All Chapters of Hidden Successor of The Trillion Dollar Conglomerate : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
32 chapters
Anniversary Surprise
Ryan Jacobs paused as the door creaked while he was trying to open it. If anything, he wanted to move like a subtle breeze unnoticed by anyone.He was greeted by grave darkness in the living room. The house was empty of any life save for the cat that waltzed about in the darkness.He was relieved when he noticed that there was no one there. Carefully closing the door behind himself as he walked in, he gripped onto the shopping bag in his hand tightly to avoid it from falling to the ground.He had never been happier. Purposely sneaking back home a little towards midnight, he wanted everyone to be asleep as he returned home with a secret present for his wife, Lilly Goldberg.That day happened to be their third year wedding anniversary and he had been saving up for the event for quite some time now.The Goldbergs weren't a ridiculously rich family but they were okay and for what it was worth, he wanted the gift to at least be presentable.Lilly had had her eyes on an expensive brand of b
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Divorce Papers
Mr Robertson let out a loud mocking laughter. “You useless loser, do you really think I will be afraid of your words? I'm your boss, remember?”“You fired me, remember?” Ryan said as he moved closer to the bed.“Stop right there!” Lilly yelled out. “Don't you dare take another step closer to us or else I'll yell and get you in trouble.”Ryan was dumbfounded, he was more than that even. He couldn't believe that those words of threat were coming from his very own wife.Mr Robertson got dressed and rose to his feet. Talking bold steps towards Ryan who actually listened to his wife and stood still, he wore a wide proud grin on his face.“Who's idea do you think it was to fire you from the very onset?” Mr Robertson asked Ryan.Ryan's brow subconsciously arched. “What– what do you mean?”“Pretty Miss Goldberg here was tired of living as a wife to a penniless fool like you and she knew that I could give her all she could ever need. But she believed that you would be a hindrance to our love s
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Death is Mercy
It almost felt as if the world was ending right before his very eyes. For some reason, he thought he had forgotten how to read and that maybe he had read it wrong.A divorce? Why? Why would she want to divorce him after three years just like that?“What… what is this?” His eyes lingered on the content of the paper in his hand as he asked her.“Don't you know how to read? What does it say on the paper?” She crossed her arms below her breast as she asked. Her brow arched.“It says… it says divorce.” He responded, feeling stupidly confused.“Exactly, that is exactly what I want from you. I don't want the stupid purse or bag or whatever you got me, I don't need your love as well. Just sign the damn papers and get out of my life.” Lilly heartlessly said with a stern expression on her face.“No, no, you can't leave me like this, why would you even think of doing this to me? After three years of patiently waiting for you to come to me, what comes to you is to dump me like this?” He didn't kn
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Yang Necklace
A soft groan left Ryan's mouth as he tried to open his eyes. It felt almost as if his head was being split open without any anesthesia.His head wasn't the only thing that was in pain. His entire body ached for some reason and the pain of having his heart blown up to pieces was still there. His vision at first was quite blurry. His eyes took in the blurry images of the room, a pure white ceiling or maybe cream, he wasn't sure. The whole room seemed to be either of those colors. He closed his eyes and opened them again, his vision had cleared out more. As he brought himself to a sitting position, he made an attempt to rub his aching head with his hand but as he tried, he felt something pulling his hand back down. He looked to the side of the bed and a man dressed in a plain white T-shirt and a black trouser was sitting with his back turned to him. Only when he took a second to think did Ryan realize he was at a hospital but he was cuffed to the bed. For what offense? Didn't they d
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A Trip Out
Ryan noticed the officer was just as confused as he was and he hoped the man would demand for some explanation.“Uh… Teresa, a word?” Officer Randolph asked her before he started towards the door.Teresa nodded her head and followed the officer out of the room. Ryan didn't like the fact that he was left in suspense but it didn't last for long either.Teresa returned to the room with the officer by her side. Officer Randolph seemed to have a sort of apologetic look on his face but he didn't say anything.“Tell me, Ryan, how have you been?” Teresa asked with a smile on her face.At first, Ryan wanted to question how she knew his name but he decided not to since the police must have done their research on him. “Uhm… not so great.” He responded as he adjusted in his bed.She carefully put the necklace around his neck and didn't let go until it was properly fastened. “There is a lot to explain to you but firstly, you have to go somewhere with me. Can you walk?”“I should be able to. Where
