Kane’s voice echoed through the dark forest, dripping with malice.

Kane: “You still think you can stop me, Marcus? After all this time?”

Marcus: “I have to try, Kane. You’ve gone too far.”

Kane sneered, circling Marcus, his eyes glowing with a dangerous glint.

Kane: “Too far? You think it’s me who’s gone too far? You’re the one standing in the way of a new world. A better one.”

Marcus: “A better world built on lies and destruction? I won’t let that happen.”

Kane’s laugh was cold, sending a chill down Marcus’s spine.

Kane: “You never did understand, did you? You always believed in the system, in order. But look where that’s gotten us. This world... it’s rotting from the inside out. I’m just speeding up the process.”

Marcus narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on his weapon.

Marcus: “You’re wrong. The world may be broken, but it doesn’t need to be destroyed. We can still fix it.”

Kane’s expression hardened, his voice low and threatening.

Kane: “You’re delusional, Marcus. The old world is dead. And you’re either with me... or you’re against me.”

Marcus: “I guess that means I’m against you.”

Kane smirked, raising his hand as dark energy swirled around him.

Kane: “Then prepare to die, old friend.”

With a snarl, Kane launched himself at Marcus, the ground trembling beneath them as their powers clashed. Marcus dodged Kane’s first strike, countering with a swift punch to Kane’s side.

Kane grunted but recovered quickly, retaliating with a blast of dark energy that sent Marcus stumbling back. Marcus barely had time to regain his footing before Kane was on him again, their fists colliding in a blur of motion.

Kane: “You’re weak, Marcus! You always have been!”

Marcus: “And you’ve always been a coward, hiding behind your power!”

Kane’s eyes flashed with anger, and he swung wildly at Marcus, who ducked just in time. Marcus used the opening to land a solid hit on Kane’s jaw, but Kane barely flinched.

Kane: “Is that all you’ve got?”

Marcus: “I’ve got plenty more.”

Kane smirked, wiping the blood from his lip.

Kane: “Good. Let’s see if you survive long enough to use it.”

With a roar, Kane unleashed a wave of energy that knocked Marcus off his feet, sending him crashing into a nearby tree. Marcus groaned in pain but forced himself to stand, his vision swimming.

Marcus: “I won’t let you win, Kane.”

Kane: “You already have.”

Marcus pushed himself forward, refusing to give in. He charged at Kane, fists flying. Kane blocked his attacks effortlessly, a smirk still plastered on his face.

Kane: “You’re predictable, Marcus. That’s always been your problem.”

Marcus: “And your problem is underestimating me.”

Kane’s grin faltered for a moment as Marcus’s fist connected with his ribs, knocking the wind out of him. Kane stumbled back, clutching his side.

Marcus: “You’re not invincible, Kane. You can be beaten.”

Kane’s eyes darkened, and he snarled.

Kane: “We’ll see about that.”

The fight intensified, their movements a blur of punches, kicks, and dodges. Each strike was fueled by years of betrayal, anger, and regret.

Kane: “This is pointless, Marcus. You can’t stop what’s coming.”

Marcus: “I don’t need to stop it. I just need to stop you.”

Kane growled, his fists crackling with dark energy.

Kane: “Then die trying.”

Kane lunged at Marcus again, his blows faster and more powerful than before. Marcus struggled to keep up, each hit sending pain shooting through his body. He could feel himself tiring, but he refused to give in.

Kane, sensing Marcus’s weakening resolve, sneered.

Kane: “You’re finished, Marcus. Just accept it.”

Marcus: “Not yet.”

Summoning the last of his strength, Marcus grabbed Kane’s arm mid-punch and twisted it, throwing him off balance. Kane stumbled, and Marcus took the opportunity to land a powerful kick to Kane’s chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Kane groaned, struggling to get back on his feet. Marcus stood over him, breathing heavily.

Marcus: “It’s over, Kane.”

Kane looked up at Marcus, his eyes filled with hatred.

Kane: “You really think you’ve won?”

Marcus: “I think it’s time you face the consequences of your actions.”

Kane chuckled darkly, wiping the blood from his face.

