All Chapters of Medici Return: The Ancient Healer: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Chapter 11
Isidore was so shocked upon receiving the notification of 1 million dollars. He blinked, unable to process the surreal amount of numbers he received.'This mission will make me rich,' he thought to himself.“Uhm, s-sir? Should we proceed to the lounge? Or y-you'll settle your business first with my staff?”Isidore was pulled back to reality when Manager Greg talked. His brows furrowed, and coughed a little to calm himself, and he turned to the junior manager who gambled her job and her boyfriend's bank account.His head held high. Looking down, Isidore's condescending eyes met the arrogant manager who was kneeling in front of him. “So? The bet you risk, where is it now?”The junior manager trembled as she shook her head. Her palms were rubbing against each other as she was about to weep. "Please, please, please? I admit I was wrong. Spare me, please? I need this job. Please, I'm begging you.” She cried in front of everyone after she pleaded.Although she knew Isidore would hardly acc
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Chapter 12
“Quick! Move your lazy ass and get Mr. Isidore some ginger and lagundi leaves!” Greg ordered to his people, as he too was busy typing on his phone.After Isidore received another urgent mission from the unknown system in his head, he requested Greg for the certain herbal medicine he needed. Luckily, it's not hard to look for it because it's only common, including in the market. Or else he would probably be expecting death the moment he received the notification. Because who sane human being could prepare a medicine for 5 minutes without having the ingredients first? “Sir! We're out of stock for ginger.”Greg angrily glared at the man who reported to him. “You bastard! I will have you removed from the company if you can't find the ingredients within 3 minutes!”The man, who seems to be Greg's assistant, paled and nervously scurried away to look for the ingredients. He just witnessed the scene earlier, and he knew he too couldn't afford to lose his job. Because even though he saw Isi
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Chapter 13
Isidore was contemplating as he sat there on the sofa. He was silently meditating, and preparing himself for an unexpected urgent mission from the silly voice inside his head.Although he was very curious about the special gift, he still fears the thought of having another urgent mission that could result in death if not attended at the right time.If he die now, how would he get revenge? Who will then take care of his sister?Speaking of sister...It has been an hour since he left her in the apartment alone. Isidore quickly reached for his phone and gasped upon seeing the 30+ messages and 14+ missed calls from her. The drama earlier took his time, and now he has to deal with Iris' undending questions the moment he comes back.“Shi* I have to go,” he said, without taking a look at the people inside the lounge.Greg stood abruptly and went to Isidore. “Mr. Isidore! Are you going home now? H-How about the investment? How will I contact you? You're not backing out, right?” He was so ner
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Chapter 14
Isidore blinked from what he heard from the other line. He's not hearing it wrong, right? Divorce. For 5 years of marriage, he and his sister has not been able to enjoy life under that family's provision. He know he own them for the help they extended. But that doesn't give them the freedom to humiliate and belittle them. Also, it wasn't free. Isidore paid them very well from his hardwork in research. The White's family own a laboratory facility for researching herbal medicine. And Isidore contributed so much to these research. He knew he could earn more than his minimum wage from the Whites if he'll try to apply to other companies.Only if his sister was not ill. He would have quit his job from Whites family and hunt for another. But he could not afford to waste a day and wait for job interviews approval.And even if he would quit, he knew the White's will do everything to stop him from applying to other company. Therefore, for all the downgrade they received, a divorce would
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Chapter 15
Isidore went home with a light heart. He's so excited to share his foods to Iris. Even though Julia has just called for a divorce, he wasn't very much affected by it.After all, Julia granted him a freedom.“I'm home!” Isidore shouted gleefully the moment he entered their newly rented apartment. It's small and very basic. If compared to the White's house, Ceres apartment is nothing but a mere ant.“Brother!” Iris called with anticipation as she went to him. Isidore, with his full enthusiasm, placed the food he brought to the little dining table they have. He proceeded to take out each of the foods from the plastics and opened it. He was very keen to let Iris taste the delicious food he bought. He even had a chocolates from the grocery.But Iris seems like she has something to say. She loves food but she is unusual today and rather reacted nonchalant. Isidore furrowed his brows at his sister. “What is it, Iris?”Iris only bit her lower lip. As soon as she realized Isidore won't take s
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