All Chapters of My Ex-Wife Regrets Betraying Me!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 chapters
After watching the news airing on TV for a few minutes, Sarah rose, stomping her feet on the floor. With her middle finger pointed in his direction, she yelled, “I can't believe your father stripped you of your position because of a riff raff who he can easily handle. She was speaking to Williams who was sitting on a couch at that time. Pushing her hand into her hair, she walked from one end of the living room to the other before she finally decided to settle in front of him. “Come on Williams, you can't sit back and watch this uncircumcised son of bitch to strip you of everything you have worked hard for.” She huffed. “You have to step up to your game and take over.” She yelled, stomping her feet to drive home her words. Williams, who was already fuming with anger, grasped the edge of the couch so he wouldn't do anything drastic.Sarah, unable to read the situation, continued her little drama, irking him even more. When he couldn't put up with her act anymore, he slammed his f
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Chapter 22
Sarah kept dialing and redialing Jonathan's contact but the lines were not connecting. When it seemed she wouldn't be able to reach out to him if she kept calling his phone, she decided to go meet with him in the company. On arrival, she strode towards the elevator, not knowing the exact floor his office was located. Luckily for her, when she got off on the fifth floor, Jonathan was standing in front of the elevator. He had just finished a meeting with the board of directors and was heading back to his office. Pushing his hand into his pockets, he titled his head to the side as he wondered what her mission was. “Why are you ignoring me?” She huffed, crossing her hands on her chest, momentarily forgetting what her mission was.“You're married now, I shouldn't be snooping around someone else's wife.” He smacked his lips as he brushed past her but she was quick to pull him back. “You're the lunatic who involved Ariel Lopez in our relationship right?” With her middle finger pointed
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Williams, not wanting to lose on all sides, decided to make peace with Ariel. He tried to reach out to her several times but each time he did, his call was directed to voicemail. He didn't need anyone to tell him she was with Jonathan, making him furious but there was nothing he could do about it.Pacing the length of his family mansion, he has his hands resting on his waist as he awaited his father who had agreed to grant him audience after several pleas. Immediately Harrison arrived, he didn't waste time in running to his side only to receive a cold shoulder. “Be snappy with whatever you want to say, I’m busy.” He huffed, walking hurriedly through the hallway. “Father please, I need you to help me.” He took a deep breath and with his hand stuck up in his head, he said, “Ariel left me for him. I have been trying to mend our relationship but she is unwilling to listen to me.” He groaned as Harrison watched him with his hands crossed. “Can you listen to it yourself?” He scowled, r
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The next morning, Sarah woke up with a wince, holding her head with both hands as it banged non stop. It was as if her head was going to split open the next second. “Oh dear, I need to figure out my life now.” She muttered, throwing her feet off the bed. Staggering, she made her way to the bathroom and after her morning routine and taking pain relief, the pain which she felt subsided. Still in her bedroom, she heard the doorbell ring.Thinking it was Williams who had come for her, she hurried down the stairs only to be greeted with a strange man dressed in a three piece suit. Taking her eyes downward a bit, she saw the logo of the Williams family's law firm. “Is everything alright?” She found herself asking as she stared at the man in front of her. Pushing a file towards her, he said, “You have three days to vacate the building as the ownership has been handed to my client, Williams Logan.” Wearing a look of confusion, Sarah shook her head. With a little smile, she said, “I’m
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Chapter 25
Three weeks later…Going through the documents Divah had submitted to him earlier, Jonathan had his whole attention on it as he tried to comprehend its content. Working at Blue Net gave him a lot of exposure that he never thought existed thereby challenging him to give in his all. “Sir, you have a phone call.” Divah interrupted his solitude, poking her head into his office. “Take the call, I need to concentrate.” He said, not bothering to look in her direction for even a minute. “It's from Mr. Gray, he sounded urgent a while ago.” Rolling his eyes, Jonathan pushed his chair backwards as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Waving the device in front of her, he said, “I will call him from here.” “Okay sir.” She replied and then scurried off. Standing behind the window with a hand tucked in his pocket, Jonathan allowed his eyes to roam around his vicinity as he waited for the lines to connect. Immediately it did, he stood upright, “Father, is there an issue?” He asked, his b
