All Chapters of The Almighty Dominance: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 chapters
Chapter 11
However, before Alex replied, his phone rang suddenly, catching everyone’s attention. He glanced at the screen and moved to a corner to take the call.A few others glanced over, and one burst into laughter."You guys won’t believe this,” someone said, chuckling. “That dude’s trying to scam all of us. Guess who just called him? Alfred Kingston! Can you believe that?”“For real? He went that far? Thank God we know he's just a king of scum.”Alex answered the call, his voice low and serious.“I’m sorry to disturb you, young master. My daughter's condition suddenly worsened,” Alfred Kingston’s desperate voice came through the speaker.“I don’t know what else to do except to ask for your help,” the voice continued, trembling with worry. “Pick me up. I’m at the Noble Knight Club.”“Yes, sure! Thank you very much, young master. I really appreciate your kindness. I’ll send someone to pick you up right now.”Alex ended the call and turned to Michelle.“I’m sorry, but I have to decline your in
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Chapter 12
A few minutes after Alex arrived at Kingston's mansion, the old butler, already waiting at the entrance, greeted him."Respected Sir Alex, Master Alfred asks for forgiveness as he has not returned home yet. He asked me to guide you in checking Miss Jasmine’s condition.""No problem, take me to her," Alex replied.The butler led Alex through the luxury long hallways. As they approached Jasmine's room, a sharp, sterile medical smell filled the air.An older woman was already pacing back and forth there anxiously.Upon seeing Alex, she immediately turned and rushed to him.It was Jasmine Kingston’s mother, Jessica Kingston."Doctor, please help my daughter!" Jessica pleaded desperately.“Calm down. No need to worry."Alex saw a young woman lying still on the bed, her breathing shallow and labored.She appeared to be in her early twenties, her once-beautiful features now overshadowed by a sickly pallor.Her face was ashen, her body trembling uncontrollably, and tears clung to her lashes,
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Chapter 13
Dr. Jenkin added.“Young lad, it’s fine if you lack ability, but you’d better not speak recklessly. Not only does it make you look foolish, but it also delays others.”“Doctor Jenkin, please treat my sister. Don’t listen to this bastard.” Charles snarled, pushing Alex away.“Who is this young man, anyway?”Charles looked at Alex with great disdain.“Never mind, Doctor Jenkin. He is just a scammer who scammed my father.”“You’re wrong. I came because Mr. Alfred asked me.” Alex calmly said, “By the way, do you want me to treat her or not?”Jessica hesitated, torn between her husband’s wishes and Jasmine’s condition.She glanced between Dr. Jenkin, who had treated many famous people, and the young man barely older than Jasmine.“You are still young,” she spoke. “Let Doctor Jenkin treat my daughter.”“You heard my Mom, right?” Charles said. “Now fuck off so Doctor Jenkin can start.”“Go ahead then,” Alex coldly stated.Dr. Jenkin sneered. "Listen, young man. If you think you can use me as
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Chapter 14
At the mansion entrance, the butler bowed to Alex, his posture respectful.“I’m sorry for your trouble. Please, don’t take it to heart.”“No worries,” Alex replied.Suddenly, two bodyguards rushed out.“Stop there and follow us back to the room, or we’ll shoot,” one barked, their hands reaching for their weapons.Without hesitation, the butler struck both bodyguards across the face.They staggered back, stunned.“Fools,” the butler growled.“This young man is Mr. Kingston’s guest. Mind your words, or I’ll kill you both.”The bodyguards turned even paler.They had never seen the butler this angry and didn’t even realize how they were struck.They had heard the butler was once a feared assassin.“We... we’re sorry,” one of the bodyguards stammered.“But Miss Jasmine’s condition is critical, and Dr. Jenkin said this man poisoned her.”The butler’s eyes narrowed, his voice icy. “So, that idiot made a mistake and now wants to blame someone else?”He turned to Alex and bowed deeply, his ton
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Chapter 15
When Dr. Jenkin and Charles were still trying to understand the situation, they were already taken out by the butler outside the room.“Butler!” Charles wanted to protest.Yet, the butler cut him off, “Young master, you better prepare what you will say to your father. He is already on his way here.”Charles turned pale.Inside the room, Alex, without hesitation, cut away Jasmine’s clothes, leaving her naked.This time, he didn’t ask for any permission from Jessica anymore, as her condition was already critical.He put Jasmine in the bathtub and then took out nine acupuncture needles.As Alex flicked his hand, the needles seemed to find the points by themselves and landed on Jasmine’s body with precision.The water in the bathtub turned visibly murky brown and foul-smelling at an alarming rate.It was as if the toxins from Jasmine were rapidly being expelled from her body and neutralized by the chemicals in the bathtub.Alex pour another palm of ingredients into the bathtub.The next m
