All Chapters of Slade Nyther; Repaying all Malfeasance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 chapters
Chapter 21
Slade didn't have any reason to look over his back. The only reason he had to look back once in a while was to keep his eyes on Candyce. She was the treasure of her father's eyes. Also, he wouldn't want these wild chihuahuas to hurt her in any sense. He was smart enough to know that taking responsibility for her safety was very important. After all, they were here because of him. The party was bustling, and things were getting a little more exotic. There were giggles and light chatters flying around. Groups of investors and billionaires were talking about impending projects and recently finalized contracts. Many were for show offs and little for derison. It was quite a culture amongst the affluent folks to trip over other businessmen in order to create a superior image of themselves. It was a thing amongst them to put one person down at the expense of elevating their own character. Slade didn't have any business with any of these. As long as Candyce was very close to him, he could
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Chapter 22
Marcue froze at that very instant. He couldn't explain what was happening. He just realised that he couldn't move any part of his body. He felt a slight headache, but it didn't last for long. It seemed like the sudden predicament died out in the blink of an eye. The entire waiting area had been in awe of Slade after that roar. They just stood there staring like statues unable to choose their actions. But soon enough, they were all back to their senses. When Marcue regained his consciousness, he saw Slade standing right in front of Candyce, shielding her away from Marcue. Suddenly, the scene started to replay in the mind of Marcue. He recalled that Slade had just yelled at him in the presence of everyone. How dare this lowly pauper!Aside from this, the fact that Slade was now standing in front of Candyce to protect her really pissed Marcue out of his mind. "This little dick!" Marcue lunged at Slade, grabbing him by the collar. He fisted Slade's clothes in his palm, trying to pull
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Chapter 23
Suddenly, everyone started to move out of the way. Slade still remained standing where he was. There was no reason to be fazed. He sighed in relief. He had always wanted to teach Vixton a lesson, and this was just the beginning. He was ready for whatever would happen from now on. In fact, he can't wait. As everyone moved out of the way, a middle-aged man who had grey beards and highlights on his head walked towards the scene. "It's the chairman. Mr Langley." Someone muttered. Just looking at the face of the man, Slade could tell by the features of the man's face that he was Vixton's father. They not only had identical noses, but the properties of their faces were very much similar. "Father! Father!!!" Vixton called, still on the floor, unable to help himself up. "Does it hurt so bad?" Mr Langley hurried to his son and started to inspect the leg. When he observed it for a few seconds, he could tell that his leg was broken. When he rose up on his feet, his eyes were so red that it
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Chapter 24
Not even the affluent clintele could mutter. They were all mellow and scared. The patriach of the Langley family had just ordered silence. Who dared to speak?!While all these were happening, Slade was quite confused. Why did it always seem like he was always being defended and protected by ladies? The manner at which Candyce was trying to shield and protect him was quite touching and unusually moving. Earlier, it was his nanny who was always trying to protect him. And now, it was Candyce. Slade's attention shifted when he noticed a change in the demeanor of the chairman. The man took two steps closer. His face had become more cruel, and it lacked every iota of concern. "Will you just stand there idle?" The Chairman growled the words. No one knew what he meant by this at first. He obviously looked past Candyce and was glaring at Slade, but what he had just said was definitely not directed at Slade. "You fucking slings of worms!!!" He roared again. At this point, legs began to sh
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Chapter 25
Hushed whispers started flying around. The name that Chairman Langley had just mentioned was not just a name that could be spoken so lightly. It was a significantly powerful name that made men wet their pants at the sound of it. So many of the clinetele wished they could escape right at this moment even though they weren't the one in the scope. They just didn't want to be in the vicinity where the name of Ceballos was being mentioned. Anyone could bear the name Ceballos, but Velasco Ceballos? No one dared to answer that name in public except just one man! His notorious feat precedes his name!Ceballos was not only just violent; he's extremely sadistic. He has allowed himself to be engulfed in taking pleasure in both psychology torture and physical brutality. There is a rumor that he has an underground torture chamber in an abandoned monastery, where his victims were subjected to nightmarish punishment. His signature punishment was disemboding his victims slowly over days as he used a
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Chapter 26.
When Candyce felt his towering presence in front of her, she started shuddering, biting her lips and picking her fingers. She was too scared to lift her head and look him in the eyes. She has always heard about Ceballos but had never met him in person. Meeting him in person was much more than she was prepared for. His presence was very much befitting of the name he had made. Slade realised what was happening right now. He noticed that Candyce was about to collapse in the presence of this Ceballos. He walked forward and stood next to Candyce. He placed his arm around her shoulders and squeezed one of her shoulders. Candyce instinctively looked at Slade. She saw how cold and unbothered Slade looked. Not in the slightest way did he look like someone who was under pressure. "Step to the back. I will handle this matter." Slade said to her in a deep voice. Candyce swallowed at first as she stared at him in awe. She didn't know what he was up to. But just hearing him speak and judging by
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Chapter 27
Ceballos had said this so casually as though cutting someone's arm off was like throwing a can in the garbage truck. The axe that he had tossed at Slade hit Slade in the chest and dropped on the floor. The force at which the head of the axe hit Slade in the chest would have made any man stagger to the back before gaining a strong stance again. But Slade remained undaunted where he was. His eyes didn't even squint in pain at the contact. He just kept staring at Ceballos, who had given such an instruction. Ceballos believed that Slade would not dare to refute his orders. If Slade was in his right mind, he would amputate his arm right in that moment and do as told. That's exactly what was expected of him. Nobody in his right mind in that room would ever dare to ignore the command of Ceballos. Slade slowly looked away from Ceballos to the axe, which was lying at his feet. He bent down slowly and picked it up. Everyone was anticipating what would happen. Would Slade really cut off his
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Chapter 28
Ceballos remained grounded in that spot for another few moments. It would seem as though he had just seen a ghost break-dancing. Even though he was a tough man, yet his eyes couldn't help but almost popped out of the sockets. The guests were way too stupefied to make a comment at this point. They had all just seen what Slade had done. No one within a humane capacity would have been able to pull what Slade had just pulled off. This young man who is known as a troublemaker. Who is he? Was he not making mouth earlier? Was he really strong enough to make Ceballos cower in his presence?Everyone was left in total shock and cluelessness. Slade slowly turned around to look at Ceballos. Ceballos was still staring like a lost sheep. This tattoo! This tattoo on the neck of Slade! It was no ordinary tattoo. It was a very distinct mark of initiation that could never be carried by just any common man! In fact, this tattoo is linked to the most powerful underground stealth ghost, Niel Rim-Adon
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