All Chapters of Hidden Successor of The Trillion Dollar Conglomerate : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 chapters
A Letter
He stepped closer to her. His eyes bore into her until she looked away and stepped back. "Ms Goldberg, whatever are you spurring?" "What do you mean by that?" She asked him. "Are you going to deny that we were once married and didn't only just divorce recently?" "Oh no dear, not at all. But it seems like you're the one bringing your personal feelings into the business lane. Why are you so confident that you will fail? Relax. You seemed to have misunderstood me. I am simply asking you to triple the income you usually make per week and I am giving you two weeks to carry it out." Lilly's eyes widened. She had confidently believed her words would crush him but it only came back to crush herself. She was grateful enough that the board of directors weren't present to hear the things she had just said. Ryan turned to face Kathie. "Am I asking for too much from a company that I spend millions on?" Kathie immediately shook her head. "Of course not! In fact! It is too small to reque
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His Father's Room
Ryan picked up his bag without even cleaning up the mess on his table. He almost seemed like there wasn't life in his face, like it had suddenly been drawn out of him. He was more anxious, curious and determined than he was afraid but he was still afraid and the mix of emotion made him look lifeless. He didn't take anything else from the table apart from the drenched letter. The words from the wet paper floated about in his head and drove him to almost run out of the office."You have made it to the top. Don't congratulate yourself yet as this means death is near. You are not surrounded by family but by enemies who will try to poison you and take what's yours. Play wise and smart, be cunning and cautious. Secrets are plenty more than you think, eyes watching you are plentiful than you think. Death is closer than you fear. The day you read this, that day they shall try to kill you. Take hints from me and you will live long and excel. Find more of me in Jerry Jacobs personal space."
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Greedy and Desperate
Kelly slammed the door loudly as she stomped into their medium apartment. Rage filled her up and steam would have flowed through her nostrils if only it was possible. Lilly made no attempt to speak as her mother fumed. Daniel Robertson had said his goodbye to the two women and went straight to work. If he was going to at least increase sales by one percent then he needed to work nonstop. "M-- mom..." Lilly finally muttered. One death stare from her mother and she went silent again. Kelly sighed. "You have never been so foolish in all the three decades you have lived, you used to be ahead of every single person and you knew when they were trying to mess with your mind! "But this time, you literally begged for your mind to be messed with! We have made an enemy today, apart from your ex husband, you know that right?" Lilly didn't need any explanation to know who her mother was talking about. Everybody knew and respected Kathie Hughes because of how responsible and beautiful she was
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His Personal Space
Ryan searched tirelessly for anything clue like, for something that seemed out of place or at least a crumpled piece of paper. After relentlessly searching, he found nothing. Slumping into his father's bed tiredly, he let out a sigh. So it had all been a joke, the letter, someone had pulled a prank on him or tried to see if they could have him on their strings. He had let himself get played but not anymore. A soft knock was heard twice on the door and the butler walked in with the doctor by his side. His face split into a smile as he saw Ryan lying on the bed. "It seems you have taken a liking to this room, young master. Your father barely slept a night here and didn't spend any day in here as well." Ryan was immediately confused. How was that possible when that was his bedroom? And how would he not like it when the place was beautifully furnished? "I don't understand, Logan. This is his room right?" His brow arched slightly as he as
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The Angel and The Black Sheep
Priscilla stormed into the kitchen and ignored the helping maids around her as she reached into the refrigerator for a chilling drink to help relieve the sudden feeling of dryness she felt in her throat. "That darn butler..." She muttered underneath her breath. Preston sat down on one of the chairs and rested on the table. He always had a smile on his face and loved his brother just as much as he loved his mother. Actually, he loved his brother more than he loved his mother. But if both her sons were to turn their backs on her, how would she feel? He just didn't want to hurt her feelings and he always tried to do things that would please her. Timothy always told him; "be the angel of the family, no matter what, always be the angel." "Are you alright mom? I think it's the weather, my throat suddenly feels dry sometimes as well." Preston still had a soft smile on his face as he spoke. She looked up at him, she had forgotten t
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Shocking News!
