All Chapters of Rise of Franz: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
Chapter 11: The Fateful Battle: Franz vs. Geoffey
More than 15 minutes had passed, and there was still no progress in the arena. Both fighters were extremely cautious. However, the situation was becoming unfavorable for Sothe, as he couldn’t stay in stealth mode for much longer. Finally, unable to maintain his stealth, Sothe reappeared behind Grey and delivered a palm strike to Grey's heavy armor in an attempt to knock him down. However, Grey reacted quickly, dropping his large shield and using his spear to push himself forward. Sothe didn’t miss the opportunity and rushed forward, thrusting his dagger toward Grey's throat. Unexpectedly, instead of retreating, Grey advanced, ramming his heavy armor into Sothe’s chest. Seeing no way to avoid it, Sothe quickly rotated the hilt of his dagger and struck Grey’s chest with his palm instead.*Boom*, *crack*.Both fighters were blown backward and couldn't get up. Sothe had several broken ribs, and his arm was fractured from the impact with Grey's heavy armor. Grey, having taken two of Sothe'
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Chapter 12: Bonaparte Warrior
"The successful transaction of the Three Suns and Moons Dance has been completed.""Ding, Host, do you confirm that you want to learn the Three Suns and Moons Dance?""Ding, Host has learned the Three Suns and Moons Dance."A series of notifications from the system rang out. Franz had spent 2000 silver coins to buy the Three Suns and Moons Dance body technique.Three Suns and Moons Dance: This is Hayate's sword technique, focusing on speed to the point of creating afterimages.Franz grinned, baring his fangs."Cousin, be careful."He spoke, then charged at Geoffey with incredible speed, slashing toward him. The sword’s shadow split into three directions, aiming for Geoffey’s chest. Geoffey remained calm, spinning his spear and shouting:"Break for me!"Boom!From the tip of the spear, a burst of energy erupted, dispersing the sword shadows and pushing Franz back. Geoffey spun twice in the air, creating a beautiful arc, and slammed his spear down toward Franz's head.Clang!Franz knelt
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Chapter 13: Revival and New Strength
Waking up, Franz realized he was in his room. Over at the tea table, Emon was slumped over, fast asleep, with drool dripping onto the table.*Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the job transfer quest and earning the title of Chūnin. Rewards: 30,000 EXP, 20,000 coins, the skill Lightning Shock (Nagashi), 10 bottles of mid-level healing potions, 10 bottles of mid-level chakra recovery potions, and 10 bottles of mid-level stamina recovery potions.**Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 32, with an additional reward of 1,300 coins.*The continuous system notifications made Franz beam with joy. Level 32 meant his strength had significantly increased, now on par with a late-stage battle master. If he encountered the Black Lynx again, he could easily defeat it.“Open the attribute panel.”**Name**: Franz Bonaparte **HP**: 2300/4200 **Chakra**: 300/4000 **Stamina**: 500/4050 **Level**: 32 **Experience**: 32,034/35,323 **Skills**: Substitution Techniqu
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Chapter 14 System Overhaul: The New Era Begins
 *Ding! System upgrade complete.*After a day had passed, Franz finally heard the sound he had been waiting for. He quickly logged into the system."Welcome, host, to the Ninja System."The system’s voice now sounded like a friendly, human female, rather than the cold, mechanical tone from before. Looking around, Franz noticed that while the system’s appearance hadn’t changed much, the bloodline pillar was now glowing, and there was a small roulette-style wheel beside it.Unable to contain his curiosity, Franz entered the bloodline shop. Inside, there were various bloodlines such as the Sage Toad, First Hokage, Madara… but all of them were gray. Glancing at the price list, Franz gasped. The cheapest items were 150,000 coins, with the bloodlines of the First Hokage and Madara reaching up to 1 million coins. Goodness. When will he be able to afford these?"System, why are all the bloodlines so expensive?"
