All Chapters of THE SWORD GOD RETURN: Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 chapters
Chapter Thirty one .... Look down on
"Young master is right. I'm here for two reasons. Firstly, to play my last Zither music in this pavilion and secondly, to be auctioned off".Fiary Nian Qi words sounded like bombshell to all hearing.Murmured echo throughout the pavilions.Their Goddess will be auctioned?!The most beautiful fairy will be auctioned right now?!.Pei Lin, Lin Chan, Bie Zhuge and Ye Chang determine with resolute thought to win Nian Qi over!.Who doesn't wish to have a beauty accompany him?."Young master, please you must bid for my goddess!". Liang Chen shouted out.Ye Xiu snort in disdain."Fairy Nian, are you playing prank on us?". Bie Zhuge suddenly asked.The people's were really bewildered by her sudden auctioned off. To them, Fairy Nian had been living a great life in the Pavilion; she doesn't appeared publicly any how, the people respect her much and her cultivation life has always been smoothly."Gentleman, Nian isn't playing prank on you". A seductive voice suddenly said. A beautiful woman in h
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Chapter Thirty Two.. .. The Dragon and Phoenix Contest begin
The moon hung high, and the starlight sparkled. Tonight, Ye Xiu mind was especially tranquil and peaceful.He sat down quietly on a wooden whiskey chair, gazing at the beautiful and exception moon. Tonight was different from other night that he always cultivate, he was leisure tonight because fate has started changing.The three expert he killed was because of tonight. Back then, the night today wasn't supposed to be beautiful. It was supposed to be eerily this moon, the people should have been in despair and everything should have been clouded with blood tonight.Tonight was supposed to be a slaughter night!. The night the Great Qin Kingdom was invaded.The night his entire clan was slaughtered thoroughly..Originally, the Great Qin Kingdom Royal Members was a mammoth Members with terrifying power and backing. They weren't supposed to be helpless against their Invaders but something changed the entire situation.A Formation!.'Death qi soul formation'A dark ruin formation that conv
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Chapter Thirty Three.... The Emperor of Great Qin
After some minutes, the heavenly martial academy arrived on there spirit beast. They consist of twelve individual including there sect master, a middle aged man; his eyes blazing with extremely strong qi. He was dressed in full red robe with his hair scattered behind him. Sect Master Hao.; Also knew as Red Robe Master. He was also Ye Chang direct Master. The crowd as expected also discussed about the sect legend most especially the Red Robe Master legend. The six individuals, five males and a female excluding the Red Robe Master flew down from the spirit beast and made there way towards there designated tent. Red Robe Master extend his greetings towards the arrive three masters. "Look! Who are those new comer?". Among the crowd, someone suddenly asked as he extend his hand towards the direction. “Hmm?” Many cultivators turned in the direction of the voice with curious expressions. Not far away, a white-robed cultivator walked over from the crowds. He had handsome del
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Chapter Thirty Four..... Lei Xian
"Your Majesty, this old man apologize for arriving late".A tyrannical voice sounded on the horizon. The voice was filled with domineering tyrannica completely energy.The voice remant made all the surroundings cultivator including all the participants eardrums hurt, some lower cultivator even cough out mouthful amount of blood.The might of Astray Infant wasn't something they could endure .Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes with cold gaze at the voice horizon.If his soul wasn't a lot stronger than average person, even himself would suffered like the others. "Old man, what are you doing?!". The Red Robe Master asked in anger. "Haha, this old man forgot to restrain his voice". Amidst the sudden commotion, a terrifying wave sweep through the horizon. Gazing at a direction, a man could be seen walking. He was tall, dressed in blur, with a high nose and deep eyes. The man had brown beard, a heroic spirit, with eyes like a sharp sword. It was none other than the Heaven Dominating Sect Master.S
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Chapter Thirty Five .... life and death situation
"I, the Emperor of Great Qin Kingdom, welcome you talented youth to this year Dragon and Phoenix Contest. Today Contest is aimed at selecting the top five prodigy to represent this kingdom. The top five winners will be granted the opportunity to cultivate in the Royal Forbidden Nirvana Pool!. Now, let me explain the rules to you all....""We have a total of two hundred and fifty six contenders, which means there will be eight stages for each stage winners. Shortly, everyone will draw a lots according to the sequence. Those who draw the same number will face each other as the opponents, understood?"."Understood"."Very well, spar and exchange move with each-other, light injuries is allowed but don't no heavy casualty or endanger each other lives". "Begin-".Emperor Qin waved his hand at the sky.A huge gigantic raffle box appeared out of mid air and started distributing numbered plaques to each person.Ye Xiu looked at the numbers in hands casually. Number Forty Nine.The people dis
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Chapter Thirty Six.... Spear Mayor
"Number Two.....""Number Three.....""Number Four....""Number Five.....""Number Six....."*******The fight continue with each of their various winner. Since the sudden change of situation at the first fight, no one dare to underestimate his or her opponent again."Number Twenty two".At this moment, Ji Xiu who had almost remain expressionless slowly stand up with her spear and made her way to the arena.Her opponent was already waiting for her at the arena.Her opponent was coincidentally a member of Blue Azure Sect.He was at the ninth level of Enlightening realm, same with Ji Xiu realm."Where does this girl come from? She is a very talented girl to be able to become Spear Mayor at such a young age". The Emperor commended with a surprised expression."She's from the Ji Clan.. Based on her age and spear she wielded, she must be the Second Daughter of Ji Clan Patriarch, Ji Xiu". Ye Wuhen replied as he stared at Ji Xiu."Patriarch Ye, you sure have an impressive eyesight". Patriach
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Chapter Thirty Seven ..... Sword Dustless
"Ye Xiu, it's your turn!". Ye Chang eyes lift up with anticipation.He was unconvinced about his defeat last time. He didn't even know Ye Xiu strength depth.Ye Xiu smile as he made his way to the arena. Fairy Nian face is filled with curiosity, wondering what's so special about this cold brat. Liang Chen wasn't even worried a little, only he knew what kind of monster Ye Xiu was.Among the contestant, there is no one that can pose a vital opponent to Ye Xiu, except Lei Xian.Strangely enough, maybe it was because of Lei Chen ill interaction with Ye Xiu or something else, all the crowd faces was full of burning expression.Ye Xiu suddenly came to realization! Amongst the great clan, only him hasn't fight publicly, so his true strength still remain anonymous. Inorder to avoid unnecessary suspicion, he didn't hide his cultivation realm. However, he only shown eight level of Enlightening realm aura.Ye Xiu opponent was already waiting for him in the arena. The opponent was a burly male
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Chapter Thirty Eight ..... Ye Chang Assurance
It was already dawn when the last first day challenges ended. One hundred and twenty eight were the total number of the eliminated genius while the total number of those geniuses who qualified for the second ranking was one hundred and twenty eight, tally with the number of the defeateds. Which means half of the contestants had been eliminated. The next fight will be commencing in the next day, so everyone had to returned to the inns provided by the Kingdom to rest. At this moment, in one of numerous inn provided were Ye Clan Membership, including Ye Xiu sitting around a round table with a plate of white tofu behind them. Naturally, from the first stage of cultivation to the Soul Formation Realm, everyone at the those realm must eat food to sustain their energy. To live without food and drinks wasn't for those with weaker cultivation. "Haha, the fight today was exceptional thrilling and full of surprises". "In my home country, individuals who reached the Enlightening realm were c
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