All Chapters of Hidden Successor of The Trillion Dollar Conglomerate : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 chapters
Not a Nightmare
Lilly Goldberg was dressed ever so flamboyantly as she waltzed into the reserved hall for the welcome party of the new heir. She was dressed with only one thing in mind, seduction. Her mother had filled her head with all sorts of thoughts and she just couldn't wait for everything to become her reality. "Just imagine the life we would live if you were to be married to the heir of the Jacobs family!" Her mother had told her while she was getting ready for the party. Of all the companies he owned around the world, he was going to reveal himself to their district first! It truly must be fate. Just as she had expected, people couldn't get their eyes off her as she walked in. She was truly one of the most beautiful women in the city. If there were a list, she would be in the top five she was sure. "Daniel, do help find our reserved seats." Kelly Goldberg ordered her soon to be son in law and Daniel immediately rushed forward to carry out the order. She moved an inch closer to her daug
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Drowning in Shame
It was almost as if she had a heart attack the moment she saw him walk up the stage. She had been adjudging her dress to make herself extra pretty for the new heir when she saw none other than her ex husband. Daniel Robertson held his fiancée before she collapsed and helped her back to his feet. It wasn't like he wasn't astonished by the face he saw, if anything, his soul had left his body for more than a second. Kelly Goldberg fell into her seat in shock almost as if she was pushed into it. Her brain flipped upside down the moment she saw him and her heart beat drowned amidst the chorus of applause. Ryan smirked. "Thank you Kathie." He said as he moved closer to the pulpit to give a speech. The loud applause and cheers fell silent just then. "Thank you for the standing ovation everyone, you may have your seats." Ryan said and they all sat back down. Lilly shakily returned herself to her seat with the help of her fiancé and she tried her best to calm herself down before she woul
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The End of Her
Lilly's heart rate doubled at once. She could hear the murmurs of the people around her even though they weren't clearly, she knew that they were talking about her. Kathie had left the scene to grab some paper towels and a few young ladies who were working as waitresses in the hall joined her as she returned to try and clean the stain on her boss' clothes. The Goldberg family were so surprised to see how many people respected him and how they all tried to help clean the mess around him.One was wiping the stain off his shoes and another was cleaning the floor around him. Kelly's jaw dropped in awe. "It's alright," Ryan stopped them. "I'll go change, thank you."After giving deep bows each, they all turned and walked away. All except for Kathie who remained by his side with a deep frown on her face. Ryan let out a sigh. "What exactly do you want from me, Miss Goldberg? What kind of man do you think I am?" Her eyes widened. "No! I wasn't trying to... I just wanted to--"Daniel Rob
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The Man with the Rod
Ryan let out a sigh as he took off his suit shirt and dropped it on the chair in his living room. "What a mess..." He muttered to himself as he fumbled with his clothes. "Mr Jacobs..." Kathie said as she moved closer to him. "Are you alright? I don't know if I should ask or not but... It seems like what happened earlier was a little... Personal." Ryan let out another sigh. "Was it too obvious?" She smiled. "Others probably didn't notice it but I was close enough to. Is it something too personal to talk about perhaps?" "Life was... Very hard on me for as long as I can remember, which means my whole life." He started as he took off his dress shirt. He hadn't even remembered that she was uncomfortable the first time she saw his bare chest. Now, he took off his entire shirt, showing his full body to her as he spoke. Her eyes landed on his perfect abs and his v-shape, she tried to pretend like she was not distracted by it and try to focus on his face instead but she just couldn't. E
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The Plan
The entire room fell into an awkward silence at first, but Daniel Robertson suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence. "A plan? What do you mean by 'a plan'?" He asked with his brow arched skyward. "I should be the one asking you what that question you're asking me means. Mr Robertson, why are you asking me such a question with such an obvious answer? My ex-son- in-law is the new heir! Do you want us to just sit idle and let him do us as he pleases?" Kelly asked with her hands flapping about in the air as she spoke. "That's exactly my point!" Daniel's voice filled the room. "He is the new heir! Related to the royal family of England! Ruler of more than half of the earth! A small god! What do you plan to do? We just have to sit still and hope he doesn't remember us." Kelly let out a hoarse laughter. "Sit still and hope he doesn't remember us? Do you think that is even possible? After everything we did to him! We are the last people he will ever forget in his entire life!" "Then we'l
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His Suspicious Aunt
It was a bright morning in J hotel and suites where Ryan stayed temporarily. One of the properties his grandfather had willed to him. As early as five that morning, he had gotten out of bed for his normal routine of exercising at the gym before the day fully started and he got dressed in his exercising outfit.Winter drew nearer than anyone had anticipated and made every day colder than the last so he never went to exercise without his hoodie on. Stepping out of his room in his sneaks and a bottle of water in his hand, he made his way down to the gym and took to the normal routine he usually went with. Plugging his ears with his earplugs, he took to the treadmill for a jog. All through the night, he couldn't stop thinking about his ex wife and his ex boss. The things they had done to him were far from forgivable and he hoped he never forgave them. He tried to burn himself out by running, if he was too burned out then there would be no room for thinking. More importantly, he woul
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What Were They Plotting?
