All Chapters of Bounce Back With The Spin System: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 chapters
Chapter 31
Seiryu, a business veteran who is able to navigate the wheels of business both overtly and covertly, steps forward calmly and with full calculation. His sharp eyes looked forward, like a sly fox looking for an opening.Currently, his focus is on the growing Sardat business. He acted as if he was helping the new leader of the Oval city. However, in his mind, he planned a showdown between Sardat and Kris. seiryu, with high self-confidence, does not realize that Sardat could be the abyss for his destruction. He didn't know who was behind Sardat's success so far who wouldn't let the man down of course.***in the car, Sardat observed the group of people training in the open field, their movements as agile as special forces. Lukas, who was sitting in the front, as Sardat's driver, occasionally turned his head towards the field. “Luke, who is that one-eyed guy, who looks so tough?” asked Sardat, his eyes never leaving the figure of the burly man instructing the troops in training."That's
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Chapter 32
Sardat was seen standing in front of the family's new house, in the middle of a good area. He just bought them a house and gave their mother business capital. The realization that he couldn't be there forever made him take the initiative to give the family the opportunity to be independent.when saying goodbye, he saw them waving from the front of the house, their faces filled with happiness. Sardat walked towards the car and got in. In the car, Lukas who was driving started asking, "Sir, why are you helping them?" sardat turned his gaze to the window, looking at the slowly moving view of the Oval city. "What do you think are the criteria for a good leader, Lukas?" Lukas looked confused for a moment before answering. "Perhaps, able to coordinate subordinates well?" Sardat took a deep breath, contemplating. "That's true for the leader of a group. But it's different from my situation. I have to embrace and pay attention to all
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Chapter 33
Sardat, who was struggling with his two women, suddenly felt danger, but the man hesitated because he was at the peak of his pleasure.Sardat was forced to stop his activities, seeing the pitiful face of Gaya who was taking her turn."Shh... we'll end it here, there's an intruder," he said, covering Gaya's mouth.Gaya and Angelina were trying to catch their breath, they breathed a little in relief, even though they didn't know what Sardat meant.Sardat rushed to put his clothes back on, only then did he carefully get out of the bedroom window.He grinned when he saw a glimpse of a person jumping over the Mansion's fence wall. then rushed towards the person to beat him, because he had disturbed his fun.Meanwhile, Kris' subordinates did not know that Sardat already knew where they were, because their instincts were not as sharp as Sardat's."Slow down," said the person who had entered the Mansion courtyard.Just
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Chapter 34
Sardat returns to his room, his clothes stained with blood. The atmosphere in the room felt tense. Gaya and Angelina, with faces ashen, heard the gunshots that accompanied that night.When Sardat appeared almost all of his body covered in blood from the window, the two women were shocked."Darling!" they shouted in unison, getting up from their seats, wearing only their thin pajamas. "Are you ok?" they said at the same time.Sardat, in a hoarse and firm voice, answered without turning around, "Don't come any closer, I want to take a shower first." Gaya and Angelina could only nod, relieved to see that Sardat could still talk. Meanwhile, they prepared clean clothes and a bottle of wine, hoping it would calm Sardat after his bath.Not long after, Sardat emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a towel and wiping his still wet hair. Angelina was standing not far from the door, holding out a piece of clothing. "Honey, thes
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Chapter 35
Sardat sat down first, then his two subordinates sat across from him. Reynold was seen holding Kris' subordinate's data paper and immediately handed it to Sardat. "What's this?" asked Sardat while taking the paper. "The data on the people last night who attacked you, sir, turned out to be Kris' subordinates from Souland," answered Lukas firmly. Sardat nodded in understanding, he read all the data about them, the man smiled faintly when he found out that the four men were Kris' best subordinates considering all aspects of their expertise. The man never thought that he would be able to kill people like them who actually had above average abilities. Sardat put the papers on the table, he then asked. "Tell me details about Kris, why did he attack me?" Luke nodded. "Most likely this has something to do with Dargan, sir. Because Kris has a good relationship with him," he answered confidently. Sardat held his chin. "So what Gaya said is true," he muttered softly. "How strong i
