All Chapters of Dishonored To Dominance: Marcus Rise: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 chapters
The chaos inside the cave was deafening, gunfire echoing off the walls as Marcus’s team unleashed everything they had. But amidst the bullets and smoke, something strange happened. The men storming the cave seemed… wrong. Their movements were slower than expected, almost mechanical. It didn’t make sense.“Marcus!” Evelyn shouted, ducking behind a rock. “Something’s not right!”“I see it!” Marcus fired a few more shots, trying to understand what was happening. Kane’s men weren’t reacting like normal soldiers. They weren’t falling back, or retreating. Instead, they pressed forward, their faces blank, as if they felt no pain. One of them was hit square in the chest by Jason’s shot, but he didn’t even flinch.“What the hell…?” Jason muttered, stepping back. “They’re not going down!”“Fall back!” Marcus yelled, grabbing Evelyn’s arm and pulling her toward the deeper part of the cave. “Get inside! Move!”The team retreated deeper into the cave as Kane’s men advanced without emotion, like wa
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The team lay sprawled on the forest floor, gasping for air as the dust settled around them. The cave had collapsed entirely, burying whatever secrets it held beneath the earth. Marcus’s heart pounded in his chest as he helped Evelyn to her feet, his mind racing. “We made it,” Jason panted, staring at the pile of rubble that was once the cave. “I can’t believe we actually made it.”Chris looked shaken, his eyes wide. “That… thing. What was it? How did we survive?”Evelyn shook her head, still clutching her throat from where the creature had grabbed her. “I don’t know. But whatever it was, it’s gone now. We stopped it.”Marcus wasn’t so sure. Something still felt off. The creature, the orb, the symbols—they were all connected to something bigger. Kane was using something ancient, something dangerous. And they had only scratched the surface.“We need to keep moving,” Marcus said, his voice firm. “Kane’s still out there, and if he was willing to use something like that, who knows what el
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The night air was thick with tension. The helicopters had circled above, their spotlights sweeping over the clearing, but they had disappeared just as quickly as they’d arrived. The silence that followed was unnerving. Marcus and his team stood in the clearing, weapons drawn, hearts pounding. They knew what was coming.Evelyn glanced at Marcus, her voice barely a whisper. “It’s too quiet. He’s close.”Marcus nodded, his eyes scanning the trees. “He wants us to feel it. The anticipation. He wants us to be afraid.”Jason swallowed hard, gripping his gun tightly. “Well, it’s working.”Suddenly, a figure stepped out from the shadows, flanked by a group of soldiers. Kane.“Marcus,” Kane’s voice echoed through the clearing. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to last this long. You’ve been quite the thorn in my side.”Marcus squared his shoulders, his jaw tight. “I’m not here to make this easy for you, Kane. You’ll have to work for it.”Kane chuckled, the sound cold and hollow. “Work for it? O
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Marcus glanced back, his heart pounding in his chest.Evelyn whispered urgently, “Marcus, we need to keep moving.”“I know,” Marcus muttered, his eyes still scanning the darkness. “But something... someone is following us.”Jason’s voice cracked. “Who? You think it’s Kane?”“No,” Marcus replied, his voice low. “It’s something else.”Evelyn frowned. “Something else? What do you mean?”“I can feel it,” Marcus said, gripping his weapon tighter. “It feels like Thomas... but not. It’s twisted.”Jason’s eyes widened in fear. “Thomas is dead, Marcus. We saw him fall. Kane’s twisted him... or maybe something else has.”Evelyn shook her head. “No, it can’t be. Kane’s power is dark, yes, but this... what you’re describing is worse.”Suddenly, Chris stopped in his tracks, eyes wide. “Did anyone else hear that?”Marcus froze, listening. A faint rustle, like someone—or something—moving through the trees behind them.“There!” Chris hissed, pointing into the shadows.Evelyn gripped her knife, whispe
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Kane’s voice echoed through the dark forest, dripping with malice.Kane: “You still think you can stop me, Marcus? After all this time?”Marcus: “I have to try, Kane. You’ve gone too far.”Kane sneered, circling Marcus, his eyes glowing with a dangerous glint.Kane: “Too far? You think it’s me who’s gone too far? You’re the one standing in the way of a new world. A better one.”Marcus: “A better world built on lies and destruction? I won’t let that happen.”Kane’s laugh was cold, sending a chill down Marcus’s spine.Kane: “You never did understand, did you? You always believed in the system, in order. But look where that’s gotten us. This world... it’s rotting from the inside out. I’m just speeding up the process.”Marcus narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on his weapon.Marcus: “You’re wrong. The world may be broken, but it doesn’t need to be destroyed. We can still fix it.”Kane’s expression hardened, his voice low and threatening.Kane: “You’re delusional, Marcus. The old world
