All Chapters of The Ring of Power: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 chapters
40: The Portal of Doom
Xal'Thar let a laugh that didn't seem funny escape his lips, for Max, that laugh was extremely cruel, cold and resonated with a kind of disturbing energy for him. Max, who was still keeping his guard up, felt a huge chill run down his spine. He had a feeling that something was not right. Xal'Thar did not seem defeated, he did not even seem to feel dejected by the loss of his guardians. In fact, his laugh was that of someone who claimed that he had just executed the last part of a carefully laid plan."Yes, you are very optimistic. Do you really think this is over, Max?", said the alien, with his voice low but full of malevolence that was heard loudly due to the emptiness that accompanied them in that place. — I don't mind losing those puppets. What you don't understand is that your children are already mine. They are not yours or your wife's. Now, they belong to me, and I will never return them to you.Max felt the greatest pain take over his body, his heart stopped for an instant. Hi
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41: The Portal of Illusion: 48 Hours for Salvation
"No... I'm sorry, Selene. "I can't wait," Max said, feeling a lump form in his throat. His eyes fill with tears that he tries to contain. “I don't have time.” Xal'Thar has given me 48 hours. If he doesn't enter now, the portal will close and I won't be able to save them."I know... But there is another way. We have discovered it. Please trust me,” Selene responded, feeling her voice break to the point of crying. “Max, if you go in, you will be completely alone in that place, not even we will be able to save you.”Then, the warrior closed his eyes, trying to calm the internal storm that was consuming him little by little.The face of his children floated in his mind, their laughter, the games at home. The feeling of his small meekness as they clung to hers. The pain of not having them with him was totally unbearable. He couldn't wait. Time was very much against him."Max... Please, don't do it... Don't get in there", she insisted, with obvious pain in her voice. — Don't make me lose yo
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42: A lost fight?
The warrior staggered, each breath a catatonic effort for him. Cold sweat covered his forehead. The distorted landscape before him did not help him think things through clearly and know what to do at that moment. From the shadows a figure emerged that made him shudder to the bone. That creature was also something Max was never prepared to face in battle.This figure painted a skin covered in shiny black scales, its red eyes burned very brightly, and in his hands, claws extended so long that it seemed they could tear reality itself. It was the last and most lethal envoy of Xal'Thar, an entity that promised to end everything, create chaos, and cause the end.His ring continued to shine, and it was there that Max closed his eyes, he asked the ring to transform into a lethally powerful weapon that could serve as a defense to finish off that enemy without it ending up finishing him off. His wishes were orders, and Max gripped the strong, imposing sword that was drawn in his hand.The beast
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43: Sparks of hope
It was like this that Selene lowered her gaze, she felt unable to hold her gaze on the intensity of her husband's eyes, those that always looked at her with a mixture of love and fidelity, but that from the first moment her children were kidnapped and they began to live that war that never seemed to have an end, those eyes began to look at her with devotion and courage, and then, for her it was evident that she could not find the right words to answer Max's questions without his reaction being hurt."Max... I... I'm very sorry, but...", she began to speak, with a lump forming in her throat.—Our children... They...Then, the warrior felt his heart stop beating for a second. Anguish began to rise through his chest, causing his patience to be lost at that moment. It was as if an invisible claw was squeezing her soul."What's wrong with them, Selene?" Max said, speaking with a tone of voice that seemed to want to remain firm, however, she was shaking strongly. The warrior, who had faced b
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44: The Weight of Betrayal
After listening to everything, the warrior felt that a powerful energy emerged from within him and ran through his entire body. It was a force that came not only from the love for his children, but also from the loyalty that the Guardians felt towards him, and the unconditional support from Selene. He knew that this mission would be the most dangerous, one of the strongest and most unpredictable of all time. Something deep inside him told him that this could be the destiny of his children, that it depended on this new opportunity for them to survive and return to them without having any intention of ever leaving them again."Max... I have to talk to you, alone. "It's very important that we talk before this battle," Lyra objected, looking at Max very seriously.The Guardians looked at each other, and decided to walk away before Lyra could ask them to leave. Max looked at Selene when he heard Lyra, Selene nodded, gave him a kiss very close to the corner of her mouth, and left the bed
