All Chapters of Spark Of Destiny: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
59 chapters
chapter 11
The next day, Alex walked into school alongside Samira, who had been by his side every step of the way. The events of the past few days felt surreal, like something out of a nightmare, but Alex felt different now. Stronger. The weight of the amulet hanging from his neck was no longer a burden—it was a source of power, a connection to his mother and Grandma Chen.As they entered the crowded hallway, Samira shot Alex a concerned glance. “You sure you’re ready for this?”Alex nodded, his eyes scanning the familiar faces of students chatting and laughing in groups. “I have to be. I’m done being afraid.”It didn’t take long for Victor and his gang to notice Alex. The look of shock on Victor’s face was almost comical. His eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. After all, he and his crew had left Alex for dead just a day ago.“Chen?” Victor stammered, disbelief and panic creeping into his voice as he pushed through the crowd. Jake and Emily followed close behind, their expressions just as c
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Chapter 12
Later that day, Victor sat in the corner of the school’s empty gymnasium with Jake and Emily, his face still burning with humiliation. He couldn't believe what had happened. One moment, he had been on top, ready to put Alex back in his place, and the next, he was the one pinned down, disgraced in front of the entire school.Emily nervously glanced at her phone, scrolling through social media. "It's all over the internet, Victor," she said hesitantly. "Everyone's posting videos of what happened. Look at this." She turned the phone toward Victor, showing him a video of Alex effortlessly dodging his punches and then pinning him to the ground. The comments were brutal, mocking Victor, calling him weak, and praising Alex’s newfound strength.Victor snatched the phone out of Emily’s hand, his eyes narrowing in fury as he watched the video loop over and over. “This... this can’t be happening,” he growled. His hands shook with rage. “Chen was supposed to be a joke. How did they do that?”Jake
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Chapter 13
The next morning, Alex walked into school with Samira by his side, feeling a little more at ease after the previous day’s events. The buzz in the hallway had died down somewhat, though the occasional whisper and sideways glance reminded Alex that his confrontation with Victor was still very much on everyone’s mind. Samira had seen some of the videos being shared online but didn’t bring it up, sensing Alex’s desire for normalcy, at least for now.“I can’t believe people are still talking about it,” Samira said as they headed to class. “You were amazing, Alex. I mean, you’ve always been strong, but that? That was something else.”Alex shrugged, feeling a bit awkward under the praise. “I didn’t really think about it. It just... happened. I don’t even know how I did it.”Samira gave a small smile. “Maybe your mom’s gift is more than just sentimental. Maybe it’s connected to all of this.”Alex glanced down at the amulet hanging around his neck, hidden under his shirt. It had felt different
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Chapter 14
After the confrontation, Alex and Samira walked in silence for a while, the weight of what had just happened hanging heavy between them. The rush of energy from the amulet had settled, but Alex could still feel its presence pulsing softly under his shirt, a reminder that things were far from normal now.Finally, Samira broke the silence. “Alex, you just took on Victor like it was nothing. Yesterday, you weren’t even sure what happened, and now… this?” Her voice was filled with a mix of awe and concern. “You’ve changed.”Alex nodded, feeling the truth of her words. “I know. I don’t understand it, Samira. It’s like... something woke up inside me when Victor knocked me out fews days back. The amulet, it’s connected to everything. I think it’s my mom’s doing.”Samira looked down at the amulet. “You mean the one your grandma gave you? The one from your mom?”“Yeah,” Alex said, glancing down at the small, ancient-looking charm hanging around his neck. “It’s more than just a gift. I can feel
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Chapter 15
As Alex walked through the halls the next day, he couldn’t help but feel the pull of the amulet against his chest, a constant reminder of the power that now coursed through his veins. The confrontation with Victor had only been the beginning. He knew that. There was so much more to this mysterious gift from his mother—so many more abilities that Alex had yet to understand or unlock.That afternoon, after school, Alex headed to the old park near his neighborhood. It was quiet, a place where he could be alone. Samira had offered to come, but Alex felt this was something he needed to figure out on his own. He sat on one of the large rocks near the center of the park, pulling out the amulet and holding it in his hand.It glowed faintly in the fading sunlight, warm to the touch as though it were alive. The longer Alex stared at it, the more he could feel something inside—something ancient and powerful. His heartbeat synced with the soft pulsing of the amulet, and Alex closed his eyes, lett
