All Chapters of The Billionaire's Torment : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 chapters
Chapter 11. Sick
Max's POVI closed the door, zoomed in on my wife. She back walked to the bed until the back of her knees hit the bed, her eyes watching me wearily. As her butt met the bed, l was upon her. I braced my fisted hands on both sides of her hips and crowded her. Her fragrant breath teased my senses, l breathed into her face. “ What's with the look? Can't l come to my wife’s bedroom to say goodnight?.” She blinked and flattered her lashes, “ we already said goodnight at the door.” “ True, but what if l wanted more, would you give it to me?.”She scooted towards the middle of the bed, her chest heaving. I followed her and pinned her down. “ Give you what?.” She whispered, her wide eyes resembled a trapped mongoose.I pecked her nose, “ come on darling, you know what l mean.”Her gaze turned into a glare, “ if you mean s.x forget it. I still have a big butt, it has not shrunk.”Dammit, my words came to bite me in the ass. I got down from the bed, hauled her off the bed, sat down and tugged
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Chapter 12. Hospitalised
Nora's POV My body hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt. I focused my bleary eyes on the bright ceiling, l recognised it as the hospital ceiling. Last night I went to bed with a slight fever and a bad headache. The rest was a blur. “ Hello Mrs Ratliff, how are you feeling?.”I swivelled my head in the voice's direction. Dr Ralph and Dr Selborne smiled down at me. I gave them a weak smile. At least the attending Drs were my acquaintances. Dr Ralph was Max's best friend since childhood. He, Max and The Falcon owner, Shad Rolan were as thick as thieves. Dr Selborne was my secret crush from the moment I laid my orbs on him, not only me, most of the female medical students fancied him. The day Max and l clashed, l thought he looked familiar, now l realised he and Dr Selborne resembled each other in structure and weight. Viewed from behind, they were identical. My new name from my future colleagues' mouth sounded strange. I grimaced. "I feel terrible, l ache everywhere.”My voice sounded
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Chapter 13. Enraged bull
Max's POV Tuesday morning my eyes opened to a beautiful sight. Nora Ratliff sprawled on my bed, her lips slightly ajar, snoring gently. Her complexion was back to normal. No woman slept overnight at my house, after i bang you, vamoose afterwards. That's one of the reasons i got pissed when my mum shoved Nora down my throat. l cherished my freedom and enjoyed rolling around my bed alone, but this morning showed me what l missed in the past years.I rested on my elbow, my face in my right palm and studied her features at leisure. Her eyes suddenly flew apart, l twitched like a startled rabbit. “ Is it your habit to spy on people as they sleep sir?.” I caressed her cheek, “ you wake up already fighting? Habit? Who else apart from you has graced my bed? You look better.” She shrugged her shoulders and yawned. “ l feel better, thank you for your care, l appreciate it. Who knows who you rolled on the sheets with? Bachelors have bad manners.”I pecked her lips and vacated the bed, “ spea
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Chapter 14. The Sniper
Angela Shaman paced up and down in her living room, a wine glass in her hand. The moment Caesar showed up at the living room door, she tore into him."Am I the only one who gets the seriousness of the matter at hand? Caesar stop dragging your feet, l want to see action not promises.” Caesar quickly walked to the couch, sat down and patted the seat, “ calm down, come.”Angela frowned, her venomous eyes red, her face scrunched, drunk as a sailor. She walked to the coffee table, placed the glass gingerly on the table, and sat beside her husband. Caesar placed her hand on his thigh and caressed it."Look honey, the girl is a problem in our daughter's life but to kill her? No. Martha’s plan is brilliant, let's go with that.” Angela snatched her hand away, glared at him. “ Caesar, l know you as a decisive man, what changed? Maxwell is married already, he is not going to roll over and give up his beautiful wife, you know him. Pat has his hands full with his son, he can't control him. The gi
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Chapter 15. The graduation
Nora's POV The day before my graduation Cathy and l hit the shops. Max gifted me a limitless card, instructed me to clean the shops if l wished to and we almost did. I bought Cathy whatever caught her eye. The girl took me under her wing when l was an underdog in high school. Back in my high school days l was the odd one out. I got a scholarship to rich men's children school. My granny could only afford the school uniform, l got the shoes from a second hand shop and they showed. On my second week at school l realised i was a lone wolf, nobody attempted to befriend me. One day as i sat on a school bench, a group of girls from my class came and clustered before me. They pretended not to notice my presence. After sometime a tall, big girl approached me and started a conversation, the girl was Cathy.We became friends from that day and still remain friends even today. She fought my battles throughout high school and shouldered my financial strain on countless occasions. Her family’ s fo
