All Chapters of The Warlord's Revenge : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 chapters
Chapter 31
Emma stepped forward, her suspicion flaring. "It could be a setup. We can’t just walk into this without knowing what we’re facing."Victor considered her words, then nodded. "You’re right. We’ll proceed with caution. Send a team to scout the area first. I want eyes on that safe house before we make any moves."The security man nodded and quickly left to carry out the orders. Victor turned to Emma, a steely resolve in his gaze. "This ends tonight, Emma. One way or another, we’re going to confront the Phantom."Emma felt a chill run down her spine, knowing that they were walking into dangerous territory. But she also knew that there was no turning back now. "We’re in this together, Victor. No matter what happens."Victor’s eyes locked onto hers, a flicker of something deeper passing between them. "Together," he repeated, his voice low but firm.As they got ready to leave, the tension between them was clear. The moment felt heavy, but they stood firm together.Minutes later, they were in
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Chapter 32
The Business SabotageVictor and Emma barely had time to recover from their showdown with the Phantom when the next blow struck. They were back at Victor’s office, the adrenaline still pumping through their veins, when the phone rang.Victor grabbed the receiver, his voice clipped. “Victor speaking.”The voice on the other end was tense. “Sir, there’s been a problem with the Amara deal. The investors have pulled out.”Victor’s eyes narrowed, his hand tightening around the phone. “What do you mean, pulled out?”“They’re claiming there’s been a leak, sensitive information was somehow made public. They’re saying it’s too risky to proceed.”Victor’s jaw clenched. He could feel the anger boiling inside him. “I’ll deal with this,” he said, slamming the phone down. Emma looked at him, concern etched on her face. “What’s happened?”Victor’s gaze was steely as he met her eyes. “The Amara deal has been sabotaged. Someone leaked information, and now the investors are pulling out.”Emma’s heart
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Chapter 33
The Phantom’s Last Stand“I’ve got a plan,” Victor said, his voice low and dangerous. “This time, we’ll take the Phantom by surprise.”Emma’s eyes lit up with determination. “They won’t know what hit them.”Without another word, they moved out, their steps swift and silent as they made their way to the Phantom’s lair.Victor's heart raced as they walked through the dark, smoky hallways, the tension thick in the air. Every shadow and creak felt like a threat, but they kept going, determined to finish this.Finally, they reached the last door. The pressure of what was coming weighed on them, but when Victor looked at Emma, he saw her determination. This was the moment they had been waiting for. There was no turning back.“Ready?” Victor whispered, his voice a low growl.Emma nodded, gripping her weapon tightly. “Let’s end this.”Victor kicked the door open, and they burst into the room, guns raised. The Phantom stood in the center, their dark figure shrouded in a cloud of smoke, a sinis
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Chapter 34
The Poisoned GiftVictor believed he had finally eliminated the Phantom, the elusive enemy who had been a thorn in his side for so long. But he was unaware that the man he had defeated wasn’t the real Phantom. That hot and exhausting afternoon, Victor stood by the large window in his office, the city’s skyline shimmering in the twilight. The room was unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed their lives in recent weeks. Emma sat across from him, flipping through a stack of documents with furrowed brows. She was focused, yet a lingering tension hung in the air between them, unspoken but undeniable. A knock on the door broke the silence, making them both look up. Emma’s eyes met Victor’s, a question unspoken but clear in her gaze. “Come in,” Victor called out, his voice calm but with an edge that had become second nature.A courier entered, holding a small, intricately wrapped box. “This just arrived for you, sir,” the courier said, handing it to Victor.Victo
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Chapter 35
Grandpa Ben threat The memory of the poisoned gift still haunted them, a grim reminder of how close Victor had come to death. As he lay in bed recovering, Emma had stepped up, taking charge with a fierce determination. The men who once doubted her now followed her without question, seeing her as a true leader. But Victor could see the toll it was taking on her. She barely slept and hardly ate, and worry clouded her eyes. The Phantom’s threat still loomed large, and the danger was far from over.Despite her newfound authority, Victor could see the toll it was taking on her. Emma barely slept and hardly ate, and the worry etched on her face was impossible to ignore. The Phantom’s threat still loomed large, casting a long shadow over their lives, and the danger was far from over.Victor watched as Emma paced the room, her jaw set in a line of concentration. She glanced over at him, her face a mask of exhaustion and resolve.“You should sit down,” Victor said softly, his voice hoarse but
