All Chapters of The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 chapters
Chapter 061
A sudden rush of cold air engulfed Davidson and Donald’s skin. Their expression was a mixture of shock, anger, and pain when they raised their heads to see it was Sebastian they were bowing for. Donald gritted his teeth in annoyance and quickly walked out in shame. He couldn’t stand the humiliation.“Sebastian Sone? This is the sleekest entrance in the history of the St Psalms event. No student has ever matched that!”“I don’t think this guy is just a laundryman, there’s more to his name!”Davidson had walked out of the scene with shame, he had gone to meet Donald, their eyes were red and we were almost clouded with hot tears.“This dude is playing mind games! This stupid dude is freaking playing mind games.” Davidson sneered and Donald concurred with undiluted pain and hatred brimming from every angle of his face.“The students now see him as the coolest dude on campus. How the hell did he get out of the kidnappers….” Donald froze, his mind reeled backward to the time he thought he
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Chapter 062
Davidson glared at Stanley with anger and worry laced in his eyes before he forcefully snatched the phone away from Standley's grip.He stared at the video with shock glistening from every corner of his eyes, anger brimmed through his countenance, and his eyes were turning dark and darker. He clenched the phone very hard in his palm like he was squeezing life out of it."Who did this?!" He barked not minding if his voice dragged the attention of the students around.His chest was pumping up and down in anger, he first released the tie that suddenly felt like it was strangling him. His eyes were still fixed on the phone looking at the horrid comments that were popping up on the screen."Arggghhhh!!!" He growled and tossed the phone hard on the cemented floor, causing it to dissemble into parts.Davidson was poisoned with betrayal, he couldn't believe one person from his cycle would do that to him. That video call happened last night and there was no other explanation to justify how the
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Chapter 063
"Follow me, he is my father's best friend," Donald said to Davidson and he nodded in coherence.The two musketeers walked fearlessly toward the voting Centre, the atmosphere was thick and the students were very quiet and calm. However, the students had gathered in their numbers to hear the judgment from the Dean.“These two are the big guys in this college, I doubt if they would be given the right punishment.”“The Dean and Donald dine together in some cafes. This would turn in their Favour. I won't be surprised at all.”“The electoral process had always been fucked up. I had high hopes this year.”“If they kidnapped Sebastian, how come he is here?”“Men! I guess the dude escaped.”Different students were concerned about the case, gossip began hovering in the air in no time. Everyone was highly invested and eager to see how the Deans Favourite boy would be punished.Donald approached the Dean with Davidson by his side. His family had a cordial relationship with the Deans. Moreover, Do
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Chapter 064
The environment became chilled, everyone’s eyes were piercing deep into the DeDeans'sody. It was as if they were waiting to judge him because it was very glaring how informal his relationship with Donald was.“As y'all know, two students, deeply rooted in this institute had chosen to drag the name of this great institute to the pits.” Be paused and darted his gaze towards Donald who was already gritting his teeth in anger.The Dean was furious, he didn’t want to intensify the flame that was burning deep inside Donald.However, he had to lead by example and be straightforward, or else the panel might dissolve his appointment. But if he didn’t dance to Donald’s tune he might also lose his job if Donald revealed all their mischief to the public. He was in the middle of a big mess!After a while, he summoned courage and decided to face the crowd. Whatever happens happens. He had created an alliance with some of the lecturers and they might solicit on his behalf if the case came to worse.
