All Chapters of The Ring of Power: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 chapters
10: Dishonor & disgrace
The happiness of Max and the woman faded, when Max knew that the guardians were looking at him with indifference, he knew them perfectly well, after living with them for so long, of them being his only family,Max realized that Now, his moment of happiness has ended, because the disobedient had to be punished.The guardians' eyes flash with fury as they look at him.Lyra was the first to speak."What is this, Max? You have disobeyed us when you know perfectly well that we had forbidden you to commit this madness. Max, we warned you that we had to first investigate this situation before you make this absurd decision. "But you did not follow our orders, therefore, you will have to receive a harsh punishment that cannot be reversed," Lyra threatened firmly.From the first day, Max knew that he should not disobey his guardians, and he was always very obedient, but on this occasion, his masculine instinct prevailed over his reasoning. He knew what punishment he had to receive to be account
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11: Back to the Desolate Home
"Damn... I'm back," Max muttered, looking at the dark paradise that was recreated in front of him.The magic of the guardians has taken Max back to his world, but it does not take him where he wanted to go; his grandmother's house. Max has been transported to a desolate place, surrounded by uncovered streets that looked wet as if it had been raining all day and non-stop until now.The dirt on the unpaved streets was wet, so much so that Max had to walk very slowly to avoid falling to the ground while he crossed them wanting to reach his destination.The walk for Max seemed to be very long, and there was a moment along the way when he wanted to stop, sit somewhere and stay there, thinking for hours, since at that moment in his life, things were going to start to get very difficult for him.For Max, it has been five years since his life changed, since he became a warrior and abandoned his life to train and be what he was in his new world. The days and years flew by, and now, he felt as
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12: The echo of a lost world
After his grandmother disappeared from his sight, Max left the house with renewed determination and with his heart pounding because of the whirlwind of emotions he had just experienced. The vision of his grandmother had given him the spark of adrenaline and hope in the midst of a defeated world that would give him the necessary strength to move forward on his path of reconstruction and recovery of lost humanity.He knew that the mission given to him would not be easy, but he was determined to face any challenge. How was he going to do it now that his power ring was not on his side to rebuild humanity? Max felt like a helpless human, who was of no use, since even having returned to his old life, he caused his body to change again, and return to what it was before.The image of a city in ruins has remained engraved in his mind forever despite having it in front of him, that would be a constant reminder due to having made those mistakes that expelled him from his perfect life to live tha
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13: New resurrection
He stopped meditating and began to follow the diary's instructions, heading toward the areas where the map indicated the entrances to the underground tunnels should be found. The cloudy and dark sky seemed to be watching him carefully, and the ground under his feet was covered with muddy debris, making it difficult for him to move quickly because he could not speed up his steps as he had to be careful where he stepped; a bad fall would destroy his entire mission. and it would lead to failure, and at that moment in his life, Max had to demonstrate the best of himself to the guardians, wherever they were watching him.As he entered the city, the panorama of destruction became much more evident than usual, and he was feeling the weight of the mission upon him.Finally, he found what in his eyes was an entrance to the underground tunnels. It was partially buried under a pile of rubble, little by little, Max managed to clear it with effort. The hole revealed a dark, narrow passage that wen
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14: Encounters and Revelations in the Underground Vault
Thus, Max continued on his way through the dark underground tunnels without finding any more enemies nearby, his guide continued to be the weak glow of his flashlight that, at least, still worked despite the fact that in the last battle this object had ended up in the ground due to the impact of Max's fall.He continued moving forward, until he noticed that the tunnel was becoming wider, and the environment less deteriorated than before. The walls seemed very weak, however, they still remained strong under any circumstances.The sounds that Max initially heard became much clearer and louder as he got closer, telling him that he was much closer to his destination than he let on. He decided to take the path to the right as the map in the notebook indicated, and as soon as he arrived, he saw a dim light peek out from under a large black metal door.After a few minutes passed, Max arrived at a large underground room. At first, everything seemed calm, but when he realized that behind the d