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Chapter 16
Previously, Alfred rushed to his mansion happily as he had just received the news that his daughter had finally been cured.He was grateful for Master Alex’s help and was already considering what gift to give as thanks.Yet, as soon as he reached home, the first thing he saw was his son audaciously yelling at the guard to hit the young master.Cold sweat broke out on Alfred's brow, and his heart seemed to freeze.The young master only needed to cough a bit, and the whole Kingston Group in Vancouver would be replaced by others at his whim."You fool!" enraged with fear, he kicked Charles to the ground.Meanwhile, the butler hastily rushed to Alfred to explain everything in a low voice.Jessica and Dr. Jenkin, who heard Alfred shouting, walked out of the room to check what had happened."Father, why kick me? It’s this man who showed disrespect to me…"Without a word, Alfred struck Charles across the face before he could finish.Two of Charles's teeth fell to the floor.Jessica gasped in
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Chapter 17
“Father,” Jasmine walked out of the room, and Alfred hastily rushed to her side. “Minnie, you are still unwell, rest first.”“It’s okay, Father,” Jasmine smiled. “I’ve never felt so energetic like this before.”“Minnie,” Alfred felt truly joyful. “Come, let’s say thanks to your doctor.”Jasmine stepped forward, blushing shyly. “Thank you for healing me.”“You’re welcome.”Albert took out two sets of keys and respectfully handed them to Alex.One set was the key to the limited edition of the newest Sport car Bugatti La Voiture Noire, which was worth $ 20 million.The other set was the key to the mansion, which was worth $ 500 million.Alex had rejected them once, but now Albert thought it was the right time.“This is a small token of thanks. I know it’s nothing much to you, but please accept it. I hope you don’t find it lacking.”Jessica and Charles were once again stunned by the scene.The amount was far beyond the usual consultation f*e.And Albert was showing an excessive level of re
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Chapter 18
“Are you certain you want us to dine at your place, Sophia?” Chris inquired.“Why don’t we consider Vancouver First Restaurant instead? It’s on me.”“I appreciate it, but I’m really not feeling up to it. You know what’s been troubling me,” Sophia sighed.“Don’t worry about it. My dad is already working his connections. He’ll inform me if there’s any positive news about Kingston Enterprise.”Chris moved closer, putting an arm around her waist for comfort.All of a sudden, Lyra let out a scream as if she’d seen a ghost.“Holy cow!”“What’s going on?” Sophia rushed to Lyra’s side.Chris dropped his arm and frowned.“I swear I just saw Alex in that luxury car that passed by. Am I seeing things?” Lyra asked, staring at the car in disbelief.Or maybe it was just someone who resembled Alex?She wasn’t sure.“You must be joking!” Chris scoffed, shaking his head. “Didn’t you notice the license plate?”“But—”“That car clearly belongs to someone wealthy or significant. There’s no way Alex could
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Chapter 19
Alex stepped into the store while Alfred waited by the entrance.As soon as Alex entered, the cold air greeted him, and the exquisite jewelry immediately caught his attention.The store was lavishly decorated, from the ceiling to the walls."Let’s choose the most expensive piece here for Sophia," he thought, eyes sweeping over the glittering jewels."Would she prefer emerald, or diamonds?" he mused, his gaze drifting over the dazzling array of gems.Even the least expensive earrings at Elegance & Co were priced above $10,000, and Alex was certain Sophia would be amazed.She would be thrilled to receive the gift, along with the invitation to the banquet.Meanwhile, at the other end of the store, a young woman was browsing jewelry, accompanied by a middle-aged man with a noticeable belly.The woman stood beside him, admiring the pieces in the display case."Tommy, baby, don’t you think I’d look stunning in these earrings?" she nudged the man. "Will you buy them for me, sweetheart?""The
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Chapter 20
"Sir, please—" the sales representative attempted to intervene. "You must remove this poor fool immediately! He’s ruining our shopping experience, and I won’t tolerate it," the man insisted. Beatrix crossed her arms, watching the situation unfold with a smug expression, her head held high, exuding arrogance and confidence. The sales representative was caught in a difficult position. She didn’t want to choose sides. What could she do? If she followed the man’s orders, she’d be driving away a customer. Yet, she didn’t want to upset the old man either. She spoke into the intercom, saying, "Mr. Jerry, we have a bit of a situation here. Could you come quickly, please?" Within a minute, a man with a stern expression appeared... Jerry White, the store’s sales manager, had arriv
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