All Chapters of The Billionaire's Torment : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 chapters
Chapter 21. First surgery
Nora’s POV I remarked as l dressed, “ it will be more problematic for me if the patient dies, when there is a qualified Dr who could have saved her.” I gave his grumpy face a quick kiss and rushed out of the bedroom.I removed my gloves, threw them in the waste bin, extended my arms and a runner took off my gown. My first surgery after coming back to my country took a lot from me, it was long and tedious, but the problem was not the long surgery hours but the patient. How ironic, my first patient happened to be my love rival’s mother. Me and my assistant Daniel Ross, headed to the washing station. I eyed him sideways as we washed our hands.“Ross, l have a favour to ask, can you please attend to the Shaman family?.”Ross studied me suspiciously. “ Why? You are the surgeon, l'm just an assistant.” I fluttered my eyes lashes at him, “please Ross, l will owe you one.” Ross shook his head vigorously, “ no Dr, l need more than that, what's going on?.” I sighed tiredly, “ Ross, the pat
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Chapter 22. Possessive
Nora's POV “Shhh, pull the tablecloth down.” I hissed, Ross withdrew his hand and hissed back, “ come out now, they are coming over.”“They? What do you mean by ‘they?’.” “Your father in law and his sidekick, Caesar Shaman.” Oh my God. I waited until I saw brown leather shoes in my sight then I quickly got up. “Oh Ross, l can't find it. Hello.” I beamed brightly at my father in law and his friend. “What are you looking for? Just call the waiter to get it for you.” Pat Ratliff 's mocking tone told me he did not buy my story. His black eyes roamed over me, from head to toe, l squirmed inside but returned his scrutiny with a steady gaze.His eyes moved to our table, “ you have not ordered the food yet, please join us in our private dining room.”I started to shake my head, Ross stomped on my feet, l cleared my throat to mask the pain. I bobbed my head up and down in silent agreement instead.“Good, please follow us.” I grabbed my clutch bag, Ross and l tailed the duo meekly to a
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Chapter 23. Back to back conflict
Max's POV Nora and I came to a stop just inside the kitchen. She complained, “ why are we stopping? We have to sit down for this.”“Oh, is it that serious?.” “Very.”We mounted the tall kitchen stools, side by side.“Spill.”Nora got down, opened the fridge and brought the juice pitcher and glasses to the island. She poured for both of us and sat down again. So much hedging, what happened at the hotel? “Let me tell you what happened. Your father and Caesar Shaman interrupted us as we were about to have dinner. They invited us to their private dining room. They didn't waste any time before they tore into my abilities as a Dr. Your father and his friend threatened my job. They started by claiming i'm incompetent at my job. They told me clearly that if Mrs Shaman complicates, l can forget about working.”l jumped from the chair so fast i almost toppled it, “ tell me you are joking, if you aren't, my father won't escape my wrath. That man is using you to get to me, l will not allow it.
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Chapter 24. Good news
Nora's POV The phone rang and rang until it got cut off. I tried again and again, no luck. I picked my phone and car keys and headed to the Ratliff Group of Airlines.I greeted the familiar security guard and waved at the receptionist who scowled at me.I used my husband's elevator and got off at the 29th floor. I knocked once and pushed the door open. Zoey 's head snapped up, her face contorted into a grimace when she spotted me. “ How can l help you Mrs Ratliff?.” I ignored her mocking tone and proceeded to the inner door. “Mr Ratliff is in the meeting.”I whirled around, “ why are you here if he is at the meeting?.”Zoey sashayed towards me, turned the door handle, the room was empty.“Mrs Ratliff, l'm Mr Ratliff 's secretary not his PA.”“You are lying, l have never seen a PA here, only you.” Zoey closed the door, we stood facing each other, “ it's because Teddy was on leave plus sick leave.” I walked towards the door, “ thanks, where is the meeting being held?.”“Mrs Ratliff,
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Chapter 25. Plan in motion
Patrick Ratliff moved around the living room aimlessly, avoiding the glass shards. He touched the broad petals of a green flower and ended up at the window. He tweaked the curtain aside and watched as his son zoomed out of the gates.His anger mounted. His son disrespected him today. The battle lines were drawn. Max's lesson would commence soon. He found a weakness in his armour. He swore to capitalise on it.Soft hands rubbed his exposed neck, “relax, your son is spirited like you. He will come around.”Pat closed the curtain and moved from the irritating hands of his wife. Marylin petted him only when she wanted something. He guessed her gentle gesture was to dilute his wrath against her dear son. It would not work.He circled the bar, bent down, searched for a moment and brought out a new decanter. He filled it with whiskey and topped his glass. He drank it neat. His throat burned, tears filled his eyes, he coughed so much Marylin rushed over and thumped his back. She took the gla