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45: Redemption at the price of betrayal
The warrior stopped just a few steps from Lyra, he felt her breathing hard and her body trembling with contained anger that would be about to come to light at any moment. Max clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white, but he had to hold on, because he couldn't afford to cause a scandal of such magnitude, or Lyra's punishment would be worse, after all, he still cared a lot about her, the 5 years they spent living together and feeling like family by the time this whole warrior story began.His entire being was enveloped in a storm of emotions that seemed to have absolutely no control: betrayal, pain and rage were submerged within a wave of emotions that were difficult to justify and calm. But something in Lyra's eyes stopped him. Despite his pride, there was a deep, almost desperate sadness in his eyes."Because? Why did you do this to me, Lyra? What do you have against me?", Max growled, barely containing his fury. —Why would you tell Xal'Thar everything?! You knew what
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46: The decision of a warrior family
At that moment, Max let silence fill the air after Lyra's last words. He had never before been as angry as he was now. There is a completely palpable tension between the two, a tension that at first glance reflected that a fight had occurred between them from which there would be no way back to solve it, it seems that between them, the friendship and trust has been a flame of fire. that has been turned off. However, they both knew that for now they couldn't let his anger control him, the most important thing of the moment was at stake; rescue his children, the heirs of the warrior, Max. He turned slowly, turning his back to Lyra, in her head, there was no room for the idea of ​​wanting to look into her eyes anymore after all. "Lyra," he said with firmness in her voice, but feeling a little calmer than before, "I want you to leave me alone." I need to talk to Selene before we take any further steps. Could you?Then, Lyra obeyed, and knowing that there was nothing more to say for the
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47: The definitive plan
That's how Max left the room, his mind already working on the perfect plan for the rescue. He knew that they couldn't go directly to the Xal'Thar dimension, that wouldn't be a great idea, it wouldn't even be the best idea in the world for the Guardians because even for them it would be very difficult to survive. Now, they would have to create a much more cunning strategy than the previous ones to rescue his children, one that would not force him to leave his territory. With that idea in mind, and with Selene holding her hand to walk together, they approached the room where the Guardians along with Lyra were waiting for them. Lyra, standing at a safe distance, watched in silence, feeling alien to everyone, but knowing that she was a crucial part of what was about to happen. The Guardians already knew everything Lyra had done, and like Max and Selene, they also felt betrayed and did not want her to affect them again in another rescue plan, which would be the last. Max cleared his thr
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48: The Betrayal of a Guardian
As soon as the celebration ended along with the bottle that they all drank, the Guardians made the decision to go to rest, since obviously, it is time to do so, they had not been able to fall asleep for many hours after the entire journey they lived to In Max's rescue, their energies are completely exhausted, for them they deserved a good rest. Along with the company of his wife, Max watched in silence as each of them retired to their respective rooms, moving away from the meeting room. He only accompanied them with a figure that remained in the room, isolated, silent and distant: Lyra.Max looked at her out of the corner of his eye, he still felt a powerful anger emanating from her body against her. And he was sure that, despite her betrayal, they still needed her for the plan to work, after all, she was still part of her family, and family is never abandoned in the most complicated moments. However, he was also aware that he could not allow her to roam freely. They couldn't take th
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49: Max, let's expand the family!
Out of surprise, Max froze, as if time had frozen for him. Her mind was barely working for hers, his eyes met hers, searching for answers in her gaze. Selene, however, was determined to press the matter, because even if Max believed that what she was proposing might be a simple impulse at the idea of ​​not having her children around at that moment, in any case, and from then on a Some time ago, she had wanted to talk to Max about it, she already wanted another child of his before everything happened."That? What about another son?", Max whispered, barely trying to process the words his wife said, interrupting a moment like that. The impact of that idea had made all the thoughts that were in his mind fade away for an instant, forgetting what they were really experiencing at that moment.Selene nodded slowly, looking at Max with deep eyes, in them, he could see that what she said was very sincere, wanting to have another child was not a simple whim for his wife. Then, Selene's hands car
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