All Chapters of The Ring of Power: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 chapters
20: Dawn of Darkness
Before continuing on his way, Max examined his body, now, he was fascinated by what he saw.His new figure was much better than the previous one, he did not know exactly what the guardians did, or if perhaps the dimensional portal had something to do with it, or perhaps, if the energy rehabilitation that he performed on him had to do with it. his grandmother to rehabilitate him from his defeat, but Max felt stronger than ever, and is ready to fight in battle whatever wants to defeat him at any moment, even if it takes him by surprise."Excellent. Now, get ready Justin. You will never again have the chance to want to make fun of me like you used to do before, and like you do now. I'm no longer that same idiot that you could take advantage of just because I was a rookie. No, now I am Max the warrior", Max said to himself, with his gaze fixed on the horizon where the day was more beautiful than ever.Then, as the warrior walks along the desolate path, a strange feeling began to grow from
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21: The battlefield
In response, the dark enemy showed no visible reaction to the warrior's words. It seems that his joke had reached that point. Now, he no longer liked Max's response. The dark energy of this enemy has intensified, as if the air itself vibrates with his magic. Max felt the ring on his finger begin to pulse, just like a racing heart would, and a warm current of energy ran through his body. He knew that he stood on the brink of fighting an epic battle, a fight that would not only determine his fate, but would also determine the fate of his and his world.The ground beneath his feet begins to crack, his threads levitate in the air, suspended by the intensity of the energy emanating from him. The sky, already tinted with an ominous reddish tone, darkened even more, appearing to be the same night that has quickly arrived. The clouds spun into a massive vortex, and deafening thunder rumbled from the distance, announcing that the battle has begun.Max braced himself, adjusting his warrior stan
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22: Recovering what was lost
Max stood still, calmly watching as his enemy lunged at him in fury. But then, his eyes focused on its every movement, his muscles tensed, and his mind focused on a single purpose: defeat that damned beast once and for all.The ring on his finger shone brightly, its warmth is comforting, and then, Max remembered what had happened the first day he realized that the ring was very powerful, not only because he remembered the presence of that magical being who helped him. to defend himself from Justin and his bully friends that day in high school when he was expelled and the next day he ended up being transported to a new world that he knew how to love and be faithful to until this moment in his life.Max knew that he was going to be able to win that battle against such a being that was attacking him, and it was then that he decided to give his all, allowing the ring to give him all the strength necessary to do what was about to happen: the body of Max transformed completely, absorbing al
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23: The new civilization
Out of astonishment, Max could barely believe what he was hearing. After everything that has happened, was it really possible that humanity had been restored in the blink of an eye? Slowly, Max stood up because the entire time he was lying on the ground until he drank the water he sat down so as not to drown. Furthermore, he continued to feel the weight of fatigue on his body, but with renewed hope shining in his eyes.Finally, he is relieved that the guardians have helped him with his mission, and that all that weight off his shoulders for that difficult task to accomplish has finally been done."I... I don't know what to say...", he murmured, looking at the guardians with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. —After everything that has happened, have we really achieved it?Everyone nodded and smiled, while Lyra had gone to take refuge in the sky, her body levitated at a distance considered where they could see her, but she did not say anything about it, she remained serious above al
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24: The new legacy and Lyra's farewell
Max continued to contemplate the vast landscape as the guardians, satisfied with his response, guided him back to the center of the new civilization. Although he was still processing the magnitude of what had just happened to Max he continued to contemplate the vast landscape as the guardians, satisfied by his response, guided him back to the center of the new civilization. Although he was still processing the magnitude of what he had just accepted, the tour allowed him to observe the harmony and vitality that now reigned in that world.Max continues contemplating the delicate and vast landscape that is presented before him, while the guardians look at each other with satisfied eyes because he has accepted his proposal without having to beg him so much. Then, the guardians decided to accompany the warrior into their new civilization, where he would be very well received by the few survivors who had faith that he would be able to save everything that was being taken from them.He was s