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Chapter 26. Stake out
Martha and Roseline hit the road running. They hired a junior photographer from one of the local newspapers, Abednego Riley. Abe as he was locally called, was ambitious, greedy and not above breaking the law to achieve his goals. The girls' deal came at a time when he was in a financial bind. They met at his rundown apartment. The girls covered their faces with scarfs, with their caps almost hiding their shades, they resembled wannabe thugs. Abe ushered them in after checking the corridor and closed the door behind them. “Abe, these people are not paying you enough, your place is a disgrace to your profession. Your couches are disgusting.” Martha looked around with disdain. The girls opted to stand, the couches had cockroach poop at the corners. Abe protested at once, “ l get enough, i'm careless with my savings.”“Ok top earner, let's get down to business, you are familiar with your subject. Follow her from the time she exits the Ratliff gates to her bedtime. I mean step where sh
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Chapter 27. Framed
Max's POVI stood at the window watching the traffic below when i heard a knock, somebody came in without permission. “Sorry Max for badging in your office without permission but things are bad, you are being made a fool of. I can't stand it.” I turned around at the voice of my sister. What was this instigator doing in my office? When the shit hit the fan, she chose her side, our father’s side.Her action came as no surprise, my father always took her side in my altercations with her. My eyes tracked her as she came across the room towards me.“Who is making a fool out of me?."Her eyes glinted with an unnamed emotion. She flushed down to her neck. “It's painful for me to see you in this situation but it had to be done to protect you. Your wife is the gutter rat we warned you against.”My anger was instant. “Get out. From today onwards never set your feet in my office again..”l barked at her, she walked backwards, the fear in her eyes warring with defiance. As she put one foot b
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Chapter 28. Booted out
Max POVThe sight of Nora sitting and eating peacefully at my table enraged me. She and Selborne succeeded in emasculating me, if he was a stranger maybe l could take it. Selborne trailed us wherever we went. He was more Ralph's friend than mine, it was Ralph who brought that snake into our group. I wondered how long their affair had been going on. I had so many questions but my anger superseded anything else at the moment. Whether l looked for answers or not, they would come to me but it would be too late. Now l had one purpose and was about to execute it.I bore down on Nora and yanked her arm. I heard the glass shattering somewhere, l shepherded her upstairs. She pretended to be shocked when i showed her the scandalous photos. She rolled her eyes and feigned fainting.I shouted at her as her body hit the floor, “ don't try it.” I nudged her side with my foot, she remained immobile. I knelt on one knee and slightly slapped her face, her head lolled to the other side. I bent my hea
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Chapter 29. Back home
Max's POV “You look terrible, aren't you supposed to be at work?.”My mum fired at me as soon as I entered her office. I plonked myself on her couch, my arm over my eyes. “I feel terrible, my world as i know it has vanished.”I heard the chair screech against the floor, then the couch sank under my mum's weight. She removed my arm from my face, “ you are scaring me, what happened?.” I sighed and peered at her through my lashes, a headache hammered my skull mercilessly. “Your beloved daughter in law hurt me so badly l doubt i will recover.” My mum slapped my thigh, “ Maxwell Ratliff, speak up. My blood pressure is rising, why are you doing this?.”I sat up and took her hand in mine, “ sorry mum. It's hard for me to talk about it, let me show you instead.”I fished in my sweater pockets, l found my two phones, the third was missing. “Dammit, l forgot the phone at home.” “It doesn't matter, what exactly is in that phone?.” “Mum, that phone contains your son's heartbreak. Nora and
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Chapter 30. Stalemate
Nora's POV Marylin visited me in the early morning hours, eight o'clock to be precise. I was still in bed, the previous night l tossed and turned until the wee hours of the morning. I got out of bed, washed my face and brushed my teeth.I shuffled to the living room. Granny and Marylin were deep in conversation, they stopped when l came in.“Oh my goodness, baby this is not good for the baby, one night and you already look haggard. You and Max have to fix your problem otherwise l will have a scrawny grandchild.” Marylin 's attempt at humour flew over my head, l pouted, “ mum, it's not funny, i'm hurting, l can't sleep, l can't eat, it's bad.” My eyes smarted. “l'm sorry sweetie but don't you dare cry. Those scoundrels don't deserve your tears, come and sit down.” l took the seat opposite them.“You know who they are?.”Marylin shook her head, “ no baby l don't but l have suspects. I think your father in law and the Shaman family are behind it. I gave your husband strict instruction
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