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Chapter 16. Ganged on
Nora's POV Max sent everybody home, my granny protested at once. “I want to see your grandfather, we haven't met.” “No granny, you guys have to rest, especially you granny. You are still recovering, the flight to and from Zerus zapped your strength, please go home.”I held her hand, “ he is right granny, you can visit grandfather tomorrow.” Granny eventually agreed to be taken home. At the hospital, Max hit the ground running as soon as the car stopped. I trailed behind him slowly, l was dead on my feet. I exchanged the high heels for comfortable slippers on the plane. I pushed the door to the ward cautiously and stepped in. From the doorway grandpa looked dead, his pallid face was still, his mouth twisted and his colour awful. I closed the door and moved to the foot of the bed. Everyone turned their heads towards me except Max who held his grandfather's hand, his gaze fixed on his face. Dr Ralph, Dr Selborne and Dr Russell stood on the right side of the bed while Max stood on th
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Chapter 17. Suprised
Nora's POV Sunday morning i woke up to four surprises. A small tray by the bed with two envelopes piqued my interest. I peeked into the first one and screamed. It was a letter of employment.Maxwell Ratliff, that sneaky racoon, had the letter in his possession all this time but failed to mention it to me. Granny had to see this, after suffering for so long, a big celebration was a must. God did it for us. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and reached for the second envelope. The words ‘vacation/honeymoon’ were written on top. I pulled the shiny bright brochure out, two plane tickets to South Africa fell out.I perused the brochure. A big smile split my face, a nature reserve of my dreams was displayed on the brochure. I remembered Max’s mockery whenever he caught me watching my favourite wild life channel.My love for him grew, an observant man was a treasure. Oh no, the dates clashed, l had to report to work on Monday, tomorrow to be exact, the flight dates were on the same dat
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Chapter 18. Disappeared
Nora's POV We took our small party to the outside party room. The big room was made totally of glass. The only solid things were the roof and the floor, every part of the property could be seen from every angle, no matter where you stood in the room. The drinks flowed, Matilda outdid herself with the food. Max poached her from Shad Rolan, the hotelier. As the day progressed, inhibitions flew out of the window, Selborne and Cathy changed saliva on the corner couch. “Children nowadays, no shame at all, look at your friend Nora.”My granny complained, her lips pursed. “Leave the children alone Sophia. They are both single, who knows Selborne might join Max and Shad, live happily ever after.” Granny Ratliff admonished. I laughed so hard at my granny's expression, she was really pissed. The guys drunkenly danced and horsed around.At some point Max clicked a spoon against a glass, the noise died down at once.“Baby, come here.” I joined him, “ mum, it's true when they say mums know be
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Chapter 19. Passionate morning
Nora's POV Max violently pushed me away, my hand shot out on reflex, l stumbled back, Max's towel in my hand. We both looked down at his lower body, he in consternation, me in fascination. This was the second time l saw my husband naked. The first time i turned the other way when he took off his shirt, so l did not get to see the package, only felt it when he tried to penetrate me. My gaze fixed on it, the size was impressive even in slumber. My feet moved on their own accord, l stood before him, then knelt. My hand snaked to his rod, l gripped it and heard him inhale deeply. I started pumping my eyes on his, the anger had been replaced by desire. He closed his eyes and threw his head back. When his rod rose to half mast l took him in my mouth and licked. He gasped and moaned, pulled himself out and picked me off the floor. He deposited me on the bed, tore my nightie and tossed it aside. l was naked underneath.Max's POV I entered my bedroom to find Nora in a deep sleep. I disrobe
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Chapter 20. Headaches
Caesar Shaman entered his house to find his wife sloshed, an almost empty bottle of wine between her wide spread legs, her head resting on the edge of the couch.She peered at him with red, swollen eyes, her neck and face flushed red. She tilted her head and the contents in the glass went down the hatch, “ oh, it's you.” She sounded disappointed. “Who were you expecting?.” “The Sniper of course.” Caesar bent down and removed the bottle between her legs, he remarked over his shoulder as he put the bottle at the bar. “Angela, your drinking is getting out of hand, l think it's time to visit the psychologist, pour out anything that is bothering you.”Angela belched loudly and stared balefully at her husband, “ you are my problem, l don't need someone to tell me what i already know. I know you have sabotaged me, where is The Sniper? He went radio silent after you and he whispered outside the other day. Caesar, you won't stop me. Steel Cage is there if The Sniper has abandoned the assign
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