All Chapters of The Enigmatic Son-in-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 chapters
Break or Lick?
"Godfather, why did you summon me?" The man asked as he entered and saw Hemmer.Hemmer caressed his hand lightly, "Godfather just have a small favor to ask." He said with a smile."What is it?" the man asked."Let's talk about it later, let's have lunch first," said Hemmer, ready to lead the man to the table, but suddenly Danica interrupted, "Darling, is this your godchild?" she asked with a smile.Hemmer nodded, "This is Miguel, my godchild, one of the front guards of the Axe Gang, they are the bosses of the members guarding the gate," he proudly said."Ah, this is my little godmother," he said with a smile."I heard that your former leader has returned more powerful than before," said Hemmer.Miguel smiled, "thanks to someone's help, he is the one behind the former leader, so he regained his position, with his help, the operation of Axe Gang returned to normal," Miguel clearly showed admiration in his eyes while mentioning this. Hemmer and Danica were surprised, they didn't expect
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Curse and Formation
Max walked towards the entrance, but he was stopped by a guard watching over the gate of the villa."Stop!" commanded the guard."I am here to check on the condition of Ms. Gonzales," calmly stated Max."Check on her? Are you a doctor?" the guard asked before laughing."I am not a doctor, but I have knowledge in medicine," reassured Max.The guard looked up and down at Max, noticing his old attire, and grinned. "Do you see those going in and out? They come from different parts of the world, many of them are graduates of prestigious universities. And you? A young one who doesn't even know where he came from wanting to examine the young miss of Gonzales? Are you joking?" taunted the guard."You won't know unless I try," calmly replied Max, unfazed by the guard's laughter.The guard burst into laughter, "Even professional doctors cannot determine the condition of the young lady. What makes you think you can?""What concern is it of yours whether I have the ability or not? Shouldn't the e
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The Divine 15 needles
"I admit you have knowledge, but not enough. Now as an elder, allow me to teach you so you can learn from me.""I see potential in you, I can make you my dedicated disciple," said the old man, letting everyone know that he was ready to accept Max as his student to mold.He didn't mention that he might have already been surpassed by someone younger than him. Max remained silent, waiting to see what the old man was up to. The old man turned around to face the young lady, approached, sat next to her, and held her pulse before standing up."As expected from the disciple I will take, everything he said is correct. This is indeed a Soul Imprisoning Formation curse. Perhaps the young lady unintentionally triggered it, hence the curse latched onto her," explained the old man before smiling."The first five hours there will be the initial symptoms, suddenly losing consciousness and no other traces to be seen.""If I am correct in my understanding, the people who first examined the lady said th
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I want to marry him
"This method has long been lost, but the last time I saw it was during the time of war, five years ago. It was made by a person who also saved the country, that person was the legendary hero and only high-ranking military officials knew him. He is more known as the Legendary General," Cris recounted while Max performed the method. "The Legendary General?! The one who defeated three countries with just a hundred soldiers under his command?!" exclaimed someone upon hearing the name. "I witnessed it during that time but I didn't see the person's face because he was far away and wearing a mask. I only know that his hair is white, I'm not sure if that person was young or old," said Cris shivering as he looked again at that legendary method. "That person is one of the reasons why I continue to practice medicine, why did I forget my purpose in this moment?" said the old man, unable to hold back his tears, filled with regret for forgetting his reason for building his reputation. He kneel
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Charity Auction
"What?!" Max suddenly exclaimed, surprised.Eric chuckled, "My beloved granddaughter, do you like him?" he asked.Eliza blushed like a cute little girl, "He's handsome, grandpa, and very humble. He's not like other men who only know how to have fun. He also saved my life, so my life belongs to him now," she shyly said."Sorry, but I'm already married," Max quickly replied.Eliza frowned before thinking, "In that case, you can be my big brother."Max nodded, "Okay, my little sister."Eliza happily approached Max, hugged him, and said, "I'll just call you brother Max, thank you for saving my life." She happily let go of Max and sat beside her grandpa.Max didn't pay much attention to this as he only saw Eliza as a little girl. Eric laughed, "I'll just call you Max too, because now you're the brother of my grandchild and since you're the benefactor, you're also part of the Gonzales family. From now on, no one will dare to harm you in the whole of Pampanga," Eric laughed happily and then
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Battle of Martial Artist
"Tch! This old man," Eric said before standing up from the chair."Brother Max, you are going to watch an exciting match!" Eliza said with a smile."What does that mean?" Max asked, not understanding. 'Someone is causing trouble, and there's still an exciting match?' he thought.Eliza did not answer but showed a strange smile, "Let's follow grandpa," she said before standing up and pulling Max to follow outside the villa.Outside, they saw an old man with a long white beard standing proudly with his hands behind his back, next to him a big man with a large body beating the Gonzales guards.Upon seeing the guards lying down and writhing in pain, Eric couldn't help but frown, "This old dog Jimmy Cruz really doesn't know the word defeat," Eric said as he saw the big man with Jimmy.Upon seeing Eric emerging, Jimmy grinned, "This time, you will be defeated. Do you see your dozen guards? They are no match for my new pet," he boasted, pointing at the heavily armored guards on the ground."W
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Are you afraid?