Kane: “You’re so naive, Marcus. Always playing the hero. But heroes don’t survive in this world. They get crushed.”

Marcus: “Maybe. But I’ll keep fighting anyway.”

Kane’s grin widened, and he slowly stood up, his body crackling with dark energy.

Kane: “Then let me show you what real power looks like.”

Before Marcus could react, Kane raised his hand, summoning a massive surge of energy. The ground shook beneath them as the sky darkened, and Marcus could feel the raw power emanating from Kane.

Marcus: “What the hell is this?”

Kane: “This is the future, Marcus. My future. And there’s no place for you in it.”

Marcus gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the oncoming attack.

Marcus: “We’ll see about that.”

*Kane unleashed the energy, and Marcus barely had time to dive out of the way as the ground where he’d been standing exploded in a shower of debris. He scrambled to his feet, eyes wide as he saw the destruction Kane’s power had caused.*

Marcus: “You’re insane, Kane!”

Kane: “No, Marcus. I’m just willing to do what’s necessary.”

*Marcus knew he couldn’t fight Kane like this. He was too powerful, too dangerous. But he couldn’t just walk away either.*

Marcus: “You don’t have to do this, Kane. We can still fix things.”

Kane: “There’s nothing to fix! The world is already broken beyond repair. I’m just tearing down what’s left.”

Marcus: “Then you’re no better than the people you claim to hate.”

Kane’s eyes flashed with anger, and he snarled.

Kane: “You don’t understand anything!”

Marcus: “I understand that you’re afraid. Afraid of losing control. Afraid of being powerless.”

Kane’s fists clenched, dark energy swirling around him.

Kane: “Shut up!”

Marcus: “That’s what this is really about, isn’t it? You’re afraid.”

*Kane roared in fury, launching another attack at Marcus. This time, Marcus was ready. He dodged the blast and charged at Kane, tackling him to the ground.*

They grappled on the forest floor, their fists flying as they struggled for dominance. Marcus could feel Kane’s energy pulsing through his body, but he held on, refusing to let go.

Kane: “You’re pathetic, Marcus!”

Marcus: “And you’re lost.”

Kane managed to free one of his arms, blasting Marcus with a surge of energy that sent him flying backward. Marcus hit the ground hard, gasping for breath.

Kane stood over him, his face twisted in rage.

Kane: “I’ve had enough of this. It’s time for you to die.”

Kane raised his hand, energy crackling in his palm. Marcus struggled to move, his body battered and broken. He knew he couldn’t stop Kane this time.

Marcus: “If you kill me, you’ll regret it.”

Kane laughed, the sound cold and cruel.

Kane: “I doubt that.”

Just as Kane was about to strike, a voice called out from the shadows.

Voice: “Kane, stop!”

Kane froze, turning toward the voice. Marcus, barely conscious, looked up to see a figure stepping out of the trees.

Marcus: “Who...?”

The figure moved closer, and Marcus’s heart skipped a beat as he recognized the face.

Marcus: “No... it can’t be...”

Kane’s eyes widened in shock.

Kane: “Thomas?”

Thomas, his once vibrant eyes now dark and hollow, stood before them, his body twisted and deformed by Kane’s dark energy.

Thomas: “You shouldn’t have done this, Kane.”

Kane’s voice shook with disbelief.

Kane: “Thomas... you’re... you’re supposed to be dead.”

Thomas’s gaze hardened.

Thomas: “I was. But you brought me back. And now, I’m going to end this.”

Kane took a step back, his confidence faltering.

Kane: “You can’t... I control you. You belong to me!”

Thomas shook his head, his voice cold.

Thomas: “Not anymore.”

Without warning, Thomas lunged at Kane, his speed and strength overwhelming. Kane, caught off guard, barely had time to defend himself as Thomas’s fists rained down on him.

Kane screamed in pain, his body convulsing as Thomas’s attacks broke through his defenses. Dark energy crackled around them, the air thick with tension.

Marcus, struggling to stay conscious, watched in disbelief as the two former allies fought, their battle shaking the very earth beneath them.

Kane’s voice was filled with desperation.

Kane: “No! I won’t be defeated! Not by you!”

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