All Chapters of The Ring of Power: Chapter 51 - Chapter 53
53 chapters
50: Celen's powerful spell
Max had not imagined that that night, while he was sleeping, everything began quickly, Celen kept his word to take charge of casting a spell on Max's subjects in the city so that they would fall into a deep sleep and thus they would not have to realize any of the possible things that will happen in the final battle against Xal'Thar.He never imagined that Selene would end up involved in the middle of that blessed spell of Celen's. Although Max knew that Celen had no bad intentions in reference to harming Selene. Everything happened very unexpectedly, but anyway, Max knew that there was a very clear purpose at that moment for things to happen.While Selene, Max, Lyra, the Guardians and the subjects of the new civilization rested in the mantle of their homes and accompanied by their families, Celen prepared to work on her spell, she had locked herself in her room, she put herself in half of the room, closed her eyes, raised her hands in such a way that it seemed that she was bowing to a
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51: The return of the enemy
Max felt a lump quickly form in his throat as he heard the hesitation in Celen's voice, which announced that his plan had not gone as well as everyone thought it would. The warrior, who rarely allowed himself to be dominated by uncertainty, crossed his arms and looked at her with more intensity than he had ever been able to do before."Although...?", He insisted, in a tone that, although calm, showed the concern that was beginning to invade him — Celen, please, get straight to the point.Celen took a deep breath, unable to hold his gaze any longer even if she wanted to because she knew how embarrassed she felt about having involved Max's wife in said spell. What she was about to say would change everything, because now, more than ever, Max needed his wife's support, and having to know that she wouldn't wake up until everything was over was going to be a difficult nightmare. Finally, she looked down at the holographic map and spoke with a trembling voice, as if with each word she relea
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52: The threshold of shadows; the beginning of the final battle
Max stood still for a moment, watching as the darkness of the room seemed to fade after Xal'Thar's disappearance. Time was against them, and what was coming would be an unprecedented battle. He looked at Selene one last time, kissing her lips as if that gesture was going to be the last one he would have with her at that moment. Max had a strange feeling about that battle, he felt as if he would never be able to return home. even though he had a chance to win it. At the end of the day, no matter how bad feelings he had about the situation, Max had to ignore them and take care of his duty as a warrior."Take care of her while I'm away from her. "I promise to return to my children as soon as she has defeated that unfortunate man," the warrior said to Celen, his voice firmer than he really felt. There was no room for fear, he was a warrior, and a warrior was not afraid of anything. Furthermore, everyone's fate depended on his strength.Celen nodded with a solemn gesture, knowing that this
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