All Chapters of The phoenix: Rise of Liam Black : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 chapters
Chapter Eleven: Enjoying the show
"What are you trying t-to say?" Elena eyes widened with disbelief as she thought what sort of rotten market had that stinky old man tossed to them? She had thought the suitor was this better looking rich man, and not this...!! She couldn't find the right words to describe it, she had even planned to marry him to her beautiful granddaughter, Carolina, but this ? "Are you trying to mock us? " Carolina's brother Derek sprang up with annoyance as he said, "You can't mean it." Still finding it hard to believe, Elena quickly said, "Hand it over, you must have the proof right? Hand it over and let me see." Johnson unfold the letter and give it to her, she scanned the letter with her eyes and helplessly handed it back to Johnson. "He's right, Rachel, prepare to marry..." she turned to Johnson with a frown and asked, "What's his name?" "Liam Blackwood." She turned back to the beautiful lady sitting in between a pair of mother and father and began to say again, "Rachel you must
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Chapter twelve: Stop it woman!
Carolina climbed the staircase angrily as she walked to her room, but she suddenly stop after seeing Rachel figure walking close to her. "Hey Rachel." She waved at Rachel with a mocking smile. "Why are you sending him to do your laundry, we have maids in the house and they can do that part just fine." "Hey... Aren't you being so stingy with your soon to be husband.. are you here to defend him now? Or wait, could it be that you have fallen in love with him?" The words were accompanied by a boisterous laughter. But Rachel frowned and said, "just answer my question, why are you sending him to do your laundry?" "There's nothing bad in using a useless person for something suitable, I'm even generous enough to send him to wash my clothes, I mean in his entire life, I doubt he ever touched an expensive dress, so washing one was a privilege for him, it's just so bad he didn't take them, or do you think if it wasn't for Derek I would've let him go." "At least you heard what grandma
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Chapter thirteen: Twin necklace
Since the card has been given to Liam, he hadn't for once buy anything for himself, additionally since his wedding with Rachel was only a week away, he planned to get her something nice. So he took his card and take a cab to an High-End jewelery store, he paid the driver and he walked to the mall. The security at the door opened it for him and he stepped into the store, he was immediately struck by the dazzling array of the sparklers on display. he hasn't been to a place like this before. The host, was a poised woman with a warm smile, she glided over to greet him. "Hello sir welcome to our jewelry store. What brings you in today?" she asked smiling broadly. Liam hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm looking for a ring. A diamond ring for a wedding." The host's face lit up with excitement as she began to say, "Well, you've come to the right place! We have an incredible selection of rings that are sure to impress." She led Liam to a case filled with an assortment
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Chapter fourteen: Black Diamond
"You don't even know the price, you get me the manager of this place, I want to hear how they run a business if just anyone could touch a priceless necklace as this without even knowing the price! And even have the face to deny my wife to have it." Charles said with annoyance and finally concluded staring even fiercer at the host.She immediately bowed her head and started pleading, "Please have mercy, I'm new here so I didn't know he was that kind of person." But Charles only snorted coldly and ordered, "Get the manager here now!" The host quickly scrambled away and soon come back like a shivering mess.Soon a fair lady in blue dress and high heels walked towards them, her lips was painted with vibrant red lipstick.She's Natalie, the sales manager, the moment she neared, her gaze swept the area, taking in the two individuals, one, a wealthy couple, having an Aura of wealth and refinement, and the other, a disheveled man, reeking of poverty and desperation. Her eyes suddenly locke
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Chapter fifteen: Bite back
"Have you no shame? First you want them to bring the payment machine which they did, not only did the fake plastic you hold didn't work, I'm even generous enough to have only the security throw you out, now you're suggesting they bring a much upgraded machines? Who do you think you are?" Natalie said with her jaw clenched. "Mr Liam... I'd advise you let go of both the necklace and the ring since you can't pay for it," Freya was Beginning to get angry at Liam now seriously, she had previously thought he was a good person.But even during all this Liam still said, "just bring it first and if it didn't work, then I will give all of it back." "Do you even know the sort of people that use the payment machine you're talking about? Are you so dumb? Do you think it was some worthless scrap like you are?" Natalie snapped angrily as she called in the security to throw Liam out.They encircled him as they meant to beat him with their batons first before throwing him out. However, Liam eyes wa
