All Chapters of Supreme Beast: The Book Of Souls: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 chapters
Beast Soul, Soul Book
Nux immmediately got excited at the notion of finally wielding great power.He jumped from his bed and sat back like a child receiving a new toy, however, Mr Nicole's words made him calm down instantly."It isn't as easy as you think... Nux. We make it look easy because we have years of experience and practice under our belt, we have been in situations that forced us to grow stronger and do things that we never thought were possible." Nux had a solemn expression on his face as he heard those words, he further reigned in his excitement and listened to Mr Nicole's next words."Observe." Mr Nicole said and sat back. "Turn around."Nux did as told. He sat properly and twisted his body from his waist, so that his legs were not moving from their position, and when he turned, he yelped and fell off the bed in fright. Lo and behold, Mr Nicole's Soul Book was levitating in his face.'When did he manifest his book behind me, I didn't even notice a thing.' Nux eyed the book warily."I can mani
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The Infinity Gauntlet
'The Infinity Gauntlet!!!' Nux thought.The gauntlet which he thought was lost or stolen, turned out to have become Soul Bound with him somehow. His heart began to beat loudly, Prince Naveen was going to kill him if he found out about it. But on second thought, he realized something. Slowly, his expression began to change from one of fright, to one of happiness. 'If Prince Naveen were to 'ask' me if I knew anything about the gauntlets whereabouts, I can deny it. But... can he force me to open my Soul Book and check it himself?' Nux began to ponder, forgetting that he was in the middle of a teaching."Nux! NUX!! NUUUX!!!" Mr. Nicole made a chop on Nux's head, knocking him back to reality."ARHHH!!" Nux was forced out of his train of thoughts when he felt his head get attacked by Mr Nicole's powerful chop.Mr Nicole gave him a stern stare and asked. "Did you find anything that you don't understand?" Nux paused, then shook his head while still massaging it."Ok. Where were we? Right!"
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Four Great Academies
After some hours of getting ready, Nux returned the Infinity Gauntlet to its place after checking it for the third time.He had wanted to change its name again after its appearance had been modified by some unknown force, but he changed his mind and made his way towards the living room.Nux nervously sat on a chair in the center of the room. Across him were four chairs that had three figures sitting on it while subconsciously releasing an aura of a leader from them. Unfortunately, that aura was immediately shattered by their behaviors."Hello." A cute looking lady with pink hair and eyes said with a wave. "I'm Mei Mei, a teacher and scout of the Limitless Sea Academy." She said while closing an eye and looking through a peace sign with the other eye.'Did she just?!?!! NO WAY!!!'"Von Sandals, of the Elemental Rulers Academy." A man with pupiless electric blue eyes said without any emotions behind his voice, sounding almost like a robot."And I am Tyrannio Zulon, of the Heavenly Brute
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Categories: Elementalist, Mentalist or Physically Based
The Supreme Beasts Academy, one of the four great Academies that he had been told about by his parents. It was everyone's dream to join any one of them, not to even talk being invited personally by their upper echelons.Nux was at loss, he didn't know what to do in this situation as the four individuals stared him down, waiting for his inevitable reply."Can I know what each Academy has to offer?" Nux gulped, but didn't back out from the staring contest. They could intimidate him all they want, but if he didn't want to join them, then they could FUCK OFF! They were the ones who came to him, not the other way around."Oh Oh! Let me start!!" Mei Mei raised a hand and shook in her chair. Von, the pupiless man, rubbed his forehead and sighed."In the Limitless Sea Academy, we train the best of the best Mentalists, we have raised prominent figures in our empire over the years, and we will bring more with time. If you join us, we will bring out the potential of your Beast Soul and turn you
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Bear Brawl
In a yard, Nux stood before the four scouts under the dark night. The two moons in the dark starry sky released their silver glow and illuminated the world.Arcana –the name which this world was called– had many beautiful landscapes. Nux had yet to go out to explore the world, so he wasn't aware of the beauty it held.'When I grow stronger, I'll do just that. But for now, I should focus on what's before me.' Nux thought to himself. The four scouts were about to put him up against an F Rank Stage One Beast.Beasts were ranked from F, all the way up to SS, and between those ranks, there were grades between them, starting from grade one to five, so the ranking list was like this;F – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5E – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5D – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5C – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5B – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5A – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5S – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5SS – 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5Nux was about to face the weakest Beast of this world, and it just turned out to be a big black Bear with blue flaming eyes.'It looks j
