All Chapters of The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 chapters
Chapter 041
“This stupid girl!!!! She never told me this laundryman would go as far as renting a chopper! I would have made arrangements for that too.” Davidson sneered through gritted teeth.At that point the students were on their feet, waving and taking videos of the helicopter that was hovering at a visible distance around the school.“Could that be the second candidate, Sebastian?”“I think so because the MC had just announced his arrival.”“Do you have a spare placard of him? I’m decamping to his team asap! This is dope.”Students were astonished, heads were tilted upwards, and gossip was hovering in the air. Eventually, the helicopter zoomed away after a while, and in no time, peace and calmness were restored.After the fuss, Sebastian's face twitched with laughter when he imagined what would be going on in the bully's mind. However, Steve was already in tears from so much uncontrollable laughter.“That helicopter was indeed a paid actor, I’m sure Davidson would have pissed on himself,” St
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Chapter 042
“One house great student of this prestigious institute!” Davidson’s voice rang off in pride“The moderator said I have just four minutes, however, during the social night by 7 pm, all the items I would be mentioning would be given out to the students through a simple raffle draw.”“To show my support and love for my fellow students, we will be giving out 15 students bikes, 150,000 dollars to three lucky students, and free lunch to the first 100 students that will assemble at the school's cafeteria tomorrow!!” Davidson uttered.At this point, the students were no longer seated but standing in their seats, everyone was shocked at Davidson’s kind gesture and willingness to serve the student community with his funds and personal property. That was a leadership character worthy of emulation.“Now to the main purpose of the day, I will ensure there is a student get-together and party at least twice a month. All work without play?”“Makes Jack a doll boy!!!!”(chorus answer.)“I will enforce
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Chapter 043
The MC’s introduction wasn’t good enough for the school's Vice Chancellor, instead, he stood up from the high table to make the announcement formally. The students were fascinated, they wondered if it was the owner of the institute that had visited them. Why would the executive Vice Chancellor stand up from his seat to introduce a guest?Mr. Fletcher, the presiding school vice chancellor, took the mic from the MC calmly and respectfully. His gaze was sharp, his look was professional and sharp.Immediately he climbed the podium there was a command of total silence due to the amount of respect they gave him.“Great students of St Paalm Institute.” His voice returned husky, however, calm. “Y’all don’t understand who is in our midst and the benefits of his visit.” He paused, glaring at the crowd.“I can see some of you still seated, that is not very respectful .” He added, took a deep breath in, and continued.“With great pleasure in my heart, accompanied with so much respect, If your ha
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Chapter 044
After Jones's first intro, Donald and Davidson’s eyes quickly met, and Davidson looked away immediately. He felt cold like he was going to have a seizure seeing that his instincts were right after all.“How? When? Where?” Davidson questioned, his heart rate increased, his palm sweaty, and his countenance highly discomforting.Donald gave him a sign from his seated point, urging him to calm down. But how could he? When he was slowly losing his mind. Fear, anxiety, PTSD, depression… everything!!! He felt them all. He was just seated but deep inside him was chaos more than a volcanic eruption. He moved his hands through his jacket to ease the fire burning inside his stomach, if he lost guard in the slighted form he would defecate in himself. So he swallowed painfully while watching his uncle address the students.“….My life had been a huge lesson, I have been cheated, humiliated, bashed, and trampled upon. I had even given up but I got a will to live again.” Mr Jones continued.“Depres
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Chapter 045
While Donald went to bring Davidson’s car, he saw Stanley and asked him nicely to return the cars they had rented for the sake of the event. He also urged him to see if the giveaway went smoothly.“Where are you going?” Stanley asked with concern in his eyes. “Where is Davidson?” He continued.But Donald was in a haste so drove off without responding to any of Stanley’s questions.He quickly drove with speed and screeched at where Davidson was having a panic attack. Davidson looked bewildered and completely devastated. Shock was one thing that usually dealt with his body system right from a tender age.“Get in, man!” Donald said, his voice laced with urgency.Davidson raised his head to see Donald, he let out a disturbing sigh before opening the car door.“Thanks.” He muttered, his voice weak and slightly above a whisper.Donald zoomed off immediately at high speed, making students jump out of the way in fear. However, in the car, there was an awkward amount of silence, the only nois
