All Chapters of The Billionaire's Torment : Chapter 51 - Chapter 53
53 chapters
Chapter 51. Answers
Max's POV Martha lived in a gated community. Personally l did not understand why, she should be living at home since she was a lazy kid. Her day consisted of shopping, boozing and whoring around. I talked to my father about it on numerous occasions, he ignored my suggestions of sending Martha to one of my friends, a badass farmer from Soulbare, Robert. Martha did badly in academia, and maybe manual work would benefit her, my father saw it as me being harsh on his only daughter. The security guards at Martha’s place recognised me and let us through. Her lights were still on. I called her and let her know l was on my way up, she sounded drunk and sleepy. I pushed the door and found her sprawled in front of the couch, the place was filthy, with plates and liquor bottles on the coffee table, everywhere you looked there was something to offend the eye. I stood over her and nudged her side with my shoe, she peeled one eye open and grunted, “ wake up, we need to talk.” She opened the o
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Chapter 52. Kidlan Ratliff
Nora's POV My office window blessed me with a beautiful view every morning. The colourful flowers soothed my spirit. Their fragrance wafted into the office and filled it with a pleasant smell. I poked my head out of the window and inhaled deeply, my smile content. I remained in that position until my feet ached. I was now nine months pregnant, due in four days according to the ultrasound. I walked to the couch and laid down. My husband was coming in the evening, he was to stay until l delivered. My patience waned as the hours ticked by, l missed him. Though we talked everyday, in the morning and in the evening, it could not compare to the human touch.He had visited several times since our agreement.Deep down l regretted giving him the ultimatum but i had to stick to my guns otherwise he would take me for granted forever. I also missed my hometown, the nonstop heat in Zurus sapped my strength and granny's. I never got used to it.After i clocked out l headed home, got under the s
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Chapter 53. Back to my roots
Nora's POV The proud father made a video call, grandpa, grandma and Marylin appeared on the screen. Max handed the phone to granny, who made sure we were all visible in the video. “ Look at my boy grandpa, so cute! Doesn't he remind you of his father the day he was born?.” Grandma Ratliff cooed, her eyes wet. “ He does my dear, bring him closer Max, l want to have a proper look.” Everyone burst into laughter.“well he is more handsome than his father. Nora, Max reported you have already named the child.” My cheeks burned in mortification, dammit! How could I forget such an important issue? Grandpa informed us he would name the baby after it was born.I stared daggers at the back of Maxwell Ratliff 's skull. He did not have hormones and other pregnancy related stuff to deal with. Why did he forget? Grandpa must have read my reaction because he remarked in a gentle tone, “it's ok Nora, Kidlan is a beautiful and strong name, fit for the Ratliff prince.” Marylin waved at the camera, “
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