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Chapter 15: The Value of Power
It seems that this system upgrade has made it more suited to this world, no longer just a game like before. Franz felt both excited and worried. It looked like he would need to buy a few more things to ensure his safety.However, when Franz looked at the system, his eyes widened. Since when had the Mangekyō Sharingan reached 80,000 silver coins? The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan had also risen to 700,000 silver. Even the other jutsus had increased in price. Now, with only 2,000 silver coins, he could barely afford E and D-rank jutsus.Exiting the system, Franz felt incredibly frustrated. The system was such a greedy merchant! Seeing how easily he made money, it raised the prices—just like in his past life. Every time gas prices went up, so did everything else, but salaries never did. Suddenly, Emon entered and said, “Young master, the patriarch and the elders are waiting for you in the main hall.”When Franz entered the hall, he saw Duss along with the council of elders. Leona and the ot
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Chapter 16: Lost in Illusion: The Hunter and the Prey
"Little brother, are you really not going to the Royal Academy with me? With your talent, you'll definitely be accepted," Leona said in a pitiful tone to Franz. The family's examination had ended, and she had to return to the academy to continue her studies. Leona had wanted to drag Franz along, but the boy refused to go no matter what, which made her furious."Come on, little brother, go with me. There are so many beautiful girls at the academy. Plus, I have a great reputation there and can introduce you to a few... no, maybe even a few dozen!"Leona resorted to using beautiful girls to lure him. Franz could only smile wryly. It wasn't that he didn’t want to go—who wouldn’t like beautiful girls? But at the Royal Academy, he couldn't increase his strength. He grew stronger by killing monsters and leveling up, and while the academy had plenty of beautiful girls, there weren't any magical beasts to hunt."My friend, if you're not interested in th
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Chapter 17: The Price of Arrogance
"Fool, how could you do such a thing?"In the Bonaparte family, the Great Elder was furious, scolding Desmond. Desmond, in turn, remained silent, his head bowed in fear. The Great Elder’s face turned purple with anger, his eyes wide and his beard bristling fiercely. He pointed a finger at Desmond and shouted."You fool! Remember, Franz is the son of the head of the Bonaparte family, not to mention that he is now the family’s genius. And you, you think you're clever, sending someone to assassinate the family's genius? Do you think Duss doesn’t know? Fool!"Desmond, used to being arrogant, couldn't bear the fact that Franz had surpassed him. He resented Franz, feeling humiliated, so in his rage, Desmond hired an assassin to kill Franz. However, once his anger subsided, he remembered Franz's status and hurried to plead with the Great Elder. Desmond knelt down, clinging to the elder's legs."Grandfather, please save me. I acted out of anger. No, it was Franz who humiliated me! I don’t wan
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Chapter 18: The Life-and-Death Battle and the Unexpected Arrival
Chakra exploded, slicing the bandit in half, blood spraying onto Franz's deep-red chunin uniform. The bandit stared wide-eyed as his body was severed, his face expressing disbelief, regret, and a whirlwind of emotions before he took his last breath.“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing assassin number 5...”Despite the bloody scene, the remaining bandit did not panic. Two others split in different directions, daggers in hand, charging at Franz. At this point, they abandoned stealth, opting for a direct attack.Franz brought his left hand's index and middle fingers together. He shouted softly:“Lightning Shock!”Electricity surged from Franz, forming hundreds of lightning snakes that lashed out at the two approaching bandits. They couldn’t dodge in time and were instantly struck, their bodies paralyzed and unable to move.Franz gripped the hilt of Cloudfall, ready to finish them off. However, just as th
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Chapter 19: The Compensation and the Mystery
“Ouch, that hurts.”“Young Master is awake!”As soon as Franz regained consciousness, he was greeted by Emon’s tear-streaked face, his eyes red and snot running down his nose. Franz looked around. This was his room, not the magical beast forest. Right... Emon. He struggled to sit up and asked, “Emon, did you bring me back?”Emon shook his head and replied, “No, Young Master, it was a mercenary group that brought you back.”Franz looked at Emon skeptically. He remembered the figure that had shielded him—it seemed very familiar. Yes, it was clearly Emon. But now Emon was saying that a mercenary group had brought him back. What was going on?“Examine Technique.”Name: Emon  Level: 4  Status: Healthy  Skills: None  Franz frowned. Why were there question marks for all the details? But when comparing the information wi
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Chapter 20: The Byakugan's Rescuer
“The person has compensated you with 3 million gold coins. I’ll give you 1 million, and the rest is my fee for negotiating. Also, if you need equipment, you can go to the Weapon Shop to pick it up without needing approval from the elders.”Franz realized that this card was similar to a credit card on Earth. 1 million—wow, that’s a significant amount. He had become a millionaire in just a few months. Suppressing his excitement, Franz smirked and said,“200,000 for negotiating is quite a lot, don’t you think? And I don’t need the Weapon Shop right now.”Duss seemed to understand what Franz was thinking and gave a mysterious smile.“You’ll understand the usefulness of the Weapon Shop in the future; others would be eager to get in. If you don’t need the 1 million, that’s fine.”“Oh, no, I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I’ll take the 1 million.&rdqu
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