All Chapters of The Almighty Dominance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 chapters
Chapter 21
Alfred was already aware of what had transpired before entering the store, and he was furious.How dare anyone show such disrespect to his Young Master and his daughter’s savior!If Alex blamed him for Jerry’s incompetence, all the effort Alfred had put into building a good reputation and trying to earn Alex’s favor would be for nothing.Alfred felt an overwhelming urge to punish Jerry—this useless troublemaker had only caused problems!He deserved to be dealt with harshly.With these thoughts in mind, Alfred immediately ordered his bodyguards to escort the middle-aged man and his arrogant mistress out of the store."I don’t ever want to see them in this store again!" Alfred warned.As Jerry watched, the color drained from his face, and his eyes filled with fear.He looked like a terrified chicken as he cowered in a corner."Where is that incompetent manager? Come out here this instant!"Jerry crawled out from where he had been hiding in the corner and fell flat on his knees. "Sir, I
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Chapter 22
Once they were gone, Alfred turned to the sales representative and commanded, "Pack that necklace and bring it here. Hurry up.""Yes, Sir. I’ll do it right away," the sales representative responded, not daring to hesitate as she rushed to follow his orders.Meanwhile, Alfred leaned closer to Alex and whispered apologetically, "Please accept the necklace as a gift. It’s on the house, and I sincerely apologize for my staff’s behavior. I hope you’ll take it, so I can have some peace of mind tonight."After a brief pause, Alex nodded."Alright."Alfred sighed in relief when Alex accepted the gift. This either meant that Alex wasn’t angry with him anymore or that he had been forgiven.Phew! Thank goodness!The sales representative returned, holding the wrapped necklace.To everyone's surprise, instead of handing the package to Alfred, she respectfully presented it to Alex with a deep bow."Sir, is this to your satisfaction?" she asked, keeping her head lowered.Alex nodded as he accepted th
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Chapter 23
“What’s in the gift?” Lyra asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she glanced at the neatly wrapped package. Sophia hesitated for a moment, then carefully untied the ribbon. “Oh wow! It’s an emerald necklace, from Elegance & Co!” she gasped, clearly surprised by the luxurious gift. Sophia’s excitement was quickly replaced by a hint of discomfort. “This looks really expensive,” she said quietly, unsure how to feel about it. The intricate design and fine detail made it clear—this wasn’t just any piece of jewelry. Chris had already gone to great lengths to arrange the banquet invitations, and now his father had sent such an extravagant gift. It felt a little overwhelming. But before Sophia could express her concerns, Chris smiled confidently, as if he had anticipated the entire situation. "T
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Chapter 24
Alex turned to Sophia. "Why don’t you confirm with Chris if his father really sent the gifts?" Sophia, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What are you talking about? Of course, it’s Chris helping me out." She couldn’t fathom the idea that anyone other than Chris would send such luxurious gifts. "Didn’t you receive an emerald necklace from Elegance & Co and three invitation cards?" Alex questioned. Sophia felt a chill run through her. How could Alex possibly know what was inside her gift? He had just returned, and the gift was already sealed. The necklace, the three cards—had he somehow read her mind? Or, even more unsettling, had he been right all along? Was Chris’s father really not behind these lavish gifts? Before
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Chapter 25
The next morning, after a restful sleep, Alex's phone buzzed, and he picked it up without a second thought. It was Abraham, Sophia’s grandfather. "Alex, I’ve heard about Sophia's behavior. That silly girl! How could she ask for a separation? I’m so sorry for how she treated you. I’ve given her a good talking to." But Alex wasn’t bothered in the slightest. If Sophia wanted a separation, he wasn’t going to stand in her way. After all, marriage is not something he could ever force, even from the beginning. He had fulfilled his duty by agreeing to the marriage, hoping that it might lead him to some clues about his mother. "Where are you now? I’ll send a car to pick you up. I want Sophia to apologize to you in person." "No need for that, grandpa. I’ll come on my own." Alex qu
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Chapter 26
Sophia scoffed. "Do you really think bargaining will make you worth millions?" “That price doesn’t even scratch the surface of my value,” Alex replied with a wink. “But seeing how eager you are, I decide not to make it too difficult for you. I’ll offer a 99.99999999999999999% discount, so it will be just one hundred thousand. How about it?” Alex chuckled inwardly. Sophia's jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she'd just heard. Holy crap! She had never encountered such shamelessness in her entire life. This was the unfortunate consequence of marrying a useless man—a man who would live off her wealth without contributing anything, and still think so high of himself. Her glare deepened, and so did her disdain. Read more
Chapter 27
As she stepped into the sitting room, every pair of eyes turned toward her. It was the absolute worst moment to be in the spotlight. She quickly tucked her bank card behind her back, hoping no one would notice. Grandpa Abraham’s face twisted with displeasure as he glared at Sophia. “Where have you been? Why didn’t you greet your husband like I told you?” Sophia’s face flushed with embarrassment, and she wished she could vanish. In a small voice, she mumbled, “I did, Grandpa.” “Yes, Grandpa, she did,” Alex chimed in, trying to back her up. Grandpa Abraham’s expression finally softened. The truth was, Sophia didn’t care about greeting Alex. All she wanted was to get rid of him. She was willing
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Chapter 28
He had his own affairs to handle, which the Lancasters could only dream of reaching his level. With just a snap of his fingers, he could make their wildest wishes a reality. If he so desired, the wealthiest families in the city could lose everything, their fortunes vanishing and businesses crumbling into bankruptcy. But what good would it do to explain this to a woman as arrogant and narrow-minded as Mrs. Lancaster? Still, Mrs. Lancaster snorted, her displeasure written clearly across her face. In her eyes, Alex was not only an incompetent son-in-law, but he also couldn't help Sophia in the slightest. And yet, he had the audacity to speak freely while depending entirely on their daughter. She wished Chris had made his proposal sooner; perhaps their daughter wouldn't have married this worthless man. ‘No, she has
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Chapter 29
"I don’t care whether you want to help me or not. Just stay out of my way," Sophia snapped. Alex shook his head. Her understanding was as dull as a butter knife, and her parents were much worse. There was little hope she would realize the truth any time soon. Alex felt no obligation to reveal his true self to her, as their relationship had been doomed from the start. He was simply playing his role, finding his mother and sticking with her family. "You're blind to the good people standing right in front of you," Alex said, shaking his head. "The truth will come out eventually, and when it does, you'll regret your sayings." Sophia let out a bitter laugh, staring at him as if he had lost his mind. Maybe he had. That would explain his ridiculous confidence. 
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Chapter 30
  Alex chuckled. That was enough.   With a chilling smile, he replied, "Did you really think I refused Grandpa Abraham’s request all because of your silly threats?" "Isn’t that why?" Mr. Lancaster shot back, his voice dripping with contempt. Alex’s cold chuckle echoed in the room. "I expected more wisdom from someone your age. Clearly, I overestimated you." Mr. Lancaster was on the verge of exploding with rage. "Are you trying to insult me?" Alex sneered. The answer was obvious. "You know what? Sophia gave me $100 million as compensation." Mischievously, Alex deliberately exaggerated the amount by 1,000 times. With that, Alex pulled out the bank card and waved it
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