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Chapter 16
The day started off like any other. Alex walked through the school halls with Samira, still getting used to the strange new energy inside him. The amulet, its warmth always present against his chest, was a constant reminder of the power he had inherited. Since his connection with it deepened, everything around him felt different—the way he moved, the way he saw the world. It was like he had stepped into a whole new reality, one where he could sense danger before it even arrived.They were headed to lunch when he noticed something off. A group of students gathered near the stairs, their voices panicked. Samira and Alex exchanged a quick glance, and without a word, we pushed through the crowd to see what was happening.At the bottom of the staircase, a student lay sprawled out on the floor, barely conscious. His breathing was shallow, and there was a nasty gash on his forehead, blood trickling down the side of his face. I heard someone say he’d slipped and hit his head on the way down,
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Chapter 17
When Alex got to school the next day, whispers were everywhere. The story of what had happened spread like wildfire. Apparently, some students had posted about it online, but the details were so scattered and unbelievable that no one knew what to make of it. Still, the attention was getting uncomfortable, and Alex could feel eyes on him everywhere he went.Victor and his gang must have heard about it too. He noticed them huddled together at the edge of the courtyard, throwing glances in his direction. They didn’t approach him, but he could tell something was up. Victor looked unusually tense, and he couldn’t help but feel like they were planning something. Maybe they hadn’t forgotten the beating he gave him the other day. But this was different. They were watching him—observing. It was unsettling, and I knew it wouldn’t end there.The real problem came later in the day.Alex was in the middle of class when the announcement came through the intercom. "Alex Chen, report to the principal
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Chapter 18
Through the amulet, Alex had begun to understand the broader picture—how his mother and grandmother had both died because of the ancient enemies who sought the power contained within the amulet.It wasn’t just Victor or a few bullies Alex needed to worry about. There was a shadow that loomed larger, a group that had been chasing his family for years. The enemies who had killed Alex’s mother and grandmother weren’t ordinary people. They were part of an ancient order known as *The Shadow Circle*, a secretive cult with roots stretching back centuries. Their only goal was to harness the immense power of the amulet to control the balance of magical forces in the world.To truly understand the danger Alex now faced, we have to go back centuries—to the origins of the people responsible for his mother’s death, and now, those after him. These weren’t just ordinary killers. They belonged to a secret order called **The Shadow Circle**, a cult that had been chasing Alex's bloodline for generation
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Chapter 19
As the days passed after his grandmother’s death, Alex found himself wrestling with an overwhelming internal conflict. The power within the amulet had fully awakened, filling him with abilities beyond his wildest imagination. Yet, along with this power came a choice—one that weighed heavily on his heart.Should he seek revenge against The Shadow Circle for what they had done to his family? Or should he use his newfound abilities for a greater purpose, to help those in need and protect the world from the dangers that lurked in the shadows?One afternoon, Alex sat with Samira at their usual spot in the park, the same place where he had first unlocked the amulet’s secrets. The late afternoon sun bathed the world in a warm glow, but the weight of their conversation cast a shadow over them.Samira sat beside him on the grass, her eyes filled with concern as she watched her friend. "You’ve been really quiet lately, Alex. I can see something’s eating at you."Alex let out a sigh, staring dow
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Chapter 20
At the Shadow Circle’s hidden sanctuary, deep within the dark and twisted forest far from any civilization, Silas paced back and forth, his dark cloak swishing as his eyes burned with fury. The walls of the chamber were adorned with ancient symbols and tapestries depicting battles of the past, each one representing a moment when the amulet had slipped from their grasp. His long, bony fingers clenched into fists as he stopped in front of the massive stone table that dominated the center of the room.Around the table sat the other members of the Circle—Raven, Malachai, and Astra. Each was dangerous in their own right, masters of their respective dark arts, yet none of them had been able to accomplish what Silas demanded: taking the amulet from Alex Chen.Silas slammed his fist onto the table, the sound reverberating through the chamber. "Why have we not retrieved the amulet yet?" he snarled, his voice cold and venomous. "We have been watching the boy for weeks, studying him, and yet it
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