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Chapter 36
Sardat rose to his feet and stepped back into the Mansion after mastering the Spin Evolution System. When his feet touched the entrance, all the female servants there, spontaneously, brought their hands to their faces, while their eyes immediately averted. The male servants, on the other hand, stood awkwardly, their hands covered in cold sweat, watching their mistress innocently enter the Mansion without a single garment. The butler who saw this scene immediately acted, he quickly took off his jacket and stepped closer to Sardat. "Sorry for being presumptuous, sir," he said in a low tone, as he tied the sleeves of his jacket around Sardat's waist to cover the front of his master's body. "It would be better if you get dressed while you're here." Sardat felt his face turn red as he realized his embarrassing incident. Still naked, he realized that the reason the female servants covered their faces was because of him. "Jeez, how could I forget to get dressed?" Sardat mutter
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Chapter 37
When Sardat's taxi stopped, a crowd of people surrounded him with looks full of evil intentions.His expression unfazed, Sardat stepped out, closed the taxi door casually and leaned against the body of the car. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking indifferent. "Hand over all your valuables, then we will let you go!" shouted one member of the crowd in a booming voice. Instead of responding with fear, Sardat simply raised an eyebrow, looking at them calmly. "Are you deaf!" the man snapped again. sardat, still with his arms crossed, just snorted softly. "You're so noisy," he said before walking quickly over to the man who spoke with movements as fast as lightning.Swoozz! Bugh! The man was blown away, his back hit the wall hard, and he immediately fainted. This incident stunned his colleagues, their eyes widened when they looked at Sardat, who was now smiling mockingly."Kill him!" shou
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Chapter 38
Ciko whispered softly into the entertainer's ear, his secret words inaudible. With a mysterious smile, the woman nodded and slowly stood up from Ciko's lap to approach Sardat. "Sir, he invites you to his room," said the hostess softly. Sardat looked at Ciko who immediately nodded from a distance when their gazes met each other, then he slowly got up from his seat with a faint smile. He reached into his trouser pocket, took out two hundred dollar bills, and handed them to the hostess."Thank you, you are very helpful," whispered Sardat in a low tone. The woman blinked before answering. "You're welcome, sir. I'll wait in room 55." Sardat just nodded, in his heart determined not to have fun but to make sure Kris was no longer a threat to his life.Sardat followed Ciko who walked towards a room. Ciko's right hand was holding something hidden under his jacket. In front of the door, sturdy bodyguards stood, their eyes sha
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Chapter 39
The next day, Sardat felt the warmth of sunlight streaming in through the gaps in the hotel room window. Lazily, he stretched his muscles which were still stiff after sleeping last night. Still sleepy, he walked limply towards the bathroom.There, while brushing his teeth, a notification appeared from the system that always accompanied him. [Master, are you going to spin Spin?] the system's voice sounded softly.Without much thought, Sardat nodded lightly. “Yeah, turn it now,” he answered, his voice muffled by the toothpaste foam. Before long, a hologram screen appeared in front of him, lighting up with a soft blue light. [Start spinning Spin!]The hologram shows Spin spinning rapidly, then soon stops. [Congratulations, you gained the ability Immune to Poison!]Sardat stared at the hologram screen, his enthusiasm burning again, waiting for the System to install the ability.[Status]Name: S
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Chapter 40
Sardat stepped steadily onto the third floor of the old building. He was surprised to find ten women, their eyes staring at the cold and dark room. His breath caught when he realized they were victims of human trafficking by Kris' men. In the midst of the tension, Sardat whispered heartily. "I will save the hostages, you focus on killing them," he ordered firmly, pointing to the people near the women.His team, although reluctantly, nodded in understanding. Everyone knows that these orders must be followed so that the rescue mission runs smoothly. In the room, the atmosphere was tense when several people started dragging the poor women. There was no sound other than the sobs they were holding back. A large man approached a woman, his eyes scanning her body with an indecent look while forcibly pulling off the clothes that protected her dignity. "Wow, your body is very beautiful," he said roughly. The leader of the group laughed evilly.
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