Chapter 18

“Are you certain you want us to dine at your place, Sophia?” Chris inquired.

“Why don’t we consider Vancouver First Restaurant instead? It’s on me.”

“I appreciate it, but I’m really not feeling up to it. You know what’s been troubling me,” Sophia sighed.

“Don’t worry about it. My dad is already working his connections. He’ll inform me if there’s any positive news about Kingston Enterprise.”

Chris moved closer, putting an arm around her waist for comfort.

All of a sudden, Lyra let out a scream as if she’d seen a ghost.

“Holy cow!”

“What’s going on?” Sophia rushed to Lyra’s side.

Chris dropped his arm and frowned.

“I swear I just saw Alex in that luxury car that passed by. Am I seeing things?” Lyra asked, staring at the car in disbelief.

Or maybe it was just someone who resembled Alex?

She wasn’t sure.

“You must be joking!” Chris scoffed, shaking his head. “Didn’t you notice the license plate?”


“That car clearly belongs to someone wealthy or significant. There’s no way Alex could
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