Ryan was short of words, he stared at her like a frozen statue with no emotion on its face but deep down, he was trying to read through those deep brown eyes of hers. The will had been shared according to their late grandfather's wishes and he knew she was certainly displeased with the way it went but this want of hers was obviously part of some dark scheme or plot for her son to overthrow him. But what would they say about him if he refused to allow his own family member to work at his company? He was too proud perhaps? Or he wanted to be the only one on top? He finally blinked but still said nothing. "Too straightforward?" She asked him as she had been waiting for a response from him. The silence had lasted long enough for her to know that he wasn't planning on saying anything. "Ah of course not. It's just... Did they ask you to ask me for this?" Ryan sat up in his seat as he asked her. She smiled. "I'm a mother dear and a mother would already know what her child or children w
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Saved or Punished
Kathie Hughes walked into the premises in her high heels and her head held high. She was just as strict as she was nice, she never let anyone take her kindness or meekness for granted or perhaps assume it as her weakness. When she punished an offender, she never looked them in the eye and she acted like she didn't care.But this time, she truly didn't care. She already had it out for Lilly Goldberg since the day she supposedly tried to seduce the new heir. She wasn't aware of the history they shared, no one was. Ryan was a new man looking like he had lived in that wealth all his life. Clearing her throat softly, she stood close to Ryan with a stern look on her face. "I would have greeted you all good morning but I'm afraid it isn't such a good morning, after all, I believe you are all aware of why you are here today." "We are," Lilly responded, still wearing her smile. "But it doesn't mean we cannot share pleasantries. If you feel the need not to then you can go ahead and do so."
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I Regret Our Divorce
Lilly Goldberg felt like it was her turn to die when her ex husband said it was her turn. If he asked her to get a ridiculous amount of money as well then she knew for sure that it was over for her. She needed to convince him before he made a decision to at least go easy on her. If only she could get him to a secluded area then she would be able to ignite her plan. She cleared her throat and spoke up right before Ryan was about to speak. "Uhm Mr Jacobs!" She yelled, cutting him off before he could even speak. "Mr Jacobs, I... Please there is something I must discuss with you in private, if only you will just spare me some time before you make up your mind..." Ryan stared at her for more than a second, did she want to talk about their divorce? If not then what? He needed to find out. Maybe if he heard what she wanted to say, it would give him a hint to what she was planning. "Mr Jacobs," Kathie called his name softly, "you shouldn't listen to her, who does she think she is to spea
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Biting into Titanium
Lilly felt her throat tighten. The way he looked down at her caused her stomach to knot into several complicated loops and she almost threw up. Her heart was unsteady and several balls of west glimmered on her forehead. Kathie stared at Daniel Robertson who seemed to be fidgeting. His hands shook uneasily and his eyes traveled across the room uneasily. She knew that boosting the revenue income from three hundred thousand dollars to ten million was impossible in one week so he had every right to be nervous. She heard footsteps behind her and she hadn't noticed the door open as she was lost in thought. Or maybe the door was just very silent. Ryan walked in with his head held high and his hands in the depth of his pocket. Looking as cool as he always did with a stern yet very handsome expression to make any woman swoon. Behind him was a lady with her bowed head sunken in her shoulder and her eyes lurking about uneasily. She didn't believe she would live to see the day Lilly would
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