All Chapters of The Ring of Power: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 chapters
30: The Threshold of the Zhol'Thax
Suddenly, Max disappeared before his wife's eyes, followed by the guardians who left with him, because they knew that this battle was not a very easy one to win, Max would need reinforcements, and there was no one in that civilization who was better. than the guardians to help Max in case he needed it.Max and the guardians crossed the dimensional portal, and upon arriving, they were greeted by a panorama that seemed to be taken from the darkest nightmares. That dimension of the Zhol'Thax was a very desolate and cold place, surrounded by dense clouds charged with all electrical energy that crackled in the air, illuminated from time to time that gloomy landscape with sinister flashes.The soil was made of a material unknown to Max, the warrior had known many types of soil, but this one was not added to his list, so he did not know what species it was. The floor was made of black glass that seemed to absorb the light instead of reflecting it. There was no vegetation, much less signs of
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31: The enemy's mockery
Max decided to stop and stare at those colossal doors, observing how the lights and their patterns that formed on their surface seemed to analyze his presence to make the important decision about whether or not he should let him enter their base.The vibration of the power ring on his finger increased, resonating with an energy that almost seemed to respond to the energy of the base. Instinctively, Max closed his eyes for a moment, trying to tune into the energy of the place, trying to understand what those doors wanted to tell him with the power of him clinging to the power of the ring that his finger wore.The guardians noticed Max's ring, they are impressed by his reaction."Max? Is everything all right? What's wrong with your ring?"; Celen questioned with concern without taking her eyes off Max's ring, she felt hypnotized by his strong reaction.Max's gaze was also mesmerized by the ring, but he was preparing for the worst. Because that shine and that energy of power that emanated
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32: The Warrior and the Ring: The Battle Against Xal'Thar
So, it was there that Max felt a wave of determination run through his body, at the same time he saw how Xal'Thar finished the speech with a sarcastic mockery that made Max's skin crawl, it was evident that the alien wanted to fill the little patience was left, however, Max preferred to stay sane in that situation, because that is how a warrior should act in the middle of battle, Max should never allow himself to be overcome by the control of his emotions.Sensing the tension in the air, the guardians prepared for the imminent confrontation, none of them wanted to witness this, they were all totally scared, because although they did not say it, the guardians knew perfectly well the type of power that ran through them, the veins of the alien, and although his race fed and fought hand in hand with technology, what Max did not know until that moment was that Xal'Thar is much more powerful in magic than our power ring could be warrior.With a good use of his magic against Max, the warrior
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33: At home? Again?
Little by little, Max regained consciousness, as if emerging from a deep, dark abyss. This has been the first indication of his return to the world, in addition to perceiving the delicious aroma that was extremely familiar to him; the smell of the wood of his house, and the soft whisper of the wind that came through the half-open window.He slowly opened his eyes, but the light of day made him close them again, because it's not like he was going to be able to bear having them open for a long time while he tried to get used to his recovery, because the drop in his vitality had been too strong, and it's It was natural for Max to feel that way.The warrior felt his body heavy, exhausted. Every muscle, every bone, seemed to want to scream from the depths of his being, with the slightest attempt at movement that Max made.Finally, he managed to open his eyes enough to be able to make out his surroundings. Realizing that he is lying in his bed, in the comfort of his home, wrapped in the she
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34: The desperate call
"Beautiful... Don't bother, you don't have to talk about what you don't want to talk about again. Just like you said it, I know what happened that night. You don't have to repeat it. Okay, I'll listen to you this time and drink the tea, because in truth, I feel very weak, I feel as if suddenly, the ring has taken away all my power and weakened me until I was unconscious...", commented Max , weakly trying to adjust himself into a position that was much more comfortable for him.Selene nodded, she had become sad again, and although a long time had passed since she had to live, in any case, Max understood her pain, and he could not reproach her for anything, simply, the only thing he could do as a husband was to give her strength, love and encouragement to move forward, and he understood why she felt that way after having gone through the matter of kidnapping her children.His wife wouldn't feel better unless she had her children back home.Max moved to the side of the bed, making room f
