All Chapters of The Lost Consortium Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
Urgent news
Mike got into the back seat of the car and dialed a number on his phone. "Hello?" A husky voice fell into his ear."Is it Mr. Martin on the line?" Mike asked sternly. "Yes, sir, and you are?" Martin asked."Mr. Martin, it's Mike Duncan on the phone. Can you kindly confirm the name registered on the Lincoln now?" Mike asked, causing Martin to respond."Okay, sir, in a minute, please." Martin clicked a few buttons on his laptop while his cell phone was in his ear."Sir, there have been some adjustments, and the name here is Mike Duncan," Martin confirmed, causing Mike to smile slyly."Okay. I want you to formally claim compensation on my behalf from Mr. Williams, the man who damaged the back of my car," Mike said, causing Martin to immediately respond,"Okay, sir, I'll do just that." Mike ended the call and placed his phone beside him in the car as Paul drove"Young master," Paul called, trying to grab his attention."Your grandfather has some urgent news for you," Paul informed, caus
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The new successor
They got down from the lift when suddenly the door of the conference room opened and the first thing that hit Mike's ear was the enthusiastic applause from the room.Amongst the men in the room was a tall olive-skinned man with the badge on his suit, "Andrew Lane, Esq." Mike immediately identified him to be the lawyer.The old man sat in the main chair and began to address the board members."I'm glad that y'all could make it here even with the short notice," the old man said and turned to gaze at the lawyer before turning to the man on his right. "I have been running Duncan conglomerate since I was 18, and until now, it has been smooth under my reign. For sixty years now, I have been preparing for this moment," He paused for emphasis,The room was pin-drop silent. Gazing at the expression on the board members' faces, the old man was sure that he had their full attention."As most of us know, this conglomerate was founded by my great-grandfather in 1920 and has passed down from fathe
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Outside the courtroom
"What is all this?" Mike asked in a rage as he turned to look around him. Seeing that Williams's men surrounded him with no way out was absurd.Letting out a long sigh, he said, "Williams, I promise that you'll regret this." Williams burst into laughter and said,"If you don't want these men to beat the daylights out of you, then you'll fall to your knees and beg me." "Beg you? Hell, no! Williams," Mike spat, causing Williams to chuckle dryly.He immediately threw his hand across Mike's face, but fortunately, Mike caught his hand. "Pay compensation for my car before you do anything, okay?" He said calmly, causing Williams to bite his lips in anger.He tried twisting his hand away from Mike's grip, but unfortunately, Mike's hold on his hand was stronger."You're so pathetic? Who let you out of that station, anyway? I thought you'd be in jail now," He said and tried pushing Mike back. Two men stepped forward and tried hitting Mike on his shoulder, but Mike squatted, and the punch hit W
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Police station
Martin walked straight towards where Williams stood and said, "Mr. Martin, we had to come here because of your secretary's rude and fruitless response to us! The car that you damaged is yet to be repaired and the car owner demands compensation"Williams burst out laughing as if he was in front of a comedy show."Stella, did you hear that?" He said, still laughing while everyone else stared at him, wondering if he was insane."Honey, I think these people are serious," she said, causing Williams to pause before staring at Martin, sternly and asking, "But I don't know the owner of the car; as long as a thief was driving it when it got damaged, that thief should pay for it." He turned to Mike and glared."The owner of the car is Mike Duncan! They was a mistake in the name registered on it, and that has been adjusted," Martin informed, causing William's eyes to widen in shock."They must be a mistake. Come on! I know this thing, he can barely feed, and even with all the money he has worke
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Kidnap 1
Martin walked to the front of the police station to meet up with Mike.“Sir, you called me,” He said, causing Mike to nod his head in response,“How’s it going in there?” Mike inquired,“The lawyer is being unreasonable, demanding to see you, but if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to” Martin responded.“Oh, please, I don’t want to speak with Williams or his lawyer,” Mike paused “They’re not ready to pay compensation. What’s next?” he asked the insurance adjuster.“Then we’ll take him to court!” Martin said, causing Mike to nod his head.“But then, he’ll have to pay double the money for damages and stress,” Martin said and a smirk immediately curved on Mike's lips,He gestured for Martin to come closer before whispering something into his ear.“Okay sir,” Martin said.“I’ll take my leave now, get back to me on the progress,” Mike said and left the court. He hailed a taxi and headed straight home Mike was about to get out of the taxi when he received a call. “Hello, young maste
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Kidnap 2
"He's clean; there's no phone with him," the man who searched Mike informed, causing Mike to let out a long sigh, one that he didn't know he was holding."Okay, now get him into the car"Mike was dragged into another car. Two men sat beside him, each one with a gun in their pocket. The driver couldn't stop gazing at him through the front mirror of the car."Cover his face," He immediately instructed. Mike swallowed hard as they took a black sack and put it over his face, saying,"Now you close your eyes"Soon, they arrived at a location. The sound of silence was overwhelming. "Where is this?" Mike finally asked, arching his brows. They tried dragging Mike down from the car, but Mike was strong-willed. He sat still and asked again, "Where is this place?" Inside him, he was terrified, but physically; he pulled a straight face, not wanting to reflect his emotions."Will you shut up and comply, or we'll be forced to drag you?" One of the men said, causing Mike to narrow his eyes."Wher
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Ex boss
“Timothy?” Mike said in shock. He didn’t expect to see his formal boss,“You son of a bitch! Do you think you can make me lose my job and go free? You must be joking!” Timothy said and pushed Mike to the ground, making his head face the ground. He dragged his hand backward and untied his shoelace. He immediately used it to tie his hand and screamed,“He’s over here, boys!” In 30 seconds, more than four men surrounded them. Timothy stood to his feet and let them handle Mike; he then threw a slap on one of their faces before saying in a rage, “Should I help you do your job? What are you being paid for? Huh? If Raymond finds out about this, then you’re gone!” He said, mentioning the name Raymond again, causing Mike, who had his eyes closed, to immediately open them, wanting to know who Raymond was.“This time, make sure you lock the door to his room. I don’t want this to be messed up,” Timothy said, causing the men to respond in unison,“Yes, boss!”They took Mike to a different room, u
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The old man's nephew
Slowly, Mike opened his eyes to see that he was in a neat room, better than the room he stayed in a few minutes ago."You're up?" The voice fell into his ear, causing him to swallow hard before asking,"Where... Where am I?" His body was arching all over, but he tried to remain calm."We changed location, dear. They found us, which is almost impossible," Raymond said, causing Mike to realize that it could be the message he sent to Paul.Now, he has no idea where he was. "Who are you?" Mike asked,"You've seen me before, right? I know! But I want you to do something for me, okay?" He said, causing Mike to arch his brows before asking,"What do you mean?" Mike tried struggling to get to his feet but he couldn't, causing him to arch his brows."It's no use trying to stand up. I figured that the ropes were causing bruises on your hand, so I decided to use the modern method," Raymond explained"And what method is that?" Mike asked. He was wondering what they did to him and still trying to
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