Bang!Adrian was struck hard in the stomach, followed by a crack as his bones broke when Reynald kicked his leg. Adrian flew to the other side of the ring, writhing in pain on the ground, unable to breathe, his bones shattered, causing him to roll in agony, unable to stand.Reynald snapped his neck, "Sigh, I would have let you hit me two more times, but I lost interest after you saw my true strength," he arrogantly said as he slowly walked towards the writhing Adrian in pain. "Brother Adrian!" Eliza shouted fearfully, before glancing at Max with surprise. "You, brother Max, did you know with just a glance that brother Adrian would lose in three moves? Do you know martial arts?" she asked.Cris and Eric also looked at Max, surprised like Eliza. "Max, do you really know martial arts?" Eric asked in astonishment. Max smiled, "I have some knowledge," he casually said."Give up this fight, he might be saved," Max calmly said.Eric nodded, "Stop the fight, Jimmy, stop your artist, I surre
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Knuckle Gang
Eliza shouted with joy upon witnessing Max's impressive performance,"Amazing!".Eric and Crist caught sight of Max in a new light. "This person truly surprises me. How many more secrets is he hiding?" Eric wondered."Incredible master, not only in medicine but also formidable in martial arts," Crist added.Max glanced at the bewildered Jimmy, "Don't forget my shares," he coolly remarked.Jimmy broke into a cold sweat upon feeling Max's chilling gaze, "Yes, yes, I'll do it right away," he nodded obediently like a dog.Exiting the ring, Max approached Adrian, "Master, the bone fracture and internal injuries are severe; he needs immediate surgery," Cris informed."No need," Max said before producing a tablet, "Take this," he instructed Adrian.Adrian took the medicine and as soon as it touched his lips, it immediately dissolved, and he felt a warmth flowing through his veins. He also felt the relief spreading throughout his whole body and damaged inner tissues.With naked eyes, they coul
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Sinister Agenda
Robert looked back and saw two people entering, he grinned, "What is the purpose of the visit of the top gang and his minions?"Deric grinned, "I just want to see how much the returning leader has changed," he said while assessing Robert. He put his hand on his white beard before nodding, "not bad.""Old Deric, is this your top fighter? I never thought you'd recruit someone with such abilities," Robert said as he evaluated Kent.Deric laughed, "Peace should be upheld, I'm just here to warn you. The Sword Gang has a new leader who wants to win this battle to raise his prestige, and besides, he has a hidden agenda.""What happened to the wise Oliver?" Robert asked.Deric sighed, "It's been months since the old Oliver disappeared and suddenly a new leader was appointed. He's one of the four guards of the Sword Gang. The disappearance of Oliver is unknown, but in this battle, you are the target of the Sword Gang because they see you as a threat.""A long-standing gang was scared by a gang
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No rules at all
Robert stood in shock, not expecting the merciless and brutal attack unleashed by the Sword Gang players. Only Max remained calm, anticipating this turn of events due to the abnormal flow of energy in the bodies of the Sword Gang fighters. The leader of the Sword Gang laughed loudly, "Your fighters are weak, like they haven't eaten," he arrogantly remarked. "Such arrogance!" Robert shouted before glancing at another fighter of his before entering the arena. Max approached a fighter who had flown out before being examined and then returned to Robert, "Don't worry, his condition is not severe." Robert nodded, "This Sword Gang is ruthless, wanting to kill with a single blow, truly lawless!" he exclaimed in anger towards the Sword Gang leader. The Sword Gang leader laughed loudly, tauntingly saying, "Killing blow? That's just a normal kick," he grinned, "your fighters are simply weak," he added before laughing. "Lindon! I don't know what you're planning, but I'm telling you, you won'
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