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Chapter 36
The Wrath of Grandpa BenGrandpa Ben's clock chimed as the minutes passed. He sat in his chair, fingers drumming on the armrest. The room was tense with anticipation, waiting for Emma’s return. But as the hours went by and she didn’t come, a storm of anger began to build inside him.“Where is she?” Grandpa Ben growled, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. “She should’ve been back by now.”Maria, standing by the window with her arms crossed, sneered. “I told you, Grandpa, she’s not coming. That girl thinks she can defy us like she’s untouchable. She’s too blinded by Victor to see the hell she’s about to bring down on herself.”Grandpa Ben’s eyes narrowed, a dangerous gleam in them as he considered Maria’s words. “She’ll learn soon enough. No one crosses me and gets away with it.” I have not forgotten how Emma and Victor humiliated me and the entire household.The door creaked open, and the leader of Grandpa Ben’s men entered, his face ashen. The moment he stepped inside, the air tu
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Chapter 37
The Showdown at the HospitalGrandpa Ben wasn’t a man to be ignored. When Emma refused to come back on her own, he decided to take matters into his own hands. His decision was swift and absolute, he would go to the hospital himself, along with a few of his most trusted guards. He wasn't leaving without Emma this time.The hospital corridors were unnervingly silent as Grandpa Ben and his guards moved through them, Grandpa Ben marched through them, his presence commanding and intimidating. His guards flanked him, their expressions stern and ready for whatever might come. They reached the door to Victor’s room, and without hesitation, Grandpa Ben pushed it open.Emma was standing by Victor’s bedside, her hand resting on his. She looked up as the door burst open, her heart racing as she saw Grandpa Ben standing there, his eyes full of cold determination.“Emma,” Grandpa Ben said, his voice steady but laced with authority. “You’re coming with me. Now.”Emma stood her ground, her eyes lock
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Chapter 38
The Betrayal UncoveredThe drive back from the hospital was tense, the silence between them heavy. Victor's grip on the steering wheel was tight, his eyes locked on the road, while Emma sat beside him, her mind racing with everything that had just happened. When they finally arrived at the house, the tension was nearly unbearable.Victor parked the car and let out a slow breath. He turned to Emma, his expression hard to read. “We need to act quickly,” he said, his voice low and controlled. “There’s something happening at the rival's base. If the Phantom is involved, we can’t let this opportunity slip.”Emma nodded, still shaken by the events at the hospital but trying to focus. “What’s the plan?”Victor’s gaze met hers, dark and serious. “We go in. Just the two of us. We’ll be quicker and quieter that way.”Before she could respond, the door to the room swung open, and one of Victor’s men rushed in, his face flushed with urgency. “Sir, we’ve caught the traitor. He’s downstairs. What sh
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Chapter 39
The Party’s TrapThe day of the party came, and you could feel the tension. Emma got out of the car, her heart pounding, as Victor’s grip on her hand tightened, giving her comfort. The mansion in front of them, grand and imposing, was more than just a building tonight, it was the battlefield where they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.“Remember, Emma,” Victor whispered, his voice steady and calm. “Every smile, every word, everything you do tonight is part of the game. They’ll be watching us closely.”Emma nodded, swallowing her nerves. As they walked inside, the crowd of elites parted, their whispers trailing behind them like shadows.“Isn’t that her?” a woman muttered.“What’s she doing here?” another hissed.Victor ignored the murmurs, his posture calm and commanding. “Let them talk,” he said softly to Emma. “It means we’ve got their attention.”They walked into the grand ballroom, and instantly, every eye was on them. The chandeliers above sparkled brightly, but the tensio
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Chapter 40
Throughout the evening, Grandfather didn’t stop his subtle attacks, using every opportunity to chip away at Victor and Emma’s credibility. His voice was always low, just loud enough for those around him to hear his cruel whispers, but never loud enough to cause a scene. His words were like venom, dripping with malice.“Victor used to be such a promising man,” Grandpa Ben said, his voice barely above a whisper, but loud enough for a nearby group to hear. “But ever since *she* came into the picture…” He let his words trail off, the implication clear.Emma caught the murmurs, her heart sinking with each passing comment. She forced a smile, pretending not to hear, but her grip on Victor’s arm tightened. Victor noticed immediately, leaning down to murmur in her ear, “Ignore them, Emma. You’re with me.”But it was easier said than done. The elite guests circled them like vultures, their eyes full of judgment.“Do you think she belongs here?” someone whispered from behind them.“She’s out of
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