All Chapters of My Ex-Wife Regrets Betraying Me!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
The manager’s words had barely left his mouth when Jonathan stepped forward and delivered a stinging slap across his face. The sharp slap echoed in the office, silencing the manager and leaving him stunned. The security guards, witnessing the audacity of the act, tensed up, ready to spring into action. But before they could make a move, Jonathan fixed them with a cold, piercing glare making them shudder. His eyes, hard as steel, communicated a silent but unmistakable threat—any attempt to intervene would be met with severe consequences.The security guards hesitated, exchanging uncertain glances, unsure whether to risk confronting this formidable figure. This was the first time someone had dared act arrogantly in Blue Net Group and also made them feel a little fear.Jonathan didn't pay attention to any of them and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Calmly, he dialed a number, bringing the phone to his ear with an air of complete confidence.“Get him on the line,” Jona
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The sudden switch of events made everyone present stunned as they all tried to comprehend what was happening. “What's going on?” The directors whispered amongst themselves as they kept their gaze fixed on Daniel and Jonathan. “That's enough now.” Jonathan said, holding Daniel’s shoulder as he made him stand upright. “I’m sorry about what happened, please let this slide.” He bowed his head again. This time around, the directors had no choice but to follow suit though they were still clueless.“Isn't he Jonathan?” Maria whispered to another colleague standing next to her. “Yeah. But… I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.” Tracy whispered back. Shutting her eyes, she placed her fingers on both sides of her head and then began to massage it, trying to calm herself. A few seconds later, she snapped her eyes open only to see Jonathan still in his former position. “I'm not dreaming. It's indeed Jonathan.” She mumbled, her gaze not leaving him for a second. They weren't the onl
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Picking up the file, Daniel scanned the content for a while before returning his gaze to Jonathan who was drumming his fingers against the table. “Williams Logan?” He asked with a raised brow. “Yes, you sound like…” “I don't have an opposition to your instruction.” Daniel pushed his hand forward with a little laugh. He was nervous and no matter how much he tried to calm himself, he failed woefully at it. Another thing, he didn't want to get on the bad side of Jonathan for whatsoever reason. “I didn't mean to say that.” Jonathan's voice was calm. “With your reaction, I thought you know a few things about him and would like to share with me.” Scratching his head, he replied, “I don't know him personally. The only idea I have about him is, he is a lawyer.” “Then find out more about him.” Winking at him, he said, “Don't focus on the good parts only, find out flaws too, just like…” He didn't have to finish speaking before Daniel knew who he was referring to. “I need to check in wit
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The news of Jonathan taking over Blue Net spread like a wide fire and so it became a hot topic among those who were acquainted with him. When Sarah heard the news initially, she didn't think much about it but when it became a hot topic of debate she had to do her research to find out what she heard was the truth. Sitting crossed legs on the couch, she had a glass of wine to her lips as she thought about Jonathan's current position. “You okay?” Williams asked, leaning over her and planting a kiss on her forehead. He had just returned from work. “Yeah!” She pushed him off, scrunching her face. She was bothered and wasn't in the mood for any form of intimacy. Wondering what was going on, Williams plopped on the couch beside her, holding her hand, he gave it a soft squeeze. “You don't look well.” “Haven't you heard?” She snapped, rolling her eyes at him. “Heard what? I’m lost here.” He searched her face while waiting for her response. “Jonathan is the owner of Blue Net.” She reel
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The next morning at work, Jonathan had just arrived when Daniel scurried to his side, holding a flashdrive. “I got every single thing about him.” He rapped as Jonathan relieved him of the flashdrive. “Thank you.” He flashed him a smile, his mind running with different ideas at once. “Yeah! Is there anything you would like me to do?” “None for now. I will let you know when next I need help.” Raising the flash drive above his head, he said, “Thanks for this, I appreciate it.” Sitting behind the mahogany table in his office, he pushed the flash drive into the port of his laptop. Scrolling through the information he had gotten, his smile widened. “So he has a wife at home.” He muttered, smacking his lips. “It's sickening, having a wife and then having an affair with a married woman.” Leaning against his seat with his hands clasped in front of him, he shut his eyes, rewinding the scene that happened a few days ago. Suddenly snapping his eyes open, he muttered, “Was Sarah aware?”
