in thousands of years. The black dragon in East Lunaris must be stopped before it beco
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Chapter 165: The Weight of a Decision
Evan paused for a moment, contemplating Lyanna's request. He knew the elves deeply valued strength and combat prowess. A sparring match wasn’t just about who was stronger, but about testing each other’s abilities and honing their skills. Although he still felt awkward with his newfound powers, Evan realized this could be an opportunity to learn more about how to control his abilities."Alright," Evan finally replied. "I accept your challenge, Lyanna. But remember, this is just practice. We don’t need to push ourselves until someone gets hurt."Lyanna gave a faint smile, somewhat pleased that Evan didn’t refuse her challenge. "Of course. I have no intention of hurting you, Evan. But don’t underestimate me."The two then took their positions in an open field. Nyx, recognizing the situation, stepped back slightly to give them space but remained alert, ready to assist if needed. The elves around the village began to gather, curious about what was about to happen. They had all heard about
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Chapter 166: A Tranquil Captivity and Hidden Wounds
Day after day passed with no significant change for the Ironfist Hunters trapped in the seventh dimension. Since their arrival on the small island, they had tried every method to find a way out—searching for hidden portals, exploring every corner of the island, even using their powers to scan for the presence of other beings. But all efforts were in vain. The island was truly isolated and seemed determined not to let them leave.At first, they all felt anxious and frustrated. As experienced hunters who were used to facing danger and challenges, being stuck in such a quiet and peaceful place felt utterly foreign. Every day, they hoped something would happen, something to break the monotony—whether it be an attack from a dimensional creature or signs of Evan’s presence, whom they were searching for. But all they had was the vast blue sea, white sandy beaches, and lush trees.However, as time went on, the anxiety slowly dissipated. Perhaps it was because they began to accept the reality
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Chapter 167 - The Black Dragon's Challenge
That night, the elven village appeared calm and peaceful, illuminated by the soft light of the full moon hanging in the sky. The gentle sound of a small stream flowing near the elves' homes added to the tranquility of the atmosphere. However, inside Elder Aelar's residence, the mood was slightly more serious. Evan sat across from Elder Aelar, a wise elf with long white hair and a beard that almost touched the ground. The two sat on cushions placed on the floor, surrounded by ancient books and magical artifacts that emitted a mystical aura around them. Elder Aelar looked at Evan with a gaze full of understanding. "Have you made your decision, Evan?" he asked in a calm voice. Evan nodded resolutely. "I've thought it through, Elder. I accept your request to defeat the black dragon that has threatened this village for centuries." Elder Aelar nodded slowly, but he could see that there was something else Evan wanted to say. "I feel there's more you wish to convey, Evan. Speak, young
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Chapter 168: The Corrupted Realm
As Evan and Lyanna journeyed toward the eastern Lunaris, they walked side by side, breathing in the fresh air filled with forest scents. The clear morning sky illuminated their path, while the sounds of birds and the gentle flow of streams added to the beauty of their journey. They used this time to chat, practice, and plan their strategy."So, what’s it like being an elite force in the elf village?" Evan asked curiously, his eyes scanning the dense forest around them.Lyanna smiled. "It feels like living in a completely different world. We have an incredible peace here, and every day feels like a gift. But, of course, there’s a great responsibility that comes with it. We’re tasked with maintaining the balance of nature and protecting our village from external threats."Evan nodded. "There must be its own set of challenges. I’m sure your parents are smiling from above, proud of you."Lyanna glanced at the ground for a moment before answering. "Yes, they always supported me. But losing
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Chapter 169: The Final Confrontation
Tension hung heavily in the air as Evan and Lyanna stood side by side before the massive, ancient tree. Both sensed something incredibly powerful, dark, and malevolent approaching. The sky above them darkened, heralding the arrival of a creature that would test their abilities and courage to their limits.“Are you ready?” Lyanna asked, her firm voice breaking the silence.Evan nodded, feeling the surge of magic flowing through his body. “I’m always ready,” he replied, gripping his sword which shimmered with magical energy. They had prepared for every possibility, but they knew whatever was coming would not be easy.From afar, they heard a rumble that shook the ground beneath their feet. The earth trembled, and the surrounding trees swayed violently, as if sensing the presence of a gigantic, dangerous being. The darkening sky opened to reveal a colossal shadow rapidly approaching them.A terrifying roar filled the air, heightening their alertness. Emerging from the growing darkness was
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Chapter 170: The Dawn of Celebration and Darkness
News of Evan and Lyanna’s victory over the black dragon quickly spread across Lunaris. The once terror-stricken inhabitants now cheered, celebrating the freedom they had gained thanks to the courage and strength of the two heroes. That night, the villages around the eastern region were filled with the glow of torches and lanterns, marking the beginning of a grand celebration to honor the heroes who had saved them.When Evan and Lyanna finally returned to the village, they were greeted by a jubilant crowd, full of joy and gratitude. Children ran to meet them with wildflowers picked from the nearby forest, while the elders honored them with prayers of thanks. Smiles adorned every face that saw them, reminding Evan and Lyanna that their struggle was not in vain.In the village’s main square, a grand feast was quickly arranged. Long tables were laden with delicious food—fresh fruits, warm bread, fragrant roasted meat, and wine poured from large barrels. Cheerful music began to play, and p
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