All Chapters of Blaze Of Shadows [A World In Embers]: Chapter 11
11 chapters
Shadows Of Resolve
Kenshi stood by the door leading to KoKuryūkai gym center to get an unobtrusive view of the trainer, although his eyes were struggling to keep up with Ryu's movement, he noted his precise thrusts with a deep feeling of satisfaction.After Ryu's sudden awakening, he had gone straight to training. Hanzo was still working on getting Hikari, but if anything happens to Kasumi, He will never be able to forgive himself.Suddenly as soon as Ryu training had concluded, and he was reviewing his techniques when Hanzo burst into the room."Hanzo, what's wrong?" Kenshi asked, sensing urgency."I've pinpointed Hikari's location," Hanzo said, his voice tight. "He's at the abandoned skyscraper on 5th and Main."Kenshi's expression turned grave. "Ryu, be cautious. Hikari's powers are growing stronger."Ryu's resolve hardened. "I'll stop him."Kenshi placed a hand on Ryu's shoulder. "Remember, Ryu, your safety is paramount. Don't underestimate Hikari." Ryu nodded, his determination clear.At the skyscra
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