All Chapters of The Billionaire's Torment : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 chapters
Chapter 41. In danger
Cathy's POVThe drive to Max's gigantic mansion was swift, the powerful cars left me way, way behind. The cars’ occupants were long gone when I cruised into the yard. The double doors stood wide open. Max's towering body prevented me from entering his house, “this is as far as you can go. Start talking.”His dark eyes flashed down at me, his jaw set stubbornly.The ruthless, arrogant bastard. I tilted my head, held his gaze and pouted, “ l'm your guest Max, treat me like one or forget about the information and l have tons of it.” My teeth rattled in my mouth like old bones. I rubbed my arms, “ it's cold Max, please let me in.” He turned on his heels, l trotted behind him and closed the door behind us.“Be quick, l'm tired. What have you got?.” l fished the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him, he put his hand behind his back, “ Cathy l don't have time to waste, speak or leave.”“You don't want Nora's letter?.”He snatched the thing out of my hand so fast and pushed me out o
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Chapter 42. Bon voyage
Nora's POV The icy snowflakes drifted down and kissed my face. I let them cool my heated cheeks. It started snowing a few minutes ago. I watched the lights go on in our bedroom, no wait, that was the room next to ours. Max changed rooms, did he detest me to the point of not willing to sleep in the bed we shared? If l sought happiness and contentment in life l had to let Max go. He believed the baby was gone, nothing bonded us anymore. The cold snow driven wind seeped into my jacket, making me shiver. I took one last peep at Max’s window and trudged to my car. At home, my heart almost stopped with trepidation. The living room lights were on. I braced myself for the scolding.“There you are, l thought you were going to the kitchen, next thing your car is racing out of the yard. Where did you go in the middle of the night?.”The questions bombarded me as soon as my mutt showed at the door. “Calm down granny, l had last minute stuff to do.”Granny eyed me sceptically,” in the middle
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Chapter 43. Real danger
Cathy's POV I breathed through my mouth as Max's face lowered towards mine. His sexy lips up close made my mouth water. What would he do if i swallowed his tempting lips? Max was the most handsome amongst his friends. Nora hit the jackpot with this guy. His closeness made me cross-eyed. His spicy cologne drugged me, l tossed my head to dislodge the feeling.“Stop daydreaming, am l the first man you see up close? Where is my wife?.” “Max, l…” he reared his head back and eyed me like a moose stalking a snake.“Your mouth stinks, Matildaaaaa!.” He shouted at the top of his voice. “Your bedrooms are soundproofed asshole, oh my poor ears. Call Matilda on the house phone. It's better to donate the house to me since i'm more familiar with it than you.” Shad mocked Max who glared at him and snatched the phone. He made the call, minutes later his house help materialised at the door, “ sir?.”“Can you help Cathy to the bathroom? She broke her ribs. Nora's friend is my friend. Cathy has no
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Chapter 44. Torture
Max's POV My patience with Cathy ran out the fourth time l asked her the same question. It became apparent she decided a long time ago to play hide and seek with me. “Shad, l need to use one of your rooms at the club, man.”I requested as we raced out of the house and jumped into the waiting car.“To the club.” Frank burned the tarmac.At the club Shad and I held an emergency meeting, “ Max, it's clear as day this chick is hiding something. I have someone who will make her sing. Let me contact him.”I put my hand on his as he reached for the phone, “wait, let's get her here first. I have a plan, if it fails you can invite your man to the party.”l ran a frustrated hand through my hair, “ you know Shad, l wished i listened to my wife when she cried for my help. I totally believe she was framed. My family is next, after l deal with Cathy, especially my father and sister. My gut is screaming their names and l trust it more than any detective. I never regretted anything in my life as l
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Chapter 45. Zurus shock
Max's POV What was taking Frank so long? I peered through the window, the ignition was bare, the fool took the keys with him. I paced the paved front yard, agitated. Finally Frank catapulted out of the club, “ the airport, hurry.”Frank started the car, “ step on it. What? I caught your expression in the mirror.” Frank coughed into his hand, “sir, l was just wondering why we have to go back there. Yesterday we failed to locate Mrs Ratliff, what changed?. Three months have passed since her disappearance. ” “That was yesterday. I didn't search for her in the three months you mentioned. Well, I found her.” A smile spread across Frank’s features, “ really? Where?.”I stared out of the window, the weather was mild today. I hoped it stayed that way. Flying in bad weather was a nightmare. “She is in Zurus Frank.”We drove in silence to our destination. At the airport, the necessary paperwork dealt with, we boarded my private jet and flew to Zurus. The moment the plane landed in Zurus, t
