Supreme Beast: The Book Of Souls
Supreme Beast: The Book Of Souls
Author: JJ SMART

"Were...were am I?"

Grabbing his head and trying to seat up, Nux reeled and fell back to the ground with a loud thud, earning him more pain to his already battered body.

He glanced at his hands that was slowly being healed and sighed.

"So that vampire actually killed me huh? It didn't feel nice to have my blood being drained out of my bo... WAIT!!! MY HANDS ARE HEALING!!!" Nux exclaimed in shock.

Indeed, his hands were healing at a frightening speed, and on a closer look, he realized that his beerbelly that he usually sported was no more. His skin was pale and a long blue hair kept blocking his view from time to time, annoying him greatly.

After a while, he was able to sit up and access the situation properly. He felt different, as if he wasn't himself, and by himself he meant his bodily structure.

He was known to be fat, too fat for his age even. But his pale skin, lithe body and blue hair that kept annoying him were new to him.

Getting up to get a good look, a sudden headache assaulted him and knocked him back to the ground, he groaned as he landed gracelessly, luckily he landed on a 'soft' part of the 'ground'.

The pain lasted for a minute straight, and by the time it was over, he was smiling like a retard even though he just had the worst headache of his life.

"I reincarnated..." He said as his smile widened further. " a magical world."

Nux was over the moon, he had lived his life reading novels about reincarnation, transmigration and stuffs like that, but reading about it and experiencing it were two different things.

Standing up from the ground, his gaze swept through his surroundings, and his smile slowly retreated and turned to one of horror.

Around him were bodies, dead bodies of humans, and the soft cold ground he had landed on turned out to be the corpse of a fallen warrior. As this sight and the strong smell of blood settled in his mind, he staggered and emptied the contents of his stomach.

The information that had flooded him previously were beginning to be processed properly.

"This bodies owner is the son of a merchant, bandits attacked, and the two parties wiped each other out." He said with shock on his face. "But the merchandise wasn't stolen either!"

Nux got a hold of himself, smiled and walked towards a big carriage that had crashed into a tree ahead of him. It had one of its wooden wheels torn from it and was laying somewhere behind, broken.

He stared at the carriage in awe, it was as big as an Elephant from his world and was four meters long and two meters wide. It had green leaf-like patterns on its body, giving it a serene look that made one calm by just looking at it, there were windows on either side of it with green wooden frames and a green silk curtain blocking the view of the inside.

Nux paused, judging by the way the bodies were positioned, they had been killed the moment they had left the carriage through the back door, their death was swift and painless. A sharp strike to their necks was all it took to end their lives.

Nux still feeling a bit lightheaded from the gruesome scene, moved his eyes away from the bodies and walked cautiously into the carriage, the inside wasn't filled with strewn intestines and body parts like outside, but it wasn't tidy either.

Owing to the crash, everything inside was capsized and out of place, there were pieces of broken glasses and ceramics that he didn't know where they came from laying around, and what looked like scrolls mixed in with broken wooden jars that contained alcohol, littered the wooden floor, causing the smell of alcohol to linger in the air.

Several small wooden boxes were lying open, some were broken and some were tightly sealed without a scratch on it.

"This kids father has a lot of good stuffs." Nux muttered.

In the memories that he received, he had recalled a conversation the body's owner had had with his father.

His father was tasked to deliver a beast equipment from a high ranked blacksmith, to a prince in the next kingdom.

His son who knew how important the task was decided to help his father, but his father disagreed vehemently, knowing fully well that it was impossible to avoid a bandit attack that could potentially kill them both, but his son was just as stubborn as he was, so they ended up dying to those bandits just as the father expected.

"What a drag!" Nux sighed.

There were lots of boxes that needed to be opened before he could find the real deal, most of them were just filled with useless stuffs like Ivory flower pots, Expensive Jewelries, Bronze Sculptures and tiny Jade statues.

His aim was the artifact that was meant to be delivered to that prince, if he could just get the artifact to him, then he might get a favour from the prince.

"Hehehe." Nux laughed slyly and began to search the boxes thoroughly and eventually found a black box with a 15x 15x15 inches volume. He picked the box and examined it from all sides.

It looked nothing special to him, it was for some reason, cold, heavy, hard and... soft. it was an inexplicable feeling to say the least.

"I hope this is the real stuff." Nux said and glanced at all the opened boxes around him. "Because this is the last."

He carefully open the box with a knife that he had obtained from one of the bodies outside. He pried the box open and gently took off the lid.

As he slowly opened the box, to create some drama, a golden ray of light shown from within it, the dazzling light momentarily made him close his eyes, but what he saw inside when he opened them was a golden colored gauntlet with beautiful markings on it.

The gauntlet was big, too big even for an adult, it had deep lines running through it which created an inviting feeling that made you just want to keep staring.

Behind each knuckle, there where 1 inch deep holes in it, one hole each behind a knuckle and then an extra one in the center of the backhand.

Nux's mouth opened and closed, he stuttered not believing his eyes before eventually making out some words.


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