All Chapters of NEVER NO DOLLAR: Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 chapters
The Scholarship Boy Trying To Survive
The sun blazed high in the sky, scorching the already hot and dusty construction site on the edge of New York. Leonidas wiped the sweat from his brow, his hands rough and calloused from a day of hauling bricks and mixing cement. His muscles ached, but he pushed on, knowing he couldn’t afford to stop. His brother, Alex’s medical bills didn’t wait, and neither could he. “Hey, Leonidas!” a sharp voice called out behind him. Leonidas turned to see Kyle, one of the senior workers, with a sneer plastered across his face. “You missed a spot,” he pointed to a section of the wall that was already perfectly clean. Leonidas sighed. “That’s already done, Kyle.” Kyle laughed, his friends joining in. “Don’t talk back, scholarship boy,” he mocked. “Just do what you’re told.” Leonidas felt his cheeks flush with frustration, but he kept his head down, muttering, “Fine. I’ll get it.” Kyle leaned in closer. “That’s right. Good boy.” As Leonidas bent to pick up a shovel, he heard hushed laughter b
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Fall In Love For A Losing Game
Leonidas' heart pounded harder with each step as he approached the sound of Emma's laughter. It was a sound he used to love, but tonight it cut through him like a blade. He turned the corner and froze, seeing Emma leaning against the wall, smiling at Derek, the school's popular hockey captain. They were standing too close, their voices low and intimate.Emma turned her head, her smile not fading as she looked at him. There was no guilt in her eyes, only mild annoyance."Oh, Leo. What are you doing here?" she asked, as Leonidas stood there, shocked and in disbelief. Derek smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly amused by the situation."Looks like the mouse decided to crawl out of his hole."Leonidas ignored Derek, his eyes fixed on Emma. His voice was shaky but determined. "I’m the one who should be asking you that, Emma. What are you doing here? With him... on a romantic chat?"Emma rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically. "I was at the gym, and I just happened to meet Derek
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The System Initiated
Leonidas walked across the campus, his shoulders hunched, eyes fixed on the ground. His mind buzzed with a constant hum of worry. The words of the doctor echoed in his ears: “Your brother’s condition is worsening. We need to perform surgery immediately, or he may not survive much longer.” He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts. He needed to focus on finding more work, more money. But every step felt like he was dragging himself through thick mud. As he neared the main courtyard, he heard a commotion—a crowd of students gathered around Emma and Derek, who were standing on a raised platform. Emma looked radiant, a satisfied smile on her face, while Derek held her close, grinning like he had won the biggest prize. “Attention, everyone!” Derek’s voice boomed across the courtyard. “We have an exciting announcement to make. Emma and I are officially engaged!” The crowd erupted in cheers, applause ringing out across the space. Leonidas froze, his breath catching in his
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The Power Is On His Side
Leonidas slowly opened his eyes, the sterile white ceiling above him coming into focus. The harsh light of the hospital room stung his eyes, and for a moment, he was disoriented, unsure of where he was or how he had gotten there.His body ached all over, bruises and cuts made him hard to move. He winced, trying to sit up in the hospital bed. What happened last night? he thought. Memories of the alley, the beating, and that strange system flickered through his mind.“The system…” he whispered. He remembered the gun, the money, the screen that had appeared out of nowhere. But was it real? Maybe that was just his hallucination after craving for help on the verge of death, but if that was just a hallucination, how could he run from Marcus and his friends when his hands still so vividly left the trace around Leonidas' neck?Then it hit him—Alex. His brother! He had to make sure Alex was okay. Ignoring the pain coursing through his body, Leonidas ripped the IV needle out of his arm and s
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Noble Lady
"What?" "What if I say no...? I spent a night here and my money was stolen. I got so much loss and it's ridiculous if I say to the police that nothing happened last night." Marcus’s eyes narrowed at Leonidas' bold response. His fists clenched, but something about Leonidas made him pause. There was a shift, an intensity in Leonidas' gaze that hadn’t been there before, and it sent a chill down Marcus’s spine. It was that same feeling he’d had last night when Leonidas had held the gun. Without a word, Marcus stepping back slightly. His face full of hesitation, making Derek looked at him with wonder. “What are you doing?” Derek hissed, glaring at Marcus. “He’s just bluffing. Are you gonna let this little loser scaring you? You'll be dealing with the police!" "Let's find other way," Derek said, his voice was law. "What the fuck did you just say to me, Marcus? Find another way? Are you scared of him?" "I'm not—" Marcus didn't finish his sentence as he glanced at Leonidas, staring st
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First Step To Revenge
Claire sat in the hospital’s administration section, her head resting in her hands. The stack of medical bills in front of her was overwhelming. She had always been able to hold it together, but lately, the weight was becoming unbearable. Her mother’s treatment for blood cancer was draining every bit of money she earned. Modeling used to be her dream, but now it felt like a burden she could barely carry. How did everything fall apart so quickly? She thought, biting her lip. Her father had left them when she was in high school, cheating on her mother and starting a new life with someone else. Since then, it had been just Claire and her mother, trying to survive. The modeling gigs helped for a while, but now, with the mounting medical costs, it wasn’t enough. She had no one to rely on. No friends, no relatives, not even her popular ex-boyfriend knew how hard things were for her. Claire had always been good at hiding her struggles, keeping up the façade of perfection, but now she wasn’
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Now, The Loser Turned The Table
Leonidas pulled up to the campus in his new sports car, the sleek vehicle turning heads as it glided to a stop. The morning sun glinted off the polished exterior."Shit. Is that true? Leo-ser?""That is my fucking dream car! How could he afford that?"They were already in shock only to seeing his new looks and the car he drove, but the real shock came when someone stepped out from his car, hand-in-hand romantically."No way... no way...! Is that Claire?"Claire Adwell was a name that commanded attention on campus. Wherever she went, people noticed. Known as the “Noble Lady” by her peers, Claire had a certain untouchable quality about her—an aura of elegance and grace that made her seem like she belonged to another world entirely. She was stunning, of course, with her flawless skin, piercing green eyes, and raven-black hair that cascaded over her shoulders like silk. But it wasn’t just her looks that made her stand out. It was her demeanor—calm, quiet, and always composed.In a school
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