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It was finally D-Day for the banquet. Walking side by side with his father, Jonathan made his way into the building which was already getting filled up with the invited guests. Since it was his first time attending an occasion of this sort, he was overwhelmed. He kept looking around as he avoided bumping into people who were moving about. “How is business going?” Gray asked, casting him a brief stare. Since they met at the entrance of the building, this was the first time they were speaking. “I just began… I don't think I have an answer for that.” He muttered, biting his lower lips. Meeting up with the demanding job was draining and he had to keep up with it, lest he forfeited taking over the family business. “In between, you should get yourself a car. Shuttling around in a taxi doesn't speak well of you. People will find it difficult to acknowledge you since you act like them.” He huffed, laying emphasis on the last word. Chuckling lightly, Jonathan pushed his hand into his p
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Exchanging glances between Jonathan and Williams, Ariel kept waiting for who was going to give the slightest hint of what was going on but both of them were mute. Unable to bear it anymore, she slammed her fist against the table but before she could start running her mouth, Williams cut in. “Excuse us.” His voice was stern and cold. “I wonder what is going on.” Ariel muttered and after one last look at them, she took her leave. Gripping the edge of the table, William kept darting his eyes around as he tried to calm himself down. Jonathan on the other hand was unperturbed as he kept swirling the content of his glass. “We need to speak.” William broke the silence, still seething. “I have been waiting for you to start the conversation.” Jonathan shrugged, his overall attitude was making William lose his head but since they were in the public, he couldn't do anything. “Let's talk outside.” He suggested and Jonathan didn't hesitate to follow him. The moment they got out of the buil
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It was like the whole world crashing on Williams shoulder as he wished for the ground to open up and swallow him alive but that never happened. Gulping, he pushed his hand into his hair as he reached out for his phone. The only person he could think of calling was his father, he was the only one that could help him out of the mess he had created for himself. Just when he was about to dial his phone, Ariel walked in, her hands across her chest. “You see what you have brought upon yourself.” She said in a mocking tone, looking him over. He wanted to speak to defend himself but he couldn't as his tongue was tied. “I'm disappointed in you…” She broke into tears only to push Williams off when he tried to touch her. “You stink.” She yelled in his face, wielding her middle finger at him. “Ariel please hear me out.” He called after her but she kept walking. “Believe me it's just a ploy to dent my name… we could have settled this amicably but he decided to make a mountain out of a molehi
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“Williams!” She exclaimed, gasping for breath when she finally found her tongue to speak. “I’m sorry but that is the truth. If I had known something of this sort was going to happen, I would have adopted her from you.” Williams' words kept sharding Sarah’s heart until it was broken completely. With her eyes welled up in tears, she slid through the couch to the floor with a thud. Sobbing uncontrollably now, she began to rewind how their relationship had begun and how it is ending now. Disheveled, she tried to speak to him but she couldn't find her tongue to do so. When the news of his cheating scandal came online she was grateful because she felt he was finally going to introduce her to the public and then she wouldn't have to go about in shame when she crossed paths with Jonathan but the reverse was the case. “We need to call off our relationship now.” Williams broke the silence in the living room. “You can't do that, Williams. You can't break me completely…” She cried in angu
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Jonathan and his father were already at the entrance of his mansion to welcome the Logan's when they arrived. “You're welcome to my humble abode.” Gray said, shaking hands with Harrison before doing the same to Williams who was fidgeting behind him. “You're welcome!” Jonathan said, repeating his father's action. Now seated in the dining room, the men talked while they ate while Jonathan and Williams exchanged glances. This wasn't the initial plan but since his father had decided to involve himself, Jonathan decided to exploit it to the fullest, that was why he invited them for dinner. Wiping his mouth with the serviette next to his plate, Jonathan rose, pushing his chair backwards. “Are you leaving?” Gray asked, looking up from his plate. “No, I need to make a call.” He replied and with a curt bow, he took his leave. Thinking Jonathan was on the move again, Williams left the table, running after him. When he succeeded in cornering him, he placed his hand on his shoulder, pinni
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