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The Tale of a Lost Boy
Ryan was seated yet his mind was up and all about the place. He had never seen anything like it.The things that shone were pure gold and the silks were silkier than ever. The couch was the most comfortable thing he had ever placed his rump on and there were ladies about ready to wipe his nose if he sneezed.Not that he needed that but they were there to do anything and everything for him.A beautiful fair young lady with golden long curls walked towards him and sat in her arms was a white tray embroidered with gold in a pattern that was ever so mesmerizing.Atop the tray was a small white tea cup and a small kettle to match it. She placed it on the table not too far from him and poured him a cup then took careful steps towards him– as careful as the ones she had taken before– and handed it to him.With a deep curtsey, she turned and walked away.Ryan noticed it was green tea but that wasn't the part that caused his eyes to fix on the inside of the cup. He had never seen a ceramic pie
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The Entire Jacob's Family
Ryan glanced at Logan, “tell me what I need to know.” Logan nodded his head. “There's a lot actually.” He reached for his bag that was placed on the table as he spoke. “Here with me are all of the files your grandfather left with me and they are all stated in his will. I shall read it out for you.” He cleared his throat but Teresa stopped him. “Uhm actually, I already placed a call and the rest of the family are on their way back home. They will be here any minute now and I would like us to read the will in front of everyone.” Logan nodded his head. “Oh!” Teresa jumped to her feet, “they are already here.” Ryan followed in her movements and rose to his feet. A beautiful woman who looked the same age as Teresa walked in with her head held high. Following behind her were two young boys the same age as Ryan and both of them were very handsome. One was with a bright smile as he saw Ryan and the other one spared him only a glance then looked away. Five more people followed, tailing
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Laid to Rest
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of the late Austin Jacobs, a man who was a father to us all. He was there for all of us in our time of need and in one way or the other, he has done great things in each of our lives and we owe him this last act of respect..."Lilly Goldberg was seated on the couch in the living room, listening to the man on the TV that talked about the late Austin Jacob.Though she wasn't really paying any attention to what the man was saying, her eyes were fixed on the flamboyant decorations in the background.Everything that her eyes fell on was made of gold and diamond and she was sure it was all authentic.The people she could see in the video as well were all richly dressed. She just couldn't believe how wealthy the Jacobs family were.Mr Robertson walked up to her and sat down next to her. "My darling, why are you so interested in the burial of an old man?""It's not just an old man babe, look, his name is Austin Jacobs. He was the one in charge
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A Golden Opportunity
Sitting at the edge of her seat was lilly Goldberg with pricked ears and eyes wide open like they were about to pop out of their circuits.It was time for the new heir to be announced and introduced to the entire world and her impatience was getting the better of her. If anything, she wished she was at the scene in person, standing right in front of the new heir.Austin Jacobs was finally laid to rest and his family prayed for his peace as he was cremated since that was the way he wished to be laid to rest.The reporter paid his last respect to the legend being laid to rest before speaking. "Alright, now that the entire world has come together to bid the head of the Jacobs empire farewell, it is finally time for us to meet the young man to continue in Mr Austin Jacobs' footsteps.""Everybody be quiet!" Kelly Goldberg hushed them even though no one was talking. "It's time! It's time!" Her eyes widened as she glared at the TV and she wasn't the only one.They had all been expecting the
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At The Meeting
Unlike he had expected, Ryan Jacobs had been settling into his new life more efficiently. Three days now, It almost seemed like a norm for him to be all dressed in expensive clothes while sitting behind a desk with a computer screen at his face and files on the table.Like he had seen in every movie about rich people at work, he was the big boss in charge of practically half of the world now.Sometimes, he'd just smile to himself at the plot twist. His wife's company was now in the palm of his hands and that of his disgusting and shameless ex boss as well.If he wanted, he could ruin their lives without even stressing but he wasn't going to be an unjust man just because he had power in his hands.He was never a man like that and even though they both deserved it, he wouldn't ruin them like that, at least not for now.He wouldn't lie, things were still hard for him but with the help of Timothy and Logan Hayes, he could bear it.Also, he would have never gotten that far if it wasn't for
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