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For the remaining minutes to the end of dinner, no one said a word to the other as they focused on their food. Jonathan was the first to leave the table, followed by Raiden who ran after him.Grabbing him by the cuff of his shirt, he shoved him roughly on the wall, “You think you are smart huh!” He snarled, his eyes reddened in anger. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Jonathan replied calmly. He wouldn't want to exchange fists with him for whatever reason. “You went behind us and struck a deal with father.” He pushed him aside and still fuming with anger, he began to pace to and fro as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Pushing his hand forward, he wanted to send his fist into Jonathan's face but he was quick to duck before he got hit. Surprised at his speed, Raiden attempted his earlier action for the second time but the result was still the same. “I can see you have grown big.” He laughed, rubbing his palms as an evil grin appeared on his lips. “Believe me when
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Chapter 27
The next morning, Jonathan was dressed in casual clothes since he wasn't going to the Blue Net, rather, he was going to resume as a janitor in the shopping mall. Solomon had ensured that everything he needed was put in place and also informed the head of the janitor's. When he arrived, with the aid of the description Solomon had given to him, Jonathan was able to locate the store. “Good morning, I'm supposed to resume today.” He was speaking to the lady who was in charge of the store house. In front of her was a laptop which she was scrolling through as she sipped from her cup of coffee. When she didn't respond to Jonathan's words, he repeated himself a few more times until she slammed her fist against the table, glaring angrily at him. “Can't you see I’m busy?” She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him.“I'm sorry ma’am.” He quickly apologized as he stepped backwards with his head bowed. Since Solomon was the one who had put a word for him, he wasn't expecting her reaction but neve
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Thinking it was all over, Jonathan exhaled in relief, wiping off the beads of perspiration that had gathered on his forehead. “That was close.” He muttered. Just when he was about to resume work, Divah appeared in front of him. “Sir.” She called, crossing her hands on her chest as her face contorted with a look of surprise and confusion. When she saw him the first time, she didn't believe her eyes until she got a closer look of him, strengthening her conviction. “I received an email this morning saying you would be unavailable for a month since you have a business class to be part of.” She reeled, the confusion on her face still etched on it. “It's not what you think.” Jonathan said, racking his brain on the perfect tale to say to her but his head was blank. He couldn't tell her his plans and not only that he didn't want anyone to know what he was up to. Rubbing his nape, he chuckled a bit as he tried to steal away but she was quick to pull him back. “I'm sorry but you can't l
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“What is it?” She asked, locking eyes with him. “It seems you are acquainted with Vina Leighton.” “Yeah! We are co staff and mutual friends.” “Whatever it is but please, keep my identity hidden from her.” He said, falling back on his seat while she stared at him like she just saw a ghost.“How long are you going to keep up with this new identity of yours?” “Until I catch the perp.” “Perp?” She wanted him to reveal more but he wasn't going to fall for her scheme. Holding her hand, he helped her up and then swirled her in the direction of the exit, “Go home, you had a long day.” Divah didn't budge and so in anger, he grabbed his cup of coffee off the table and then stormed out with her trailing after him. He was about to flag down a taxi when Pearl walked up to him with a broad smile on her lips. “Jonathan Gray.” She called, grinning from side to side. “If you don't mind, I would love to speak to you.” She said and just then Divah who had been running after him, arrived, doubl
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Whistling a nursery rhyme, Jonathan pushed his janitor’s cart into Karl's office for his usual morning routine. Today was two weeks since he began to work as a janitor. “Good morning sir.” He greeted in a cheerful manner and then commenced work, making sure to take note of everything his eyes could fall on. For the past two weeks, he had been trying to come up with a contingent plan to send Vina and Karl to their heels but he couldn't come up with any. Smacking his lips, he continued his job only to stop whistling when the telephone on his table began to buzz. “You're hardworking.” Karl said, using his fingers to comb through his beards. He had ended the call purposely because he couldn't afford to take it in Jonathan's presence. “I love putting in my best in everything I do.” Jonathan replied with a bright smile which he nodded to. “Since you took over my office, there hasn't been a speck of dust.” Titling his head to the side with his chin resting on his clasped hand, he said
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