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25: Celebrating the impossible
Max continues moving among the guests, and when he wanted to get closer to where the guardians were sharing among themselves, he realized that Lyra was leaving without any of them following her as they always used to do, then Max understood everything, and he perceived that Lyra was going to leave there, and she would do it alone, without anyone's company."Lyra! Wait!", Max shouted as loudly as he could, because the bustle of the people and the party is loud enough to have even spoken in whispers.But Lyra didn't hear him, and she continued walking away from her until Max couldn't see her anymore."Hey! What happens to Lyra? Why is she leaving?", Max asked the guards as he approached the door."She is leaving forever. He said that there is a new world waiting for her to be the ruler of it, and she decided that she will do it alone. "She doesn't need us anymore, we'll stay here with you, of course, if it's not a bother to you," answered Telón, speaking as if he didn't feel any sadness
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26: The warrior and the threatened peace of his new world
Ten years passed since that night, since the greatest celebration in the history of humanity was celebrated, and the new civilization was now governed by the wisdom of Max, the warrior. Cities expanded, new technologies continued to advance as time passed, and humanity adapted to their new reality so quickly that even Max felt completely proud of them.Well, they didn't even need all your help to be what they are now.Max, the warrior, was not only known by that nickname, but he also became known for being a symbol of hope, for having become a revered leader who guided his people through the challenges of construction, his bravery made humanity trust again and put itself in the hands of a great leader, and everyone was very proud of him.But outside of the public eye, Max had been the recipient of a very valuable gift: a family of his own for whom he could give everything until his last breath.That's how Max married the woman who had invited him to dance that night of celebration. Fr
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27: The unexpected abduction and the unidentified flying object.
The night enveloped the city with its dark mantle, dotted with stars. In the quiet of their home, Max and Selene enjoyed a moment of peace, knowing that their children were fast asleep. It was their nightly ritual, that brief but precious space where they could simply be Max and Selene, away from the responsibilities and worries that weighed on them as leaders of the new humanity.Max caresses Selene's face delicately and softly, her fingers brush against her cheek while her lips join together in a kiss full of love and lust. Those hours of the night, Max and his wife knew very well how to take advantage of them because it was the only time of day in which they could have privacy for themselves without their children wanting to interrupt them, or in that case, see them doing things they had not yet done. It was time for them to know what adults did.The passion between them ignited with every caress, every whisper shared under the dim light of the lamps in their room. Selene smiled ag
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28: A new threat
Selene stopped crying, she tried to calm down a little because if she wasn't sane, it would be impossible for her to give her husband vibes of hope to fulfill his mission."I hope so, Max. I don't want anything bad to happen to our children, they are innocent of all this threat. At all times I will be with you, at your side, I will support you in whatever is necessary to ensure that our children return home with us. I suggest that we call an assembly in the central square of the city, and that it be now. There is no time to waste. Our children have earned the affection of the citizens, they will help us find them at any cost".Max nodded, and kissed his wife's lips as a way of thanking her because that woman has given her the peace of mind she needed to live that moment. Also, that idea of ​​the assembly was very good.Then, Max hurried to change his clothes, because he couldn't afford to go out into the city wearing pajamas, they would make fun of him, and that's the last thing he wa
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29: The journey to revenge and rescue
The atmosphere is charged with tension while the hologram of Xal'thar disappeared before them. The murmurs of the crowd broke the silence that filled the square, Max could barely hear them. His mind was focused on a single goal, and he cared about nothing more than accomplishing it: rescuing his children. Max raised his hand in the air, looking towards the crowd, he asked for silence, and all of his subjects obeyed instantly, his eyes are full of concern, but they did not lose faith in their leader. "Friends, brothers, we cannot allow these beings to use our children for their experiments", the warrior spoke firmly. — They have underestimated our determination and our strength. I know many of you have lost loved ones in difficult times, but this time, we will not allow more humans to be taken away without first fighting. The survivors responded with a roar of approval at their warrior's words, and a surge of energy revitalized Max. Then, he began to feel how his ring awakened a uni
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