All Chapters of Supreme Beast: The Book Of Souls: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 chapters
The Welcoming Program ( II )
Loud gasps resounded in the hall as Montana Isabelle introduced herself.Nux began to search through his memories for any information he had about Isabelle.'That lady who helped my mum sometimes ago. No''That lady who was found guilty of theft during a parade. No.''That female monkey who stole my lollipop when I was young. No''That... No''That... No''That... No'Surprisingly Nux knew a lot of Isabelle's, but none of them matched the description of the lady before him, so he eliminated of them after he didn't find this Montana Isabelle in his memories, then decided to listen to those around him."...the strongest Mentalist to have ever been born, she can control almost anything, living or not.""I heard her telekinesis is so strong, she can uproot a mountain from its base!!""That's something little, I heard that she went to a war and took control of the minds of the enemies, and then, she made them execute themselves right there and then."Nux sucked in a cold breath as differen
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Meeting The Headmistress (1)
Nux felt a slight headache when the voice boomed in his head. It was quite shocking, but he shook off the feeling he had and jumped to his feets.'That must be the Head Mistress!!' Nux thought as he scrambled out of his room. 'Shit! I just arrived and I've already piqued her interest.'"Why do I have to see her in the first place?" He thought out loud in despair, he could already feel their meeting turning into something he might not like.He walked towards the doors and pushed it open gingerly, but before he could walk out, he was interrupted by Moby."Do you mind if we go out together?" The genderless but unrobotic voice, drifted into his ears, making goosebumps sprout all over his skin.'What's wrong with this creep?!!' Nux thought in slight vexation but replied calmly nonetheless."I do mind, so please leave me alone and don't think about following me." Nux said firmly and jammed the door behind him, leaving the stunned Moby behind.Moby was stunned, but a dark smile suddenly appe
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Meeting The Headmistress ( II )
"Huh!!" Nux was left dumbfounded when he heard her words.'Judging by her actions, she seems to be the one to have brought me here. Arghhh.' Nux groaned in pain again. 'And now, she's accussing me of doing some crazy shit I know nothing about after almost scaring my soul out of my body. What's an undead summon even? I haven't seen or heard anything like that throughout my whole life in this world!!' Nux thought angrily. "What's that senior?" He finally asked after staring for a minute or so. He made sure to not show his thoughts and emotions through his actions, and was as respectful as possible towards her. "What do you mean what's that?! Are you trying to act like you don't know what I mean?!" Montana said, visibly angry at his reply. Although she knew that he wasn't knowledgeable about the Undead Summon, she still asked him incase he knew who might be the mastermind behind it. Nux felt the air around him distort as her Mental Pressure became active, he knew that he could get
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A Game Of Catch
Nux woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, he had succeded in ignoring Moby the previous night and resisted the urge to beat the living daylight out of him, after his constant pestering. He took his bath and emptied his bowels in a bathroom within the Treehouse; He wondered where it all went and how it was transported there. The thought lingered in his mind for a while before a voice brought him back to reality. "This is your Physical Education teacher, gather in the center of the field in the next ten minutes."Nux jumped to his feets, dashed out of the treehouse before Moby could say a word, jumped from the platform and landed on the ground with a thud, then without further ado, he shot off at his fastest speed.Moby was left with his mouth wide open at Nux's actions at trying to escape from him. "Hmph! You can run but you can't hide." Nux meanwhile had a pleasant look on his face as he ran, happy that he had ditched Moby behind.As he ran, he met up with other students on
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Nux panted as he came to a stop. He had been running at his top speed for thirty minutes straight and had only stopped just now to take a break. A few feets from him was the shield he had come to know as Aegis, and around him were the other tired students. They had truly done their best to catch the Shield, but for some odd reason some couldn't really understand, it always slipped through them like a slippery Eel and evaded their desperate attempts at catching it. A student had even ended up dislocating one of his shoulders after falling heavily during at attempted strike. They all were still new to their abilities and hadn't had time to learn to control them, if not, the test would have been a simple one... or so they thought. Nux clenched his fists and charged at the shield, his steps were calculated and precise, stepping on particular parts of the ground to avoid the students laying down and pushing himself ahead with each stride. The shield trembled slight, vibrating for jus
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The Medallion
Nux kicked off the ground and shot forward at his fastest speed, crossing the short distance in seconds.His eyes sparkled like two onyx gems, and his intent blazed.He shot by the students, and reached out with an arm to begin his assault.Aegis vibrated, moved swiftly, and then evaded. Nux followed up immediately and twisted his body, and beyond anyone's expectations... he used his leg.No one had thought of this before, probably because they saw it as a stupid and useless move, but Nux who already figured out the pattern saw it as an advantage instead.'If my hands aren't enough, then my legs would do!' He thought.His foot skimmed by the shield as the passive skill, Magnetic Repel, was activated again.The shield moved faster than usual, because of the skill used, coupled with Nux's new drive to catch it.Even at that... what could he do?The shield was powered by Mana, a formless and Law-breaking energy that permeated everything.He, on the other hand, only had his physical capab
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