All Chapters of THE RADIANT MONARCH: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Chapter 11: Into the Keep
The rain had grown merciless, a cold pounding that seeped through their cloaks and made every step a chore. The path through the valley was slick with mud, and Kael could feel his boots sucking into the earth with every stride. The Ironwood Keep loomed closer with each passing minute, its towering stone walls dark and imposing against the stormy sky. It was unlike any fortress Kael had ever seen. The thick ironwood trees surrounding the keep seemed to twist and bend in ways that made it seem as though they were part of the structure itself, their gnarled branches extending over the walls like ancient sentinels."There it is," Lysandra said, her voice barely audible over the roar of the storm. "Ironwood Keep. We should find shelter there and regroup."Kael eyed the fortress warily; everything about it felt wrong-the weighty oppression of the place, the treetops dark around it, the silence heavy in the air though wind and rain howled. It did not look like the sanctuary Lysandra had prom
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Chapter 12: A Glimpse of Fate
Kael was in shock, his eyes fixed upon the body on the stone altar. Time had come to a standstill around him. His brain struggled with all its might to try and understand what he was looking at, but his head spun from an impossibility into being.Lying there upon the cold stone was his own most perfect reflection: the dark hair, the features sharp, even to the scar running across his left cheek—there it all was. Yet this version of him, this dead Kael, lay still, lifeless, his skin pale, cold as marble.His heart racing in his chest, his mind struggled to understand the impossible scene laying before him. How could this be real? Some sort of illusion? A hallucination? Something even more sinister?Kael took a cautious step forward, his hand clenching tight over the hilt of his sword. He wanted to look away, to turn and run from the room, but something held him in place-an unseen force that kept him rooted to the spot, compelled to face whatever dark mystery had brought him here.The w
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Chapter 13: Shadows of the Keep
The keep walls seemed to shake with his presence as Valaris stood framed in the doorway, a dark, almost suffocating aura emanating from him. Kael's hand tightened on the hilt of his sword; his heart was racing with growing panic. Lysandra and Eldric flanked him, their swords drawn at the ready. The atmosphere was heavy in the chamber, the firelight casting long shadows on cold stone walls.Valaris stepped forward; his voice was in a low and thickly malign manner. "You think you can defy me? You are but mere pawns in a game so much larger than you could ever conceive."Kael took a step forward, his gaze fixed upon Valaris. "We're not pawns. And we're not staying here to die."A cold smile twisted across Valaris' lips. "You misunderstand-you were never meant to leave this place. You have already lost.Valaris snarled and tossed his hand through the room. A dark pulse exploded from him with the force that sent them all off their feet. Kael felt the weight of the magic press against him,
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Chapter 14: The Plying Threads of Doom
As the passageway continued to collapse around them, Kael, Lysandra, and Eldric scrambled through the now narrowing corridor, their breath coming in ragged gasps. The rumbling sound grew louder and the walls shook violently as showers of dust and debris showered down upon them.His gaze was steadily fixed on the woman in front of him. Her figure was glowing faintly with an ethereal light, almost serenely quiet amidst all the chaos. She was so still that it countered the destruction going on around them, rather very different from the crumbling keep."Move!" Kael yelled, pushing Lysandra and Eldric in front of him. "We need to get out of here!The woman lifted her hand, and a wall of light flared up, forcing the rubble of the building back. Kael felt his temporary reprieve in the chaos of tumbling debris that ceased its fall, yet the passage was falling in, and time was running out."Why are you helping us?" Kael shouted hoarsely. "And what do you mean with this choice you spoke of?He
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Chapter 15: The Eclipse of Fate
The beast lunged forward with a snarling growl. Its body seemed to shift and writhe, as if it might be crafted from some species of dark liquid. Kael, Lysandra, and Eldric steeled themselves, their eyes fixed upon the unfolding danger. The chamber's self-destruction raged on-the walls and ceiling breaking asunder, each second a frantic flight against the clock.Kael's sword glittered in the weak light, and he felt the weight of the creature's dark presence weighing upon him. Lysandra and Eldric stood beside him, their faces set in grim resolution."We need to take it down," Kael yelled over the din of crumbling wreckage and the creature's guttural roars. "Work together and find its weak spot!Its eyes blazed with an eerie, malevolent light, as it let another bone-chilling roar loose. A huge, shadowy shape lashed out with tendrils of darkness, whipping through the air, forcing Kael and his companions to dodge and weave to keep their footing.Lysandra sprang forward, her dagger flashing
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