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As Thomas stood over Kane, his eyes burning with a cold fire that Marcus had never seen before. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the crackle of Kane's energy and the labored breathing of the two men.Kane, struggling to get back on his feet, wiped blood from his mouth and glared at Thomas.Kane: "You think you can beat me, Thomas? After everything I’ve done? You’re just a shell of who you used to be."Thomas stared down at him, unblinking, his voice eerily calm.Thomas: "I’m more than enough to stop you, Kane. You’ve turned your back on everything we stood for. I won’t let you destroy what’s left."Kane snarled, his fists clenching as dark energy began to swirl around him again.Kane: "You don’t know what you’re talking about. The world is a mess! It needs to be rebuilt, and you—both of you—are too weak to understand that!"Marcus, still struggling to catch his breath, leaned against a tree, his body aching from the battle. He glanced between the two me
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Marcus ducked behind a crumbling wall as bullets whizzed past his head. The base was in chaos, the walls rattling with each explosion. He glanced at the timer on his wrist — twenty minutes until the entire place went up in flames.Kane's voice crackled through the earpiece.Kane: "You’re running out of time, Marcus. You can't win this. The explosives are set. You lose, I win."Marcus gritted his teeth, his mind racing. The base was rigged, and if he didn’t stop it soon, hundreds of lives would be lost — including his own.Marcus: "Kane, you’re insane. Do you even hear yourself? You’re going to kill everyone, including your own people."Kane laughed, a harsh, cold sound that sent a shiver down Marcus’s spine.Kane: "There’s no place for weaklings in the new world. If they die, so be it. It’s necessary for the greater good."Marcus crouched lower, peeking over the edge of the wall to assess the battlefield. His team was scattered, pinned down by Kane’s soldiers. They were outnumbered an
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Kane’s finger hovered over the detonator, a cold, cruel smile playing on his lips. Marcus’s heart pounded in his chest as the realization sank in: there were only minutes left before the entire base would explode, and Kane was about to ensure no one walked out alive.Marcus: "Kane, don’t! You’re not just killing us — you’re killing everyone! Think about it. You don’t need to do this!"Kane’s eyes gleamed with malice as he chuckled.Kane: "You still don’t get it, do you, Marcus? Sacrifices have to be made. For real change to happen, the old world has to burn. I’m not afraid to light the match."Marcus: "This isn’t change! This is genocide!"Kane: "You call it genocide. I call it progress. And in just a few minutes, you’ll be nothing but a memory."Marcus’s mind raced. He was running out of time and options. He glanced at Thomas, who was groaning as he tried to pull himself to his feet.Thomas: "Marcus…"Marcus moved slowly, trying to position himself between Kane and the detonator.Mar
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Marcus and Thomas stood over Kane’s unconscious form, their breaths heavy with relief and exhaustion. But the silence in the room was shattered by Kane’s voice, weak but laced with a final, sinister edge.Kane: "Did you really think it would be that easy?"Marcus and Thomas froze, their eyes darting toward Kane as he slowly sat up, his face twisted in a wicked grin.Marcus: "You’re still alive."Kane: "Barely. But not for long. Before I go, I have one last gift for you."Thomas: "What are you talking about?"Kane chuckled darkly, his hand fumbling with a hidden panel on his jacket.Kane: "A little something I left behind. A virus embedded in the system. Triggered by my death."Marcus’s eyes widened in horror.Marcus: "No…"Kane: "Oh yes. And if the system detects my death, it will activate the remaining bioweapons. You see, I never intended for this to be a clean victory."Thomas: "Damn it! We have to stop it!"Kane’s grin widened as he pushed a button on a small device he pulled from
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The room was filled with a tense silence as Marcus and Thomas looked at the now inactive screens. The countdown had stopped, and the alarms had fallen silent. Marcus, still catching his breath, glanced at Kane, who was slumped against the wall, a mixture of frustration and defeat on his face.Marcus: “It’s over, Kane. You lost.”Kane: “For now. But you’ll see—”Thomas: “Save your breath. We’re not interested in your plans anymore.”Kane’s eyes shifted to the corner of the room, where a small, concealed panel had just become visible. The panel had a gentle glow, almost as if it was calling out to them. Marcus noticed it too, his curiosity piqued.Marcus: “What’s that?”Thomas: “I don’t know. But it might be worth checking out.”They approached the panel, and Marcus carefully opened it. Inside, they found a hidden compartment with a small, intricately designed box. The box was adorned with delicate engravings, and a faint golden light seemed to emanate from within.Thomas: “What’s insid
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