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35: Decision in twilight
Then, Max inhaled deeply, seeking to remain calm to put aside his fear and nervousness and thus speak the truth to his wife.He knew she would understand, but not perfectly as the warrior himself could do. Max couldn't afford to stay there, doing nothing, while what he felt, that desperation consumed him inside like fire would burning paper."Selene... What Aiden told me was...", he began, his voice still shaking. —I can't ignore it. It's not that I want to behave like a little child does when he has a tantrum when I deny him something he wants, simply, this was the worst of nightmares. Aiden told me that they are being hurt, that their sister hasn't woken up... I'm terrified of having to deduce Aiden's words when he said that, I don't want to think that our little girl is dead... Selene, understand, I can't stay in bed There is no time to waste.Selene clenched her fists, clenched them very tightly, trying to stay calm. Her blood boils as it courses through her veins. She loved Max, s
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36: Preparations in the Dark Night
It was there that Selene felt momentary relief upon hearing Max's words. They both knew very well that although it was a fragile and ephemeral truce, it is impossible for her not to be 100% calm in the face of a situation like this. Everything they experienced was inclined towards a life or death situation. She leaned towards him, gently kissing his forehead, allowing her lips to stay there at that moment, playing with each other, like when they were a couple of teenagers who went to the countryside for a walk and climbed into the top of a drink. tree to enjoy a beautiful sunset together and kiss as if it were the last day of their lives.She wanted to transmit to Max the strength, serenity and love that she needed so that she could fight and maintain his sanity in the face of his misfortune. The warmth of her tears still remained cool on her skin, reminding him of the magnitude of what was at stake in her life."I love you, Max. And you know that, right?", She said with a voice that
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37: Again to the rescue
At dawn the next day, around 6:00 in the morning, Max woke up abruptly, when the first ray of light filtered through the heavy curtains of his room. He felt a strange and powerful heat enveloping his body, radiating from the ring he still wore on his finger, in the same place as always. He opened his eyes slowly, feeling the power of the ring take over his entire being, his energy that was previously depleted, now beginning to flow with overwhelming intensity.The ring shone with a very intense light, much more intense than before, it ran through his entire body, as if it wanted to take over him at that very moment.As he sat up in bed, Max felt his body transform. His muscles, which had previously been sore and weak, were filled with strength and vitality. The fatigue disappeared completely, replaced by a vigorous energy that made him feel as if he was capable of facing any challenge that stood in his way. He looked at his hands, observed how his skin recovered that skin tone that he
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38: The Threshold of the Final Battle
Max separated from Selene, feeling firmness run through his body, and a lot of nervousness, since now, he was about to face his destiny, this was one of those most difficult battles to live through in his life, this was one of those enemies of the ones you feel like you'll never get rid of, not so easily.The portal began to materialize in the center of the room, opening like a kind of bright crack that flashed with colors that seemed to come from the farthest reaches of the universe. The guardians extended their arms towards the sky, they channeled all of his power into the energy necessary to keep it open for as long as was enough while Max managed to cross the threshold.The bodies of the guardians trembled incessantly as the energy converted into magic, it seemed that they were in the middle of a trance that was difficult to control."It's now or never. "Wish me luck," Max murmured to Selene, and immediately, she responded with a small kiss on the lips that caused a tender smile t
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39: Victory is coming
Then, Max looked at the weapons carefully, feeling the enormous energy they gave off, and he quickly knew that those were not simple combat tools. Those weapons were devices of destruction that channeled the primordial energy of the Xal'Thar dimension in order to function perfectly.A direct confrontation with them could be so devastating that it would even cause the end of the world. Not only for the dimension of less suitable.The warrior took a step forward, noticing how the ring on his finger reacted to the magic of nuclear weapons, this ring shone brightly, reflecting a pure white light that also contrasted with the darkness of the place. He could feel a power flowing through him, but he also knew that he would have to control it carefully if he wanted to survive."Don't be an idiot, do you really think that with your alien toys they can stop me?", Max asked, his voice remaining firm against the tension that was forming between him and the aliens. His eyes couldn't bear the idea
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