The sun rose above the mansion of the Jacobs family and every single worker was already up and moving about to tend to their daily chores. The kitchen was bustling with life and the scent of several kinds of meals caressed the air and intoxicated their nostrils. They didn't know what their young master would like to have for breakfast but they weren't going to use that as an excuse to slack off and not prepare anything. After he was satisfied, they would serve the rest of the helping hands around the house their breakfast and begin to clean up and prepare for making lunch.Ryan let out a tired yawn and turned to his side. The pain in his wrist stung and he winced and opened his eyes. The drip had been discontinued but the pain in his wrist still remained. He sat up with a groan while rubbing his head. How long was he out? He wondered. The sun was the one who answered the question. Through the floor to ceiling window that led to the balcony, the sun peeked in from a slight opening
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Inner Eyes
The large hallway was particularly empty that very moment and Ryan took it as his chance to sneak through. After taking a long shower-- Ryan had spent all the time under the water thinking about what his butler meant and how to avoid it entirely. Priscilla was the oldest woman in the family and she had the right to butt into his life as she pleased which he despised. He could tell that she wasn't a woman up to any good, well at least his instincts didn't allow him to trust her. A woman like herself that was overambitious for her children would go to any length to get what she wanted-- he realized he didn't have anything to change into. All his clothes were back at J international in his suite. He hadn't meant to spend such a long time at the mansion. Well if he was going to stay, he would need a change of clothes and the only place he could find something to suit him was in his father's wardrobe.His dad must have been around his age when he was last home. But for some reason, Rya
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Marry an Ally
Lilly panicked about in her office. If Ryan got married to another woman, then she would really lose everything! How could she not have known! "Are you alright?" Her fiancé asked, looking at her with obvious concern. "You've been going back and forth for so long I'm getting dizzy just from watching you."But Lilly didn't respond, or she didn't hear. Her mind was on Ryan and how to make things right for her. "Okay, calm down Lilly." She told herself. "You will lose the little time you have left if you keep doing like this. I need to... I need to... I need to..." Picking up her phone, she searched for the families that had been accepted to participate in the bride evaluating contest. "The Campbell family, the Hathaway and the Johnsons! The Johnsons, thank goodness!" She exclaimed excitedly. Daniel didn't understand what was going on with her anymore and he was tired of standing there and watching. "Lilly! What the hell is going on with you right now?" He demanded, slightly furious.
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Life on Edge
Lilly hurried out of her office with the fear of missing the time they had given to her. For all she knew, that might be her only chance to get things going the way she wanted them to be. If she could be in good terms with the woman who pulled the strings then she would have nothing to worry about. Definitely, she could tell that it would take a lot to impress such a high and mighty woman and hopefully, what she had prepared would be enough to do the job properly. Arriving at a high end café, she told the attendant about her reserved seat and the young female attendant walked her to it.The table was still empty. With a sigh of relief, she sat herself down and adjusted her hair properly. Her second party had not yet arrived. Priscilla had strictly told her she would leave if she didn't arrive just in time since she hated being delayed and she waited for no man. Soon, a richly dressed woman with an aura of pride around her strode towards the table and Lilly could tell immediately t
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An Extra Wife
His car pulled up in the parking space of his mansion and he got down from it with a gentle sigh. He already escaping the marriage was an impossible task so he might as well be at home when they'd come over. He needed to be strong, stand his ground against Priscilla and anyone else who thought it was fun to try to mess with him. Walking into the large and spacious living room, Ryan found his butler perambulating about with his hands behind his back like a secretary bird. Logan Hayes eyes widened as they landed on Ryan and he hurried to him. "Oh young master!" He exclaimed as he came dashing towards his young master. "I was so afraid that I might never hear from you again! I didn't know where to look or how I would have found you..." Ryan's brows furrowed confusedly. "Wait what? Found me? Why? It's not like I'm some missing pet or something." "Oh young master, that, I do know, but you ran away! You left without a word or a trace! How was I to know where to find you?" His Butle
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