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15: The Ring of Doubts and the Weight of Destiny
Max nodded, although he was not very convinced that those hopes reflected in him to save humanity were going to be one hundred percent true, Max wanted to demonstrate what he was good for, and why he had been chosen to assume that enormous responsibility.He tried to remain calm in the face of the fixed gaze of the old woman who seemed to be reading his deepest thoughts through her eyes, but his mind was still focused on a whirlwind of unstoppable sensations, even more so now that he has had the unexpected reunion with his number enemy. one from high school, for the cause of everything that happened for Max to end up like this."That's right, I'm here to help you. My ring, the one I have on this finger, is magical, and will serve as my main ally to defeat anyone who wants to prevent the reconstruction of humanity", Max responded, trying to sound self-confident with the pronunciation of each of them. his words. But before he could continue to say anything else, Justin suddenly appeared
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16: The Eternal Night of the Bunker
And so it was that Max accepted the invitation to stay the night in that place with a smile that was intended to be kind, but it is difficult for him to hide how confused he feels due to what happened a moment ago. It's hard for him to shake the weight of Justin's constant words and threats off his shoulders.Although he tried to appear confident about wanting to be the savior of humanity, he still felt an uncontrollable sense of doubt inside him, and he kept wondering: What if Justin was right about doubting his abilities? What if it was true that Max was really not living up to what he was supposed to be the savior and rebuilder of humanity and would end up disappointing all those who still trusted him and his power?Maybe, and just maybe, the guardians still wanted their hope in Max to take effect, they didn't want to close themselves off from the idea that Max's position is to be the warrior, and with this situation that has occurred due to his disobedience, it was the perfect mis
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17: The Light in the Shadow: The Power of the Ring
It was there that panic took over the warrior, but Max was more concerned with forcing his mind so that it could help him remain firm in his decisions, because defending himself against an enemy of this magnitude included knowing how to do it with precision, and not only defending himself for the sake of defending himself, that is why things did not happen as he planned with the previous enemy and that is why the ring had helped him defend himself and defeat that creature that was about to finish defeating him.The bunker is a labyrinth of shadows, the light no longer existed, it had gone out with the appearance of said enemy, and Max looked for a way to defend himself from what was about to come. Then, a new ray of light, dark and more powerful than the others, hit in his direction, and he still couldn't find the exact location of where it came from. However, he has realized one thing; What was attacking him was getting much closer to him despite being invisible.What caused him the
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18: Max's rehabilitation
"Max? Dear? Are you okay? Don't worry about anything. "Here I am," said the soft voice of a woman who did not look like a young woman at all."Mm?", Max muttered with effort, he still felt too weak from the complete loss of his energy to have recovered one hundred percent of his vitality.Everything for Max was immersed in complete darkness, his breathing remained soft, not too fast nor too slow, and the worst of all was realizing that his body did not respond to his innocent responsive movements. "Where am I?", Max whispered to himself, however, the woman who spoke to him before seems not to have heard him because there was no response from her. It is as if that woman had not heard him speak at that moment."Max? Dear? Are you okay? Don't worry about anything. Here I am", the mysterious woman repeated the same words she said before.Slowly, Max opened his eyes very carefully, as if he didn't want what was happening outside to suddenly affect him. And then, upon opening his eyes comp
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19: Recovering hope
"What's happening? Why are they looking at me like that?", Max whispers uncertainly, when he was close to the guards, Max could detect their feelings, and he knew very well that when they look at each other, it is because they are being complicit in something that they are not able to hide."Max, we have to tell you about a situation that we are sure you are not going to like...", Lyra confessed, looking at Max with the same seriousness that she has always looked at him since the first moment they met.Max looked at her and prayed that they would get straight to the point and say without so much sermon what they had to tell her."The woman you rescued was the cause of all this. She actually ended up being what we so feared would happen with her rescue; she showed her true identity and confessed to us being our worst enemy... One that you have never had the opportunity to face face to face in a battle...", Aldrich blurted out when he realized that no one was going to be able to speak b
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