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Chapter 065
Slap!!!!Davidson had forgotten the hot palm on one of the security’s cheeks. His veins were prominent on his forehead as he sneered.“Are you stupid?! Do you want me to get you locked up??” He questioned. However, the security guards acted professionally and didn’t retaliate yet even though their minds were reeling due to the constant physical abuse from Davidson and his father.“In fact, why am I wasting time with you fools, by the time I’m out I do not want to see any of you on this premises.” His voice rang off.Donald and Stanley also glared at the security guards before they walked hurriedly behind Davidson. They pondered what the drama was all about, they had never seen the security behave so rads.“How bad can today go? I don’t even understand.” Stanley stated, worry evident in his gaze.“You talk too much, just move!” Donald responded icily as they tried to catch up with Davidson.But the craziest thing happened when they got to the main door of the restaurant. It was locked
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Chapter 066
Davidson was in shock, he stared at the security guards like they were blabbing or just being talkative.He found it hard to believe what he had just heard. Especially after he saw his dad a few hours ago before he left for the election. What the hell was the security on about? "You idiots! That's impossible! No way, my Dad is powerful and no man can send him to jail. Do you know the kind of connections he has in Oakland and outside Oakland?" He bragged even though fear and anxiety were beginning to creep into him.“All your evil deeds and that of your father had finally caught up with you guys. It was long overdue.” The security guard stated, oddly satisfied and contented when they saw the look of despair on Davidson’s face.“ You have not just insulted me today but my dad. You guys are good as dead.” He snarled.Donald kept cracking his head, as he pondered what the situation could be. "Could that be the reason why he didn't pick up when you called?" Donald asked and Davidson sneer
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Chapter 067
Davidson's eyes widened with shock, at first his emotion was a mixture of anger and shock due to the presence of the one he hated the most and the one who had snatched his political position away from his hands.But after some seconds, the anger had morphed into fear, shock, confusion, and worry when he realized his father could be in prison. He had been so preoccupied with his election duty that didn't yield any fruit that he forgot about the greater matter at hand. He felt his father had covered it after all.Damn!!! He stared deeply at all of them one after the other, unable to even utter any word. This thought had overclouded consciousness and it was taking a toll on him.“This fool…” He gritted his teeth in annoyance. Clenching his fist hard. “If it were normal circumstances, would this idiot have the rare privilege of sitting on my father’s expensive chair?” He kept muttering to himself unable to voice out due to the fear of his uncle who looked healthy and refurbished. He
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Chapter 068
Davidson's eyes narrowed in disbelief, he stared at Donald with confusion and disappointment in his gaze. They had been friends for a long time and now things looked like they were falling apart for him Donald wanted to start acting differently.Damn! “What do you mean dude?” Davidson asked him.“If your father is really in jail, I’m sorry my father wouldn’t want me to associate with you for the sake of my safety.“ Donald stated with calmness and guilt brimming from every part of his face. He and Davidson had been friends since the beginning of their freshman year. They did everything together and even went on vacations during holidays. If Davidson who was his right-hand man had refused to accommodate him who will? It was adding up.“Sort things out with your uncle or better still go and look for your father. I need to go now, I have booked a taxi already.”Donald said before turning to leave.“Wait.. wait ..buddy… please wait.” His voice rang off stopping Donald. “Please, I can live
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Chapter 069
As they walked through the very busy hallway of the police headquarters, the tension continued to build up in their bodies, spiking over the roof. With each step they took their heart had already beaten a million times.As they walked carefully, the officers on duty glared at them with furrowed brows making them tremble within. The police headquarters wasn’t a very pleasant place to be in. It could make a good excitation venue if only you were there for a good course. But with what brought them in, it was a no-no for Davidson and his friend.After a few minutes walk, they arrived at the senior Deputy’s office. Davidson who was already trembling with fear was asked some important questions before signing some important documents as his father's next of kin.“Seat here, he will be with you shortly.” The deputy said in a husky voice before he ordered the female police officer to bring Solomon out of the cell.The two friends were seated still, they hadn’t been so chilled and respectful
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Chapter 070
Hearing such a ridiculous amount, Davidson was perplexed and was beginning to feel overwhelmed. If a consultation fee costs a million bucks how much more is the main fee?The feeling of betrayal and guilt engulfed Davidson, how was he going to face his father after he entrusted him with such great responsibilities? Who would come to his rescue?“Dude? Please tell me, what is your suggestion for all of this? Going back to that old man who threw my father in jail isn’t even an option.” Davidson said, worry evident in his gaze.Donald glared at him now, the worry that was plastered on his face had suddenly morphed into irritation. “Are you even for real??? Instead of you being humble, you’re still calling him names. Go ask him to drop the charges, he is the only one who can help in this case.” Donald spat, even though his tone was low, ensuring he didn’t annoy any of the officers walking around.Davidson bit his fingers hard in regret, gritting his teeth in utmost frustration. The day w
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