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Final Battle
'I did it.' Nux thought as he stared at his bloodied hands. He had entered a berserk state and ended up pummelling the bear into an unrecognizeable state.Nux cracked a smile and turned to look at the scouts, but was met with the image of a snow white Fox with charming pink eyes and three pink tails walking gracefully towards him.'Another one!!? I thought the Bear was the only beast I was going to battle.' Nux thought with a frown. 'Well, I'll just bea...'Nux was forced to swallow his words as the fox suddenly transformed from a tiny cute little animal into a humongous demonic black creature that seemed to have been summoned from the depths of hell itself.Its piercing red eyes stared him down, and it's overbearing superior aura pressed down on him, making him want to just fall on his knees and start worshiping it.'HUH!?!' Nux stared in shock, his legs felt like they had been turned into jelly, and the pressure, like a giant rock. The demonic creature slowly walked towards him and
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The Blade Of Night
Nux hand whipped through the air to intercept the beast, but it created a platform made from darkness, and changed its tragectory mid air.Nux was surprised by this, but he recoverd from his shock and sent out a round house kick at the kittens new position.His leg smacked the kitten and threw it back by several meters, it richocheted off the ground a few times and came to a stop in front of a mound of hay.Nux was getting used to his strength and the ground that was covered with cobblestone made things worse for the unfortunate kitten, so it had taken a huge blow to its health with that kick alone. Nux didn't outright charged at the kitten, he had noticed the order of things by now. The first beast that he faced was a strength type beast, the bear had almost dominated him in speed and strength, and even its defences was terrific, but Nux's non-stop attacks had broken through it and inflicted enough damage that killed it. The second beast was a mental type, the Fox had placed him i
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Pegasus Incident
Nux slept happily and peacefully that night, the Blade Of Night had really made his day.Nux had searched through the memories of the body he resided and fished out the information he had about the weapon.It turned out that the Blade of Night was one of the most fearsome weapons to have ever been created in the long history of Arcana, unfortunately, its creator was long dead, and the weapon was just a D Rank weapon.No blacksmith till date, was talented enough to get the right materials to upgrade the weapon to a higher rank without it loosing any of its abilities.——————————The next morning, Nux took a quick bath, emptied his bowels and left the building to meet up with the four scouts that waited to see him off. Nux looked back at the large building, it was brown and had yellow framed thick dirty windows, the doors were all yellow too, and the floors was covered with brown and black wood.Nux didn't remember ever coming to that place, but he could guess that he was brought there
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The Limitless Sea Academy
Nux bid his farewells to Mr Nicole and Miss Moraya, he was feeling a bit guilty for leaving them after all what they had done for him, but he knew that it was inevitable, he was going to leave them sooner or later to venture and find out the secrets of this world. So with an unwilling heart, he sat in the carriage and watched as the Pegasuses ran along the cobblestoned path and took to the sky. __________Within the confines of the carriage, Nux sat back on the cushioned chair while thinking about his future plans, Mei Mei sat exactly across him as she eyed him curiously."So, Nux." She started, to gain his attention. "Tell me about yourself."Nux eyed her warily, still not wanting to have anything to do with her. He had chosen her academy as the first so he could get what he wanted and forget about her for the rest of his life."Myself? Why do you want to know?" Nux asked. It wasn't a must for her to know anything about him, he was a student, and that was the only thing that matter
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The Welcoming Program ( I )
Nux wandered around, burning the beauty of the large hall into memory. He only bowed his head lightly when he met face to face with another student or staff passing by.Nux walked until he got to a part of the hall that had a stage on it, and an orb on a thin stand in the middle, resembling a mic on its stand.There were cushioned wooden chairs at the back of the mic, and he could see a guard in pink armour with a blue spear, standing with her chest puffed out. Nux stared at her some more, weirded out by the armour's color, before walking back to take a sit. Some minutes later, a loud bell rung out, and the students catching up began to find places to sit.Nux was fortunate to have taken a front seat of the hall, because the students began to rush the front sits like mad men, luckily, a fight didn't break out.As the students sat down, they continued their chatter, while waiting for whatever was to come."Hi!! I'm Conan Dexter." Nux looked to his side and saw a black dude, waving at
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