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Chapter 46. Found
Nora's POV As i stepped back, my hands went to my stomach, the instinct to protect my baby took over. Max matched my retreat step by step, his eyes moved from my face to my stomach when he spotted me covering it. He inhaled deeply and let out a loud breath, he closed his eyes in what appeared to be agony and opened them again. His orbs travelled to my belly again. I inwardly cursed his hawk eyes. I was one of those unlucky women who showed early. My bump was visible for all to see. I yelped when he removed my hand and replaced it with his. My heart jumped to my throat, l could feel a pulse beating wildly at the base of my neck. His hot breath blasted my face as he spoke, “ you are a hard woman to find Mrs Ratliff, what made you leave your husband for this godforsaken place?.” I removed his hand, not so gently. “ You know why.” I answered, petulant. There was a pause, then he steered me towards the couch, “ aren't you on speed dial? I'm the owner of the house, not the other way ro
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Chapter 47. " Let's go home"
Nora’s POV Max pinched his nose, embarrassed. His arm tightened around my waist as l tried to untangle myself from his embrace. “ land me.” I whispered in his ear.“I don't want to.” He whispered back. He raised his head and addressed granny, “ Hello granny.” Granny’ s demeanour changed in an instant when she recognised Max, “ hello Max, l thought Nora was entertaining another man.”Max smiled fondly at granny who beamed back at him. Granny was not to be trusted. In Max's absence, she thrashed him. I expected their encounter to be uneasy and interrogative.Imagine my surprise and disappointment. But I understood their relationship, he saved her life.“Granny, my wife is not the type to stray. How have you been?.”Granny took the opposite seat and patted her lower back, “ everything is fine, thanks to you son.”“I'm glad to hear it granny. I came to Zerus for a reason. I'm taking you guys back home. Let's go home” Granny left her seat and enveloped Max in a bear hug, “ thank you Ma
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Chapter 48. Bonding session
Max's POV Nora's punishment blasted my heart like a raging sea. I expected some resistance when l met her after three long months but not this. I thought she would give me the cold shoulder and rant not the ultimatum to periodically visit her in Zurus or forget about her. It shocked and hurt me but I hid it deep in my heart. I thanked the stars she did not kick me out. Flying frequently between countries was going to be hard with my busy work schedule but l was determined to do it. I lifted her up and placed her full length on my body, “ woah, what are you doing?.”She attempted to get off, l gripped her waist, she wriggled and twisted her soft body, her pubis pressed against mine and sent hot heat through my veins and loins.I kissed her nose, “ is this position dangerous for the baby?. Jeez, Nora, will you stay still, you are agitating me.” “No, it's not dangerous. How am l agitating you sir?.” With narrowed and glittering eyes, she slowly humped me, a deep groan escaped my lip
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Chapter 49. The photographer
Max's POV My wife's baby bump fascinated me. My hand stroked and massaged it. My fucking baby was growing in there. This baby would be protected, cherished and loved beyond measure.I anticipated my family's rebellion when l took Nora back. I lied back there to protect her. Maybe her idea was not bad, it would give me time to investigate the matter and reset my family's thinking before my wife and son come home.“Baby are you sure it's safe? What if we hurt the baby?.”“It's very safe Max, l already told you.” Nora intoned with displeasure and impatience.I spread her legs and leaned over her. l lapped at her left breast, took her engorged nipple in my mouth and sucked. She arched her back, spread her legs wider and gripped my shoulders. A low rumble emanated from my chest. I leaned back and placed her butt on my thighs, my gaze on her pink clit. I raised her ass and latched on her nub. She threshed and tried to dislodge me, l dug my heels and increased the pressure. Her body vibra
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Chapter 50. Repercussions
Chapter 50. Repercussions Max's POV His head bobbed up and down in quick succession. “I'm not your mate, speak up. Do you know who l am?.” His gaze spiralled downwards, “ yes Mr Ratliff, l know who you are.” I barked at him, “ keep your eyes on me like a man, you are a man right?.” He started to nod, l boxed his right ear, his head snapped to the side, his eyes popped out of their sockets. He was in extreme pain, l reckoned l burst his eardrum, which l aimed to do before we parted, l just did it sooner than i planned. “Please Mr Ratliff, I'm dizzy, can i sit down?.” My eyes sought Ralph's, he gave me the affirmative response. He was the dr after all. “Go and sit on the mattress.” I grabbed his thin shoulder and pushed him in that direction. He staggered towards the mattress, the asshole was really dizzy. It didn't matter, his punishment awaited him, if he fainted or worse, it had nothing to do with me.“Shad, l want to sit down.”“I will get someone to bring chairs, i'm tired t
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