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Chapter sixteen: Crazed bitch
There was a stunned silence in the store the moment they saw Charles laying face flat on the floor and begging for forgiveness."I was wrong, please forgive me." Fred glared at him, he didn't want to judge Charles, therefore he turned to Liam and asked, "What will you have me do to him sir?" "To that I'd say, you can deal with him however you want, it's none of my business."Charles eyes were filled with fear as he crawled to Liam's side, banging his head on the floor and pleading, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry please have mercy, forgive me.." Fred eyes turned dark as he balled his fist and viciously kicked him back. "You still dare move closer to him huh? do you want to die?" Jean eyes widened with both fear and confusion, she held her slapped cheek sobbing quietly, but not even Charles or Natalie whom she was trying to protect were able to see her. Because Fred's balled fist had already punched Charles face thrice, making him to spit out blood, however he was desperately still p
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Chapter seventeen: He's a worthless piece of trash
At the Black's minor family. "Mother are you okay?" Rachel asked as she supported Gloria who seemed shaken by her husband reaction. "Mother.." she tried to touch her shoulder, all while being casual as she did so. "Hands off.." Gloria hissed and push Rachel hands away from her body. "Out... Get out now, out!" She yelled loudly at Rachel and even pushed her out of the door, after that she slumped on the bed and angrily hissed into her pillow. Rachel crashed onto the cold floor as she winced slightly, her left cheek stung, her father's palm did a really brutal job bursting the side of her lips, the tears streamed down her face as she gathered herself up, hiccupping as she did so. Liam who had just arrived stood at the door and watched her stood up, he couldn't bare to look at her like that so he walked closer, he didn't ask her any question as he steady her by holding her shoulder and took her back to the room, he went to get an ice pack from the maid in the kitchen and help h
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Chapter eighteen: Beg for Forgiveness
Gloria usually bragged among her friends that her daughter is going to be married to a wealthy man, but that old witch Elena had tossed the pig leftover cabbage to her daughter and turned her into an object of ridicule.She had thought she would get this over with as soon as possible, but with Carolina's interference, her teeths gnashed together, but she still pressed back her rage and smiled through it, "What nonsense are you saying Carolina? My son in law is just keeping everything private and I'd like it to remain like that." But Carolina was far from giving up as she sneered, and replied with a smile, "It couldn't be that you're afraid of something? If that street dog up there on the alter is so remarkable, then why are you objecting the checking of ring?""You!""I told you he was nothing but a stray dog who was sheltered by the Black's family!" Gloria's friend also found it strange, Layla knew Gloria would've gloat of her son in law if he was really wealthy and would by no re
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Chapter nineteen: Big shot
Carolina hadn't expected Liam to consent to checking the ring, when obviously it was fake, but his consent only make things more exciting.She was so sure that Liam is gloating, and begging for forgiveness is something that wouldn't happen, she was very certain that this ring would at most cost few hundreds dollars, therefore she smiled arrogantly and declared, "Begging is just a little thing, to show everyone here how sure I am, if this ring was checked and it turned out to be a real deal, then I'm going to lick his shoes and beg Aunty for saying untrue words. But if it turned out to be fake, I want Rachel and Liam to lick this floor clean!" Layla's eyes widened, now it was clear that Carolina was saying nothing but the truth, and she couldn't wait to see Gloria face rubbed with mud and dirt as she quickly said, "I will get the person who will check the ring, just give me a few minutes." Then she hurriedly walked away."Do you know you can still take your words back? I'm sure that
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Chapter Twenty: Lick my shoes.
Fred recognized the ring, it was the same one he sold to that distinguish Mr Liam the other day, he saw it clearly, and the ring also carried the mark of their store, so he was sure it's the same thing. When he had entered into the hall, he hadn't actually see Liam due to how crowded the place was, so he thought the ring was stolen from Liam.He was ready to flip this whole place upside down so as to get on the good side of Liam, what he knew so far was this ring was stolen! And he was not going to take it easy with whomever the thief was. "Mr will, why do you ask this question?" Carolina asked as she thought was Fred disgusted by the quality of ring to the extent of wanting to beat Liam to death! Thus she smiled sweetly and jumped out, "This ring belonged to her! " She pointed to Rachel and tried to pull her out.Fred eyes went to the direction and his gaze happened to met Liam's who was calmly standing there, beside the beautiful lady. Could t
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