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Chapter 046
Solomon was a known member of the institute’s Parents Association and he contributed greatly whenever there was any need for it, hence the familiarity with the VC.Solomon stared with gritted teeth and impatience in his eyes as he watched the call divert into a voicemail. “Pick up the call!” He stated through his gritted teeth as he dialed the number again. After the third try his face brightened up miraculously. The anger and worry plastered on his face quickly morphed into what looked like fake laughter when he heard the voice of the Vice Chancellor from the other end of the line.“Hello, Mr. Solomon. It’s good to hear from you again.” The VC greeted with enthusiasm from the other end of the line.“Oh! My noble friend, the Vice Chancellor himself, I salute you.” Solomon replied cheerfully, his salutations fake and obvious.“To what do I owe this pleasant call?” The vice chancellor asked.“Nothing much, only to greet you, my noble friend. However, my son just got home now and he sa
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Chapter 047
“Hello, Boss.” A husky and dangerous voice emanated sharply through the phone.“I have a job for you and I need results in 24 hours,” Solomon replied his tone calm and collected.“Go on, boss.” Spider concurred, even though Solomon could hear some ladies teasing him from the phone.“Can you move away from your distractions!?” Solomon retorted but Spider smiled, “Don’t worry boss, they aren’t any hindrance.” He replied.Spider had been Solomon's errand boy for years, he had been the one carrying out every dirty and shady business for Solomon. So he trusted him in carrying out that delicate job too.“I need you to find Jones. He had been missing for days now, his last seen was at the restaurant.” He lied, just to get a lead or information.“Isn’t Jones that old waiter in your restaurant, I hope he is okay, that old lad was always calm and welcoming whenever I was around,” Spider responded.“That isn’t your business, just find him and when you do, bring him to me at the warehouse.”“Hmm…
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Chapter 048
Sebastian quickly left Mr. Jones and Mark in his apartment at Ace Skyscraper. The tone and urgency from Steve made him a bit worried.He couldn’t care more about Sasha but anything that concerned Steve always gave him concern. He booked a taxi and went straight to campus.When he got to his Dorm he sighted Steve looking worried and annoyed, so he quickly alighted from the taxi and went to meet Steve."Steve!" Sebastian called out and Steve ran towards Sebastian, panting."Let's go to the basketball court, immediately. Rachael called saying Davidson dragged my girl into hid car." Steve stated, his voice laced with worry.Sebastian rolled his eyes and followed Steve to save his princess in distress.When they got to the basketball court everywhere seemed to be quiet, Steve and Seb ogled around trying to find Davidson but he was nowhere to be found."Let's check the basement," Sebastian stated. The basement was Davidson’s favourite place to drill his culprits, Sebastian had been his vict
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Chapter 049
“I’m…. I’m at the basement of the school's basketball court, please come quickly!” Sasha cried.Steve fought so hard to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyelids. In order not to give himself away, he took in a deep breath and ended the call before she could utter another word.“Hello…. Babe? Baby?” Sasha called out, a bit worried about the sudden disconnection of the line.“I'm sure my baby would come for me, he cannot afford to see me in pain…” She muttered to herself with pride. “But hold on a minute!” She sat upright in furrowed brows, her eyes gazing distinctively at the floor.“Is it just me overthinking or did Steve sound a bit bland? I didn't find any life in his tone.” She said openly but scoffed after a while, “I guess I'm just overthinking.” She concluded before lying back on the floor so that when Steve came to her rescue she wouldn't get to do much explaining.Steve on the other hand was still boiling with anger, he had done everything to make
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Chapter 050
Sasha got furious, with undiluted anger and embarrassment brimming from every corner of her face. Deep in her heart, she wanted Steve to stop her from leaving like he always did whenever they had any issues. Unfortunately, Steve resumed with his music headset not sparing her any glance or attention like he usually did. Out of anger, Sasha strutted out of the room and bounced the door with so much force causing their windows to vibrate afterward.“Bitch!!!” Steve muttered with so much pain, his eyes were red and clouded with tears but he needed to compose himself because a single blink would flood his whole face.“She would be back,” Sebastian said to Steve in a soothing tone. He knew the likes of Sasha, they only clung to you because of what they stood to gain, they would always succumb to any kind of treatment as long as no one took away the sweets from their mouth.Sasha got outside and halted momentarily, stamping her foot, her arms folded as she awaited Steve to run after her.
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